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today's gun owners would get killed if they gave up their guns, but with no more guns being made, their grandchildren would be born into a world with few guns that the criminals could get their hands on. Too bad that today's Americans won't give up their guns to make the country safer for their grandchildren. Guns kill, not people. People don't kill so recklessly if they don't have a gun. You have to get too close to kill with a knife, and that is risky for the criminal. He would rather have a gun to kill with.

2007-09-19 14:56:36 · 10 answers · asked by JiveMan 2 in News & Events Other - News & Events

10 answers

If only Osama and his allies would adopt your point of view, it might work.

2007-09-19 17:00:09 · answer #1 · answered by The First Dragon 7 · 1 0

what are you a troll I mean uninformed,

i have spent a lot of time in the military, and I have seen people killed with every thing you can imagine, a beer bottle, a knife, a pool cue rammed right through a man's chest, base ball bats, machettes, axes (that was really gross), cars, trucks (yes the murder weapon was a truck), and recently on TV I saw people armed with box cutters take out about 3000 on the ground using aircraft.

unless you can take a weapon away from a man, and trust me, I could walk up to you with a magazine in my hand and take your life, i could use a book,

dude, your primary weapon is your mind.

guns keep the sheep safe, professionals always have an edge

gun control, you will be fodder for the taking, by the way, hope you dont' have kids, they will not be safe

that would drive me to distraction knowing criminals were the only ones with guns. I want every citizen to have a gun and know how to use it.

guns kill people when used properly against criminals,

say, are you a criminal, why do you want a disarmed public, you afraid of law abiding citizens,

someone get a rope

2007-09-19 15:11:07 · answer #2 · answered by magnetic_azimuth 6 · 5 1

Selfish americans? It is not guns that are the problem. It is the proliferation of guns. People who are prone to kill usually have an arsenal of guns and other weapons. They usually hang out and communicate with other like minded people. If you think guns kill people, then you also must think that drugs,cell phones,night clubs,cars,college dorms,families,abortion clinics, and many other things kill people. And you would be right. Did you know that one of the biggest killers is medical misdiagnosis?Abortion kills 4000 people a day. Cars kill 40,000 a year. Even food is killing people because they are not using it right. And how about tobacco. Death is a curse. Life comes from Jesus. Do you see the solution now?

2007-09-19 15:19:53 · answer #3 · answered by JesusIsTheAnswer 4 · 0 1

As if you can't make a gun in an afternoon! Sorry, they can't be uninvented. They're actually pretty simple mechanical devices. Also, where the citizenry are better armed, there's less violent crime. Where guns are restricted, gun crime increases. Also, the history of major genocides is that they're perpetrated on an unarmed populace, often after a round of gun control. Sorry, all the evidence is against your argument.

2007-09-19 15:21:49 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

On the other hand, if the criminals knew that a potential victim might have a gun & knows how to use it, they just might think twice about the prospect of being blown away. What you suggest is an impossible dream.

2007-09-19 15:15:07 · answer #5 · answered by bob h 5 · 2 1

If you believe that i have a bridge to sell you.
Look at the UK they did a gun ban.
Look at there crime now.
or look at australia they did a gun ban to.

you are probably a criminal that is afraid of getting shot.

Just like the moms in the slums that want guns banned so that there criminal kids do not get shot when doing crimes.

If you are a gang banger a lot of us EMTs are getting tired of taking your victims to the hospital.
And if we see your gang tats be prepared for a painful ride to the hospital when you get shot.
Many of us EMTs in high crime areas are now getting carry permits and carrying guns.
to protect us from the criminals that we have to deal with.

2007-09-19 15:34:13 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Don't kill recklessly without guns?

I'd like to direct your attention to an illegal alien who was "spared" the death penalty a few months ago in California. His crime?

He tried to strangle a young woman with his belt. The belt broke, so he stabbed her 2 dozen times in the chest. He dragged her across the road, face down, and decided not to waste a perfectly good body, so he raped her. Then he left her dead beside the road.

A gun is NOT needed for murder. And murder is not "reckless", it's senseless.

Those who don't like our 2nd Amendment have another freedom -- the freedom to leave and take their grandchildren with them.

2007-09-19 15:14:35 · answer #7 · answered by suenami_98 5 · 4 1

People, learn from the non-sense spouted by the asker: You shouldn't drop your baby on the head. The brain damage can be permanent.

2007-09-19 15:02:35 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Jiveman you're a jive turkey.

2007-09-19 15:10:46 · answer #9 · answered by Aymee L 4 · 1 0

And since blacks committ most crimes, we should sterilize all of them so they can't have kids. Then our granchildren will be born into a world with less crime.

2007-09-19 15:05:05 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

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