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I keep hearing over and over cons complaining about taxes. "don't rais my taxes". "Blame Clinton, he raised taxes". "Read my lips, no new taxes" yeah we get the lies there in.

Any way, if you con jobs are so unpatriotic as to pay your fair share of taxes for public beaches, public school, public roads, public restrooms, public bridges, etc. Then stay off or out of them. Don't go using this patriot's countries schools. Don't go swimming at this patriot's public beach. Don't use this patriot's public restrooms.

Matter of fact if you cons are so unpatriotic to support this country, GO LIVE IN IRAQ. You prefer to allow Bush to funnel tax dollars to Iraq any way. Go join in. I'm sure you will love the great Iraqi dessert and roadside bombs.

Take off and leave the country you choose to neglect. Now who is the TRUE FREE LOADERS?

Enjoy your move to Iraq.

2007-09-19 15:39:01 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

oh i forgot about the school vouchers that allow the republicans sap off of the American taxpayer.

remember those? you know where American taxpaers paid by the people that don't mind investing in America rather than Iraq.

Those freeloading republicans use your tax dollars so thier kids can go to private church schools.

talk about major freeloading. well, and the handouts the republicans want to give to Iraq rather than invest in America.

what a shame. I thought the republicans had a little more care for the United States.

2007-09-19 15:42:00 · update #1

8 answers

you don't know **** and that rant just proved it , I'm not gonna waste my time telling you how you are wrong with each of those points , cause you wont listen anyway. you are no better than them

vote libertarian and vote ron paul 08

2007-09-19 15:47:38 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

I am conservative and I pay my taxes. People have a right to complain about misuse of their tax dollars and don't automatically have to be happy when the government demands more money that will be misused. The problem with libs and especially people like you is that you think taxes are the answer to everything. Show me responsible spending and equal taxation and I will pay whatever is asked with a smile on my face. I think I will continue to use the beaches, roads, etc.... as I probably pay a much greater amount for them than you do. Your assumptions are a joke and your rants are bordering on lunacy. As for school vouchers, I didn't realize they were only available to republicans. I would love to see your statistics on how many republicans and how many democrats use this system. To get to your question. The true freeloaders are the people in this country who do not pull their share of the load. They are people who receive benefits without contributing anything. They are people who stand with their hands out looking for the government to take care of them without ever trying to take care of themselves. They are people who have every oppurtunity to make better lives for themselves but choose not to because it is too hard or because there are bleeding hearts out there who tell them they can't. They are people who vote for a government that will take hard working peoples' money and redistribute it to people who choose not to be contributing members to this great country. I hope my answer clears up some of your confusion as to who the "true" freeloaders really are.

2007-09-20 03:40:42 · answer #2 · answered by valet4u2 3 · 0 0

i've got self belief so undesirable for you. i'm liberal minded, surrounded via a team of Republicans. Southern Republicans are a 'particular' breed. some time past interior the Civil conflict, after the South lost, they on no account purged their sore loser thoughts like the Nazi-era Germany did so there are some who nevertheless think of this is okay to be a minimum of racist. i'm helpful they could very own slaves in the event that they could. Their ancestors weren't Republican yet they have been southern losers and since the Republican occasion observed the 'Christian conservative' stance, they leeched onto that in view that they attend Baptist church homes continually. (undecided why there's a verbal substitute block interior the southern states). i understand some people who say they're conservative yet they're going to vote Democrat...they commence out taking the Republican side yet whilst they hear a liberal argument, then they continually finally end up vote casting Democrat. yet, those are my acquaintances...I did hear multiple youthful human beings repeating lies approximately Obama they heard and that they have been vote casting for McCain merely earlier the election. in view that I stay in Texas i assume that's to be predicted yet this previous summer time (so far-this is in basic terms the beginning up and this is already too warm!) has given me desire that issues could turn around in 50 or so years. .

2016-11-05 22:07:54 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

You have no real knowledge of history, The greatest program of freeloading was inacted under LBJ. It cost so much that he had to prorate Social security to pay for it. Republicans have always paid their fair share of taxes. Problem is Democrats always come up with new and different ways to take the money out of the pockets of working Americans, then funding a mass of pork.
In my State we elected a Democrat who promised that she would not raise gas taxes without a complete examination of the budget. Within 9 days after she took office her and her friends enacted the largest tax increase on gas in Washington's history. I support my Country and have served in its armed forces. I work for a living and pay taxes to support the people that don't, which i bet includes you.

2007-09-19 15:55:13 · answer #4 · answered by smsmith500 7 · 2 2

I bet you get a refund on your taxes don't you ...... I pay all of my income taxes ( gross) , and Property taxes ,and sales taxes I wrote a check to the IRS for 30 grand last year , just in Federal taxes , I do not get refunds , so takae your crying @ss somewhere else with that BS .... why don't you pay over 30% of your earnings to the Governmet instead of letting them borrow your money interst free , and get it back in a refund ...... Plus I pay a self employment tax , and I have to pay half of what is taken out of my workers checks ( it is called employer matching ) If you have taxes takaen out you do not pay everything , every dollar taken out of your check for taxes ,and SS is matched by your company ...so who is the real free loader ......I have spoken the truth , so why don't you move to Iran with the other trash talking cry babies ..
And I am a Republican too ...I do not cry over paying I get mad about the democrats wasting it , like they have all year , working on bills they know are never going to pass , then going on vacation every three or four months ...they did pass the minimum wage increase , also included in that bill was something for old Ted Kennedy the dems , allowed a million dollars for his personal business to help off set the minimum wage increase so he can pay his employee's without loss of profits ...how nice of them , I never complain about paying , as long as it goes to what it is supposed to go for , I just hate all of the pork spending from both sides but increased when democrats took over ...well tried to take over after all their BIG talking during elections

And study your history , Everytime a Democrats get he Whitehouse , it takes years to recover why do you think Democrats were out of power for twelve years , now that their previous destruction is cleaned up all of them are rushing to get the Whitehouse to screw it up again... I bet you blame Bush for the housing market too , instead balme idiots who can not manage money , they were suckered in because they thought a realtor was on their side ,and liked them , they were too stupid to figure out things in life do not come that easy , and a sales agent only like you if they get your money in their pockets the market got greedy ,and went looking for dummies , and found them .... Bush's cuts worked for me , I got rid of the 10.5% rate that I got with Bill in office , I got 4.5 % and paid off early , I saved enough to where I just paid cash which was lots cheaper than using credit , for some land , I will pay cash for my house to be built , and still have enough to retire in my mid 40's and cash in my IRA's at age 65 which is very very high up in the money ....right now many of my "Have to have it" friends are in foreclosure , and getting the new 30 grand cars taken away , I just say " told you so " . The growth of personal wealth has grown to historic levels as well , the number of millionairs is at an all time high , I do not hear democrats blaming Bush for that ...they are thinking of ways to take it from us to give to crackheads who can not get a job , and health care for illegals....I guess they will say Bush made them do it .....

2007-09-19 16:08:19 · answer #5 · answered by Insensitively Honest 5 · 1 3

if we just had a national sales tax than all legal loopholes would vanish. it would also inspire people to save money.

2007-09-19 15:49:32 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Nice rant....

Get rid of welfare and I'll take you seriously. Otherwise this is simply more of a liberal fluff rant.

Sorry, you lose

2007-09-19 15:49:50 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

Yet another rant from another fool. Thanks for wasting my time.Fortunetly for you, there are sensible people on here, but not as many as there should be.

2007-09-19 15:54:58 · answer #8 · answered by Chase 5 · 2 3

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