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my argumentative essay, all people should be id chipped by government, this will solve a lot of problems...
e.g. no more id cards required
it will include your medical/criminal/credit history
track down criminals
security method

the only problem i can encounter with this is that what if a diabolic government takes over? and they can track all of us down...??

ny ideas how one could react in this situation? gimme ur suggestions

also, ny arguments opposing my idea is also welcome, just so i can get more prepared for it :)

2007-09-19 16:53:45 · 12 answers · asked by ? 3 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

btw ...
i don't work for george bush
the plants will be located in the brain, trying to take it out will not be an option, even for the most skilled surgeons
..we do have the technology, i've done the research
and the chip will be mandatory, for everyone..

however, no one has answered my question...in the situation where a modern day Hitler takes over..what cud the ppl do for security?

2007-09-19 17:11:24 · update #1

12 answers

The question about what could ppl do is exactly the reason why this couldn't happen. I believe the gov. trying to institue a program of this nature would be a gross violation of civil liberties. As such I think you may actually risk a violent revolution.

2007-09-19 17:57:54 · answer #1 · answered by Anson W 3 · 3 0

Obvious Cons:

No one really knows the long-term effects of having a foreign object inserted into your body.
If its on a computer somewhere, the information can be accessed by unauthorized people at some stage- whatever the security measures- its just a matter of time.
False chipping in the underworld.
Scanned info from unsuspecting victims could be used against them.
May cause interference with other electrical equipment (planes).
Some people are allergic to metal- they can't even wear watches. What would a chip do to them?
People will think they're being treated like cattle!

2007-09-20 00:06:00 · answer #2 · answered by canguroargentino 4 · 4 0

A counterargument could be that this violates the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution (no unreasonable searches and seizures; no searches without a warrant).

We carry driver's IDs and passports today . . . but the chip would be unreasonable because it is implanted within one's body . . . the perfect example of "invasive."

It represents "a search without a warrant" in that you could be scanned without your knowledge at any time, even walking down the street.

Also, if sensitive information such as one's medical history is stored on the chip, then that info would be available via scan at any time.

Even if the chip is completely safe against hackers, the government itself is not always entitled to see your medical history--privacy laws regarding that are very strict:

Is this enough to work with? :-) Good luck with your essay!

2007-09-20 00:21:51 · answer #3 · answered by Snack 3 · 4 0

Well, how easy would it be to copy these id chips? If someone stole your identity, it sounds like you'd lose everything.

And what do you do about people who can't stand medical procedures -- both psychologically and physically (I'm assuming you are talking about an implant).

The government isn't the only diabolical thing to try and get info -- what if gangsters want your chip?

It'd definitely be a tradeoff. I don't think people would go for this. I also don't think we have the medical tech for this yet. What happens if your body rejects the implant?

2007-09-20 00:03:53 · answer #4 · answered by Madame M 7 · 3 0

If the government comes to my door with an I.D. chip, they better have thier guns drawn. I will not tolerate such a violation to my civil liberties lightly.

Listen, LOTS of things would make America more organized and safer. THAT'S NOT THE ISSUE!! If you want to live in a safe country, move to Sweden or Switzerland. I want to live in a FREE country. To me, that's worth some risk.

Remember, government isn't some god-like, incorruptable entity. It's just people. That petty neighbor up the street, your sister-in-law that doesn't like you or the woman that stole your boyfriend...these types of people make up our government. I'm not worried about a diabolical plot to take over the country. I'm worried about someone getting a hold of MY personal information and using it to my detriment.

If you don't mind making your life public, so be it. Feel free to send me your credit card number, date of birth, social security number and all the other information such a system would contain. Just don't expect that I'll be sending mine in return.

2007-09-20 00:09:47 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

friend, we already have a diabolical government.

When the chips get planted (and they'll start with children) we'll be pretty much a nation of zombies. They can track AND transmit.

Sorry, if you're comfortable with techno fascism you are part of the problem.


I just read your edit and I have to say, you seem a little dense. The chip itself is, for most rational people, a sign that the Hitler thing is here.

You say it should be mandatory: but who is kidding who. You honestly think the power obrokers, the wealthy, the elite will submit to the chip. No! It will be for the robot masses child.

Listen, as one of your posters (with two thumbs down, none up) said, we'll put it in the kids first, to keep them from getting kidnapped.

Yeah, then they can't take it out. It's mandatory, right.

The chip idea IS fascism. There are no up sides to it at all.

Could you tell me how old you are, for a survey I'm conducting on attitudes of kids in the Reagan generation? Seriously, just add it in your details. If you, as I suspect you are, someone who was a kid in those years --I've noticed there are an awful lot of you who put way too much faith in the government (when it's republican); and are very naive about totalitarianism, even seem to welcome it.

2007-09-20 00:01:44 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 7 2

I hate to break it to you but a diabolical government has already taken over. When the voting systems are subverted and big business overrides the peoples wishes the government is no longer benign. Implanted chips would be exactly something that GB would love. Do you work for him? Or are you just naive.

2007-09-20 00:00:04 · answer #7 · answered by Traveler 7 · 4 1

In a perfect world it could be useful.

But this world is not perfect. It is very bad, giving the people in charge way too much power. Having your chip shutdown just because you disagree with something, they could easily make you disappear.

2007-09-20 00:05:00 · answer #8 · answered by Edge Caliber 6 · 5 0

It would also be good for persons with dementia or little kids who get lost.
A microchip is really no diff from knowing ones DNA or requiring everyone have ID (like to get on a plane).
Bad Guy governments have not stood for long. I think the positive of ID chips outweigh the negatives.
Put them just under the skin of the arm so they could be easily removed. And you could either get chipped or continue to carry cards.

2007-09-20 00:01:51 · answer #9 · answered by San Diego Art Nut 6 · 0 4

So, on a topic so broad, so important to us as a people, so important to democracy and so unconstitutional, you can't look within yourself to write your essay. You're gonna let somebody tell you to believe?

2007-09-19 23:58:36 · answer #10 · answered by Chara Pointshot 4 · 3 0

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