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Can someone explain this situation to me?

The "Jena 6." 6 guys assaulted 1 guy. That's a crime. They deserve prison time.

So what's with all the shirts and protests?

2007-09-19 18:29:45 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

7 answers

These kids should be convicted and I hope they get what they deserve. If this happened in an inner city, it probably would be catagorized as gang violence. The students were wrong to hang the nooses, and for that they should be punished by the school. At the same time, they did not break the law. The six kids who "ganged" up on one in a fight broke not only school policy, but they broke the law. This is not a racial issue. Unfortunately, when race is involved Al Sharpton comes running in to claim injustice. The kid who got assaulted deserves justice, not the six thugs that assaulted him. This entire protest makes me sick.

2007-09-20 07:18:55 · answer #1 · answered by Thomas B 1 · 0 0

Of course they should be convicted. This was not a "schoolyard tussle", as some would have you believe. There were six, yes, six people who beat one student. One of these "students" was Mychal Bell. Mychal Bell is an experienced criminal. His juvie record shows he has been convicted of four other violent crimes. He was put on probation for battery that occurred 12-25-2005, was later convicted of yet another battery charge and two charges of criminal damage to property. And in Louisiana, as in most other states, at age 17, one is considered an adult in the criminal justice system.

If you turned it around, and 6 white guys assaulted 1 black guy, it would be considered a hate crime. All these protests, I don't understand. People obviously don't care about the facts. It's just another excuse to cry "racism".

2007-09-20 10:16:35 · answer #2 · answered by ~RedBird~ 7 · 0 0

They say there were 6 but I don't think so.
I saw photos of the kid. My son got into a school fight because some kid spit in his face. The kid looked allot worse then the one I saw in the photo that was supposed to be hurt so bad.

They should get suspended like the school rules say.
My son never went to court and they were both suspended. for 5 days.

I bet they have had fights in Jena school before and they got suspended.

Its not like they were carrying guns or knives to school.
Most people who spent 4 years in high school know there was at least one or two fights in school.

This is a mess, I am white and know better then to charge a kid for murder for a high school fight.

The district attorney should be dismissed.
The school should be charged with discrimination. The principle should be removed and then they should look into the death threats from the white kids.

Last time I remember a noose is a real death threat, not a school fight with no weapons.

2007-09-20 01:49:04 · answer #3 · answered by letfreedomring 6 · 1 4

"Not only is there almost no media coverage of the Black violent hate crimes against Whites, but in high profile cases when Blacks are prosecuted for heinous crimes against innocent Whites, the White victims are ignored and the Black criminals are turned into “real victims” by the media.

Nothing more clearly illustrates this point than what has occurred over the past year in Jena, Louisiana and the orgy of hatred that Jena has suffered. today, September 20, the town has been invaded by thousands of thugs like Al Sharpton who seek to make violent Black hate criminals such as Michael Bell and the rest of the so-called “Jena Six” into heroes. Even worse the entire White population of the town is facing a media lynching by being labeled racists who are unjustly persecuting Black young men.

Michael Bell, who has been convicted of four previous violent crimes, (a fact scarcely revealed by the media), led a group of six Black students to attack and unmercifully beat a White Student at Jena High School in what can only be described as a vicious hate crime. Motivated by racial hatred, the six Blacks attacked one lone White student, Justin Barker. They stomped and kicked him to unconsciousness and continued to kick him and stomp him as he lay helpless. The attack could have easily have taken his life if others had not intervened. Only by the grace of God did he survive.

To show the insane bias of this whole case, just imagine if the facts were reversed.

If a gang of six Whites motivated by racial hatred and led by a White with four previous violent-crime convictions had attacked a lone Black student, kicking and stomping him into unconsciousness, would there any concern that the leader and the other White gang members could be charged with aggravated assault? Would not there be national demands to charge the White attackers with the most serious of federal civil rights violations and hate crimes? White leaders from all over the country, even the leaders of the local town of Jena, would not be defending the White attackers, they would be condemning the attacks and calling for the harshest of punishments allowed by the law.

As far as the Media are concerned, oh yes the supposedly unbiased media, they would be interviewing the Black victim on every TV talk show across the land, discussing his fear, his pain, his suffering. They would be interviewing his crying relatives and friends. They would not be voicing any fear that the White attackers would be treated too harshly. No, they would be demanding the harshest of penalties.

Federal officials from the President on down would be calling for additional serious charges of federal civil rights violations. But you see, in the America of 2007 Whites are no longer deemed to have any “civil rights.”

When a lone White kid is beaten savagely by a gang of six hate criminals, the media is only concerned about how the Black attackers are being treated too harshly. And if you are waiting for civil rights charges to be filed against the Black attackers who violated the civil rights of the boy they almost beat to death, don’t hold your breath.

The entire Jena scenario and the coverage of it by the media show once again that it is not the people of Jena who are racists. By voting for me and by demanding justice in this case, they have shown rightly that they believe in fairness to all and that White people are now the real victims of racism in America. Once again it is shown that we must have advocates for our rights and heritage just as any other group is permitted to do so.

May the District Attorney and the people of Jena stay strong and never give in to those who seek take away their rights of life and liberty as guaranteed by the United States Constitution."

2007-09-20 17:01:55 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

You mean you don't know??? They are protesting because the victim was WHITE and they are BLACK. Don't forget, when it's a hate crime against whites, the black people who perpetrate the crime are not supposed to be punished! But if it was a group of white people who beat up a black person, heaven help us.

2007-09-20 09:37:27 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1


2007-09-22 12:53:50 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

They sure do. Two wrongs don't make a right. They did the crime - they should do the time.

2007-09-20 01:49:34 · answer #7 · answered by jrnh5150 3 · 1 2

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