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I am hoping to hear from women who have been on both sides of the fence, but your opinion regarding either is apprecaited even if you havent. Im 40 weeks, dr. wont let me go past 41. i was heart set on having things just come naturally, and looking forward to the excitement of "going into labor" however, my cervix simply isnt dilating and she said dont be surprised if we have to schedule the induction. what are the pros and cons of having nature takes its course, and having to be induced? thanks!

2007-09-19 16:03:44 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

9 answers

pros are you know when you're baby is coming, and you can finallly meet your little bundle,and you know you won't be having it down the street and the placenta apparantly stops working properly after 10 days overdue .

cons for me i found it sped my labour up, i had tape (which is like gel) to soften the cervix and for 2 hours straight i had contractions with only 30 seconds between them but as soon as the tape came out they slowed a little so thats how i know what was making ,labour faster, the other bad thing was people knew when i was being induced so i had visitors when my son was only half hour old (so don't tell anyone)

other than that it's not too bad good luck though

2007-09-19 16:31:26 · answer #1 · answered by M 5 · 0 0

I was induced at 39 weeks just for the heck of it (I wanted a special day) and I had an amazing experience. My dr. said I was more than ready, he was surprised I even lasted that long since it was sooo hot in the summer days and I was dilating pretty fast. It really depends on each person though. I have 2 friends who got induced early and both ended up having c-sections. that is the worst that can happed I would say, also you can be tied to the bed for hours or days, because when you are being induced and they put all that medication in you, you will not be allowed to walk. Your Dr. should know if you are ready, and a lot of times even they are wrong. I say do what you feel best. I also know plenty of women who got induced and had perfectly fine deliveries and babies. forgot to mention the pros: you dont have to worry that you will go into labor on your own and freak out (which is what I was affraid of). It is pretty convenient, that is if it turns out to be ok and not end up with a c-section which I hear often happening. You know that when you go to the hospital you go to have a baby, except for some few cases where it doesn't work and get sent home (yes, I've heard of this happening)

2016-05-18 23:55:56 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

first off, its your choice to be induced, not your dr's. Unless there is a medical reason or risk, you can decline the procedure and wait for nature to take its course.

Induction can be tricky. If you cervex is not ready to dialate then the induction may fail. If they break you water but labor does not start then you may end up with an unplanned c-section.

The actual precess of an induction is really not that interesting. If you were planning a a non medicated, low intervention birth you can still have one, but you will have an IV for the pitocin. The labor itself is not any worse than nautral labor, but it comes on faster, there is no slow build up.

Make the choice that is right for you and your baby, not whats right for the dr and her schedule. Good luck!

2007-09-19 16:12:31 · answer #3 · answered by parental unit 7 · 1 0

I got induced because i have big babies. My last child was induced 2 weeks early and still weighed 9lb 11oz. The worry is they can get stuck, and they will break the babies shoulders (clavicle) to get them out, and if they just can't get them out, you end up having to c section them when their head has already made it through the birth canal. But keep in mind, this is for big babies. The pro's, if you go to an office that has multiple doctor's, then inducing ensures you get your doctor. If you have other children, inducing is nice to plan for a babysitter or anyone that comes from out of town. (Our reliable babysitter is 1 1/2 hours away, so it has worked out nice). The cons, I have heard that you have a higher chance of a c-section (for my 3 children they were all vag.) You can get harder contractions (never had a natural labor to know the difference) You have an iv stuck to you from the get go.

2007-09-19 16:40:02 · answer #4 · answered by nanners454 5 · 0 0

My first was natural and my second was induced as I stopped dilating at 5-6 centimeters(the flu gave me contractions I apparently was not even really inlabor) my first was less painfull but longer than the one where I was induced and I personally preferred the natural birth but I am a wimp so... good luck and I didnt think the difference was all that big pretty minor actually

2007-09-19 16:12:57 · answer #5 · answered by mommy to be of 3 3 · 0 0

well.. pro, most women who get induced also use drugs to control the pain so that you don't have the most painful experience of your life,
con, some people believe that said pain controlling drugs can be detrimental to the baby and mothers health.
pro, being induced seems to make things go alot faster and you don't find yourself in a 36 hours of labor situation
con, if they use pitocin to induce you, they increase the amount they give you over time and sometimes they can give you too much, putting a risk to the baby (very scary, happened to my cousin, she had to sit on her hands and knees for an hour to get the babies heart rate to even out after they gave her too much pitocin, they almost made her do a emergency c-section)

i can't think of any more right now.. i am hoping to go into labor naturally myself 37wks today!

2007-09-19 16:12:20 · answer #6 · answered by Kitterkat 5 · 0 0

i was induced at 39 weeks (bc my son needed heart surgery)

what i remember is that the contractions were EXTRA strong bc of the pitocin. i wouldn't really consider this a con, though... bc strong contractions make labor quicker than weak ones.

good luck!

2007-09-19 16:12:27 · answer #7 · answered by sanibrasil0428 3 · 0 0

ok well pro's for me were that i knew my baby would be here by that day and i wouldnt have to suffer, i had time to let everyone know that it was definately time, i was mentally and physically prepared. con's i wasnt able to have my natural birth i wanted and i took the epidural, it went really fast i didnt get to ease into it, but thats about it!! i was over all happy about it!

2007-09-19 16:11:39 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Babies outgrow their space.
When they do, they squish the umbilicial cord.

That's why people get induced.

Some people will try to sell you about the beauty of labor, etc...but your real goal is to have a healthy baby.
So - if your doctor says induce, then induce and get ready to meet your new baby!

2007-09-19 16:10:33 · answer #9 · answered by Stan W 5 · 1 2

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