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I am 33 weeks prego with my third child. This whole pregnancy has been extremly painful due to bad Sciatica and horrible pelvic pressure since the 2nd trimester. Each week that goes by I am finding it harder to handle. I am always feeling horrible and in a bad and tired mood. It has been aweful just trying to take care of my girls :( At work today I just started balling due to all of the frustration and I don't usually do that. I feel like I am farther along than they tell me I am. It is impossible for me to know that for sure though since I never had regular periods. I probably am only 33 weeks, but due to gestational diabetes he is huge. And to top it all off I am carrying him very low. I know I will make it, and I can't wait to see my first baby boy :) But it is so hard to make it day to day. It's a constant struggle. I feel like I don't have many people to talk to who really symphasize or even have any idea what I am talking about. Thanks for listening.

2007-09-19 14:25:35 · 8 answers · asked by Lori 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

8 answers

Have you considered seeing a chiropractor for your sciatica? I found it very beneficial through both of my pregnancies.

Also, eating protein and being super cautious with your blood sugar can help your moods.

Best of luck to you, dear. You'll be OK.

2007-09-19 14:30:56 · answer #1 · answered by nicolemcg 5 · 0 0

I am so sorry, is there anyway you could get disability and go on leave early due to the diabetes?
I do not know how old your girls are, but have you just tried explaining that you really don't feel good and need their help even just behaviorally. My daughter are now 6 and 8 but even at 3 and 5 or 4 and 6 were so much more caring than my husband when I did not feel good or was hurting.
It is OK to let them know you are struggling, it is only until the baby arrives and it is OK for them to see you cry.
And co-workers especially if they do not have kids can be brutal. If you cannot go on early maternity leave, I would think they would have to accommodate you even in less hours or whatever is needed.
Hang in there, you may end up having him early due to size.
My thought are with you!!

2007-09-19 14:34:10 · answer #2 · answered by Miss Coffee 6 · 0 0

I feel your pain and sympathize with you! I was just like you with both my pregnancies. My daughter was a few ounces shy of 10 pounds and that was delivering 2 weeks early. Then my son was born this year and weighed over ten pounds and that was 3 weeks early! I was miserable starting well before 30 weeks and had to take it day by day because each day was painful and horrible. I am a teacher and was working every day, with little 6 year olds in inner city...it was SO challenging and hard to keep my patience, sit up and down, walk back and forth, etc. I seriously thought I wasn't going to make it. But I did. Every day I had to say "one more day". In the meantime I took evening primrose oil capsules starting at 34 weeks. This helps soften your cervix so that when you baby is ready to come, your cervix thins quicker and easier. I also drank red raspberry leaf tea religiously, which help tone the uterus and prime it for labor. I think the combination of these helped me deliver earlier yet still naturally.
Also, I had major back problems starting at 4 months. Have you tried Crocs? I always said I wouldn't wear them but ever since I first tried them I was addicted! They helped my back pain immensely and also the fit well on my tired swollen feet!
Have you been to a chiropractor? Make sure you ask for once who specializes with pregnant women. Another thing that helped me was those chair pads that have the shiatzu massage in it. Its like 99 bucks but well worth it!
Sometimes it just helps to vent like you did on the internet if you have no one to talk to. I used to vent the same way or I'd email friends. Are you a member of a yahoo group for expecting moms? I bet you could find lots of moms who feel your pain and some who even are in the same dilemna as you! :) Good luck. You can do it! Drink lots of water, do lots of walking, and keep venting so that you aren't holding in all this stress! :)

2007-09-19 14:38:49 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Snap! 33 weeks with 3rd, and I am struggling to stay awake..feel tearful 24/7. Had bad spd since 12 weeks so am in a lot of pain; therefore walking too far is out of the question. Neither of my other pregnancies were like this; this one is low and feels like a bowling ball between my legs! Am constantly pissy with my kids which makes you feel even more guilty and tearful! Part of me feels am ready to drop NOW, but if my dates are right then baby needs to spend a few more weeks inside to get stronger. Just think, it really isn't too long now, though god knows it feels like it. Just do what you can and don't feel bad for feeling this way; else that'd make me abnormal too! Good luck...

2007-09-20 01:36:17 · answer #4 · answered by madfairy 4 · 0 0

Yes, it is normal. It's not going to harm the baby. I've been there. It's just because the baby is getting big. If you feel like you can't breath at all, yes, you should call the doctor or go to the er. But it's really normal to be short of breath at this point. It'll get a bit worse in next couple of weeks until the baby drops. You can try taking tums for heartburns. My doctor said it was ok for me, they're just full of calicum. You can try drinking milk too.

2016-05-18 23:28:24 · answer #5 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Swim, swim, swim! I know it might be hard to get into at first but TRUST ME it will do your back wonders. I am only 21 weeks along but since I was about 15 weeks my back has been KILLING me. I have a really bad back from playing volleyball my whole life. I was an outside hitter and it has taken a HUGE toll on my back...I've thrown just about everything out and my muscles grew around my back being out of place so even when I get an adjustment from a chiropractor my muscles just put the places right back out.

What I do is take my honey's 13 year old neice to the pool with me...I'm not sure how old your girls are but maybe you can take them if they are old enough to be going to the pool safely. We shoot hoops at the small basketball hoop, play volleyball, play catch, I'll throw dive rings for her and float/swim around while she dives and does tricks. The hour a day that we go does wonders for me!! I try my very best to go every day and let me tell you the days that I do get to go I sleept MAGNIFICENT at night. But those days that I don't get to go the nights are just killing me because of all my aches and pains. The swimming around relieves so much tension that is built up in your shoulders, back, hips, knees and ankles. And its not lap swimming just swimming around and getting your body moving in the water.

You can take tylenol while you are pregnant. And Icy Hot/Bengay things like that my doctor told me are a-ok for you to use. My mother in law makes these heating pads out of beans and I use them on my ankles and my back when they are hurting. All of them seem to help. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy and Congrats on the little boy on the way. I've got a little boy on the way too!!

2007-09-19 15:40:57 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


2017-02-23 02:18:25 · answer #7 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Go to the chiropractor, or even accupuncture, and try swimming.

I had horrible back pain too, those things were life savers.

2007-09-19 14:30:18 · answer #8 · answered by amosunknown 7 · 0 0

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