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I was very shocked to find out that some states allow abortion up to 24 weeks!!!!!!!!!!! That is unbeleivable!!!! The baby can be born and survive at this stage and it is not against the law to kill it? I am from Europe and in my country abortion can't be done after 12 weeks, why you people don't do something to change this stupid law and save babies! And by the way what kind of woman can KILL her baby once she can feel him moving inside of her, I can't believe someone can actually do that.

2007-09-19 14:33:51 · 26 answers · asked by Matahari 4 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

BTW: I wasn't talking about women expecting babies with down syndrom or such things. I probably wouldn't do that anyways, but I understand someone can. I was talking about women that are expecting healthy babies.

2007-09-19 14:36:02 · update #1

26 answers

Kinda sick, eh? When there are soo many people out there that would LOVe to adopt that child.

2007-09-19 14:37:51 · answer #1 · answered by ツ Connors Mommy ツ 6 · 7 2

Every state in the United States allows abortions up to 24 weeks, and almost every state allows them after this, as well. It's not currently legal in the US for a state government to limit abortion by any point in development prior to "viability", which is when they baby can survive on its own, and that is considered about 24 weeks right now. And only a handful of states have laws against abortion after viability. It's very sick. It makes me so upset, especially now that I am 21 weeks and I have seen my baby on ultrasound with his/her perfectly formed little body that looks exactly like a born baby, only smaller. And I feel my baby moving all the time. I can't believe people would actually do this either. But I am more disgusted by the doctors who perform them than by the women who get them. A doctor knows exactly what they are doing, whereas the woman may not.

edit: By the way, Hillary Clinton is no friend of the pro-life cause. She is 100% pro-choice all the way and wants to make it impossible to have abortion outlawed.

2007-09-19 21:42:46 · answer #2 · answered by Mrs.P 6 · 6 0

I believe abortion at any stage of pregnancy is murder. I heard my babys heart beat at 6 weeks pregnant. It may not look like a baby but it is. Woman want the freedom to choose whether or not to kill there baby when if that's going to be the decision they make then they are not mature enough to even have that freedom. Yes we live in a free country and I am proud to be a part of the US but I don't think this is something that we should have a choice. There are many families who would love to adopt and yet woman are choosing to kill.

2007-09-20 07:04:10 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I saw my baby's heart fluttering on ultrasound at only (6 1/2 weeks) and was told the heart (primative as it is) starts to beat at only 4 weeks. I used to think that abortions were a little more acceptable if done at such an early time, but after seeing my lil' beans heartbeat, I couldn't imagine anyone choosing to end a thriving life unless driven by desperate measures...ei., rape, major malformation or disease in the fetus or mother. I definitely think it is wrong that some women who have several abortions continue to ignore the many, MANY types of birth control out there. Once can happen to anyone, twice deserves a slap, but three times omg...whoops...an accident!?!...then the person is either mentally challenged or has complete lack of responsibility.

2007-09-19 21:53:46 · answer #4 · answered by teacup 2 · 2 0

If a woman decides to have an abortion it is her decision and no one elses.
If what they say about life beginning at conception is true, then, why when you reach your 1st birthday arent you a year and nine months old?

Abortion is a choice, and should be kept absolutely legal. The orphanages are still full of kids that didnt ask to be born and were.......who is adopting them? Celebrities? They cant adopt them all! This isnt a perfect world we live in and we should not judge people for making a choice. There are all sorts of circumstances that can cause women to make this choice.

Dont judge until you know all of the facts.

2007-09-20 02:42:53 · answer #5 · answered by snowbirdbabe 3 · 0 0

The law here in my state only allows late term abortions if there is something wrong with the baby or if the mother is in danger from the pregnancy. I know that an abortion clinic here actually aborted a six month baby. That "doctor" is now on trial for breaking the late term abortion laws for several different occasions.

2007-09-19 23:07:11 · answer #6 · answered by ARMYwife<3 4 · 0 0

Yes to me it is murder to abort a baby that could have a fighting chance outside. Babies have been born at 21 wks and survived. If woman want an abortion fine, but do it before that heart starts beating or atleast before the baby gets to 21 wks and could possibly survive outside. I have seen videos of late term abortions and it just breaks my heart and makes me sick to think of someone killing a baby like that and getting away with it just because it hasn't been born yet. I think once a heartbeat starts it is a living thing and shouldn't be killed. I have taken care of children with different special needs, some very severe and asked their parents if they would choose to not have them if they would have known and the answer was always the same "he/she is my baby and a living part of me and so yes I would give birth to him/her all over again".

2007-09-19 21:42:04 · answer #7 · answered by momof3boys 7 · 2 0

I know it's the same over here in australia, abortions after 12 weeks are not permitted unless there is a good medical reason! I am nearly 18 weeks pregnant and i couldnt imagine aborting my baby! For good medical reasons yes i can understand but if there was something wrong with my baby unless it is REALY seriouse i dont think i would be able to do it!

2007-09-19 21:46:07 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even if a woman aborts because of down syndrome, etc. I still think its SO inhumane and WRONG! That child is still a human and a special being. If God thought a child was that insignificant he wouldn't have let the pregnancy happen to begin with. Many woman miscarry and usually its because of a severe birth defect or problem if the baby were to be born alive. God only puts people through things they can handle, so if one is pregnant with a child with special needs, that means God chose you out of so many other people. It takes an awesome person to deal with a special needs child and God always chooses the perfect parents. Sometimes its to teach more patience or trust, but always for the best reasons.
Keep speaking out! So many people in the states do, but there are so many people out there that are free-choice I guess they out number us!

2007-09-19 21:46:02 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

i do not agree with abortions either. If a person believes that they cannot care for their baby they should give it up for adoption. I even know people who have been raped and kept their baby because it was not their babies fault. I think that many people are too self centered and spoiled. The baby didn't do anything and should not be killed for actions it did not take. It was made too easy and cheap for someone to get an abortion. That is were we went wrong in America. All because 1 woman claimed that she was raped and they made it legal. Turns out she was never raped

2007-09-19 21:41:46 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Isn't it sickening? And to think people used to think these babies couldn't feel pain. It's proven that they can feel pain anywhere past 16 weeks and probably even earlier. Imagine someone sucking your brains out through a hole in the back of your neck? This is how most late term abortions are done. Terrible murdering doctors and mothers.

2007-09-19 21:40:58 · answer #11 · answered by dolly 6 · 2 0

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