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Why do Democrats want to controll every aspect of everyone's life?

2007-09-19 16:08:30 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

20 answers

probably the same reason why Republicans want to shove down their religious doctrines down my throat...

2007-09-19 16:14:38 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 7

Ask the GOP they rule by fear. Remember THEY have been in control for the past 10 years. What's up with complaining about the Democrats?

2007-09-19 17:45:39 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I suspect it has much to do with the perseption of "Fairness." But if you think it through, fair is a fallacy. What may be fair for you may be completely unfair to me. I work smart and hard. I also plan and have contingency plans, therefore I achieve. I should have it taken from me because someone else failed to do as I have done?
I also suspect that it has everything to do with a lack of trust (of the people). We pass more laws to govern those who have no discipline and fail to govern themselves.
Hey Nigelshiftright! You failed to point out that the first two forms of government that failed the people in New Orleans were the Mayor and then the Governor. He never opened the file cabinet marked "emergency evacuation plan" and she didn't bother to call him and remind him to do so. Nor did she call the fed and ask for assistance... Both democrats. And both reelected. Kind of like relecting Marion Berry and Bill Clinton... Dumb, dumb, dumb...

2007-09-19 16:23:01 · answer #3 · answered by Doc 7 · 0 2

Ok, nice repetition there, really helps convey an actual argument here .
Now, any particular reason that Democrats want to control every aspect of everyone's life? No? I'll give you a few reasons why not then.
Democrats are the only ones with anyone in the party who supports giving homosexuals the right to marriage. Not all do, but taht's better than nothing like the Republicans. Most of them are supportive of being pro-choice, allowing women the right to choose whether or not they want an abortion. Whether or not you agree with either of these, they provide more freedom (believe it or not). Now, give me a few reasons why they control people's lives. I'll give you a few about Republicans. Wire taps take away phone privacy that we used to have. Soldiers are forced into longer terms of service than they were supposed to have due to "wartime necessities."

2007-09-19 16:21:06 · answer #4 · answered by whiteflame55 6 · 3 4

Because the dems spin it to make it appear as if they are doing great and noble things for you. All the while they are picking your pocket and steering you straight into your grave. But the numb minded robots think "Wow this is great... the government will take care of my every need" and like a robot go and pull that democratic lever in the voting booth.

2007-09-19 16:20:00 · answer #5 · answered by Cinner 7 · 3 2

humorous, i'm a liberal and loathe the seen government taking up each factor of my existence. i might have faith in taxation to help projects in my state, to feed the undesirable in my state, and to abode the disabled in my state.. yet i do no longer choose the government to have any function exterior of dispensing the money (in my state) to fund such projects, as nicely as uphold the comparable regulation that maximum conservatives accept as true with, rather I even locate many of the present regulations to be too limiting of liberty.

2016-10-09 12:26:17 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Leftists still have the Stalinist mindset. They believe they have the answers to stop war, poverty and (what they see as) ecological destruction. Like missionaries, they see themselves as the only hope for the world. They claim to be the "voice of the working class" but what they really require is compliance. They want to legislate everything from smoking cigarettes to what vehicles you drive to what words you can use.

Re-education camps will be the only means available to control the population. If you see the attacks in Hwood on anyone who breaks their PC code, on everyone from Elizabeth Hasselbeck to the Grey's Anatomy actor, you see how they will respond to anyone who holds a heretical thought. They must be stopped.

2007-09-19 16:19:01 · answer #7 · answered by A Plague on your houses 5 · 3 3

More Empty Rhetoric !
Or is this something Daddy and Mom told you ?
If today's US government is an example of Republican control, I'll take the worst Democrat running, and they'll give us back All the rights and liberties the Republicans have "Controlled" out of.
Get a Clue!

P.S. Right-is-Right, Thanks for that informative link ! I enjoyed that very much!

2007-09-19 16:26:45 · answer #8 · answered by thehermanator2003 4 · 2 3

First, they feel that others are not capable of achieving success because no one else is as smart as they are.
Second, the more people they force to become dependent on the government, the more votes they assure themselves us.
I prefer to help people achieve independence and have faith in their abilities to do so- unlike libs, I dont feel like I am smarter than everyone else or that I got lucky

2007-09-19 16:17:17 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

Democrats are dangerous as they want us reliant and subservient.


-Universal healthcare that we are forced to join and contribute to
-Gun control so we can't defend ourselves
-high taxes to keep us in bondage
-estate taxes to keep us from getting ahead if we save or work hard
-fairness doctrine that allows "unsuccessful" radio and t.v. stations to compete but only if they are liberal leaning

2007-09-19 16:42:26 · answer #10 · answered by infobrokernate 6 · 2 1

You mean like banning abortion if you are raped and tapping your phone and reading your library records and demanding prayer in schools and throwing you in jail for burning the flag and teaching creationism in science classes?

I don't know why they do that! At least with a Republican in office, you can be sure that if there is a hurricane in your city and it is destroyed, nobody will interfere.

2007-09-19 16:19:43 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

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