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Why do conservatives refuse to believe global warming exists?
Why do liberals think we should never go to war?

Why are conservatives slaves to the oil industry?
Why are liberals slaves to the unions?

Why are conservatives always railing against liberals for big government/spending when the biggest budget deficits have occurred during the Reagen and Bush years?
Why do liberals want us to spend money on every social program but hate spending money on defense?

Why do conservatives (right wing) push their religious views on everyone in the country.We get it, you believe in God. Good for you.
Why do liberals (far lefties) believe religion is a horrible thing that must be eliminated?

Why do conservatives still think Bush is a good president. Wake up, he has done a terrible job and always goes with his gut, not the facts.
Why do liberals always harken back to the good ole days of Clinton? You mean when he ruined the office of the president with the Lewensky scandal.

2007-09-19 16:46:03 · 17 answers · asked by Skywalker_NatureBoy 3 in Politics & Government Politics

The question is also meant to be partly satirical to show how both sides view each other, which is unfortunately with a very narrow view. Is that to say there isn't truth to these statements. Absolutely. But people need to realize this most important fact, you are not a conservative or a liberal or a moderate (like myself) first, you are an American. You should never support any candidate just because they are Republican or Democrat.

2007-09-19 16:58:54 · update #1

Thank you Jeremy. See, at least someone gets the sarcastic tone I was creating. I am hoping you were sarcastic.

2007-09-19 17:12:48 · update #2

Well then thank you Jeremy for the good laugh, even if you weren't trying to be sarcastic or funny, you were hilarious anyways.

2007-09-21 18:24:13 · update #3

17 answers

People don't fly planes into buildings because they hate poverty. Name every terrorist group that has a religious agenda then name rest.....see which list is longer. When you've got a president who thinks god talks to him and he invades a country to "liberate" them from their religion...and we all know that means to convert them to Christianity, you have the makings of a pattern. Even without looking at the last 5,000 years of history.

2007-09-19 16:56:24 · answer #1 · answered by God 6 · 10 4

Why would you ask such a pointless question? There is no answer! It seems everyone is so polarized now that they must choose sides. There are no sides.... We are all in this together, we better learn that and settle our differences.
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results... Albert Einstein..
yet we elect the same people from the same two parties every time..........Duh!

2007-09-26 17:43:02 · answer #2 · answered by David G 1 · 5 1

That is the name of the game, named politics, all over the world.

2007-09-27 05:57:22 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

I won’t presume to speak for ALL conservatives, but I’m told I AM one, so I’ll answer for myself. By the same token, I’m NOT liberal, but liberals are pretty easy to figure out so I’ll give you my OPINION.

Global warming is a loser. I’ll acknowledge it could be taking place. I don’t believe Americans caused it and I don’t believe Americans can fix it. It’s a natural cycle with multiple contributing factors, none of which is attributable to mankind.

The only slaves to Labor Unions are the union rank & file. Liberal politicians pander to the Unions at election time for the same reason they pander to blacks, Hispanics and homosexuals. Liberal politicians believe blacks, Hispanics, homosexuals and union members vote in blocks. While in reality, this is a slap in their faces, liberals need to look good to these people because the dependant classes are their base.

The biggest budget deficits were NOT during the Reagan and Bush years. In fact, the deficits during those years were lower than any time since WWII. Budgets were higher during those administrations but deficits are measured against GDP which was significantly higher during those administrations because of the Reagan tax cuts and spurring the most robust economy in U.S. history.

Defense spending supports the military they deplore and wish to eliminate. Good liberals are embarrassed by the American image as the greatest nation in human history and fear the rest of the world hates us for our prosperity. Attacking or invading other countries is only a good thing when THEY do it. When Republicans do it they’re power-crazed warmongers.

Most conservatives DON’T push a religious agenda. A religious element in this country pushes THEIR agenda. Since most religious people in America are Christian, that agenda is Christian. Since Christianity is so oriented toward morals and values, most of them are conservative Republicans. Those who spin the news are primarily liberal Democrats and so the spin is all about “The Religious Right” as though it’s a majority of the party.

The overwhelming majority of liberals push the agenda of personal choice without consequence, they are diametrically apposed to the morals and values coming from “The Religious Right” so religion is the enemy. If there really is such a thing as right and wrong, personal choice is hindered. Hence, Religion is bad.

While I think Bush has done a fair job with Iraq, taxes and a few other decisions, overall he’s done a lousy job as President. I believe that’s because he’s only a Republican on paper. I do believe he relies on facts more than he gets credit for. I still hold my head high when admitting I voted for him because Gore and Kerry were (and are) hell-bent on a socialist agenda just like the Clintons.

The good ol’ days of Clinton is ALL smoke and mirrors and most rational people can see this. It wasn’t just Lewinsky. What about the Brady Bill, the “assault weapons” ban, hate crime legislation, congressional perjury, Vince Foster, Highway Patrol pimps in Arkansas, not to mention outwardly deploring the military while deploying more troops in more places than any three Presidents combined before or since!

Next question???

2007-09-25 10:40:50 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 8 6

there stupid because none of them have the guts to stand up for what is right. I say make a new party comprised of real american people who will really represent us.

2007-09-27 01:12:01 · answer #5 · answered by JD 1 · 4 0

Because people have done exactly like you are doing - They reject the Almighty.

God is the answer to all your problems.

Global warming is a farce, How? It's a socialist movement to bring down the proletariate ... Besides, God is in control of the weather, let Him handle it.

If you want to be concerned about something, be concerned about [habitat] destruction, the homes of millions upon millions of little creatures lose every day to the hands of disgraceful paper companies.

If you want to be concerned, be concerned for the souls of those who are lost and in need of Jesus Christ!!!!!!!

Finally, If you hate President Bush, then you hate patriotism and the American way of life and dream!!!

God bless George W. Bush for making provident the way that Justice be served against those who's aim was to destroy America on the day of September 11, 2001.

Jeremy R.



Zero sarcasm!!

As serious as a heart attack!!

2007-09-19 17:09:14 · answer #6 · answered by Jeremiah Johnson 7 7 · 1 14

most in the peace movement are for the war in afghanistan.

2007-09-19 16:51:04 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

the earth was warm in 1934 no one cared back then, i suppose if you removed volcano's cows and the sun the earth might cool down some

2007-09-23 14:06:22 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2

Thats how you stop progress on issues...politicize them.

2007-09-19 16:50:03 · answer #9 · answered by Mr.Robot 5 · 4 0

Ha, ha! I think you have hit the proverbial nail on the head!
But, I think Bush should be praised for his liberating the Iraquis from the maniacal terroristic dictator they had.

2007-09-19 16:52:46 · answer #10 · answered by Nothingusefullearnedinschool 7 · 12 3

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