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2007-09-19 14:15:59 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Royalty

22 answers

What would you replace them with, perhaps create a presidency and elevate some multi-millionaire loser to the position, turn us into some commercially driven republic with no sense of history, corrupt and with the macdonalds logo as our national symbol.

The truth is that there are people whose agenda is to sow dissent and anti-royal propoganda. Sheep follow these people because they cannot think for themselves. I would rather pay allegiance to the Queen for all her faults because I know that she is the physical embodyment of this country, she has no ulterior motives, and, if anything, it is polititians who drag us into these situations through greed and self interest, or the intersts of their sponsors who are definately not the people who vote for them. They throw us a few crumbs every so often and you think that the queen is a joker, I think that you should have a good look at who exactly it is that is looking out for you.

2007-09-19 14:48:14 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 10 2

Are you serious? If you are, then the answer has to be that the royal family are not jokers. They do this country a huge service by working extremely hard to promote the British way of life which in turn attracts one heckuva pile of money into this country. They didn't chose the job, they were born to it and I believe they do a very good job at that. What other job do you know of that you are in training for from birth? However, you are entitled to your opinion.

2007-09-20 02:18:34 · answer #2 · answered by Silver Lady 3 · 5 1

Why do you hate the royal family so much? They bring in far more money than they get (Crown Estates and tourism). What would you replace them with? A politically affiliated President who's first allegiance is to his party rather then the people?

2007-09-20 00:33:48 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

what choice do brits have? If they open their mouths against royals, the royals retaliate thru the power of ostracization, and even loss of friends,loss of jobs. then its off to the USA to start over.
Tough luck. Royals use power to ostracize to keep their own power intact

2007-09-23 04:49:46 · answer #4 · answered by polldiva 3 · 0 0

Because we are England and the monarchy is part of what makes us proud to be English....it is tradition, without it we would lose a lot of our history and heritage and run the risk of a President like America has and be run by George W. Bush...now that there is a scary thought....

2007-09-21 03:29:08 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

nay good sir!!! the joker was never part of teh royal family my leige! the truth is that jokers used to be advisors, and entertainers. they could bend the will of the king and were often very influential.

2007-09-19 14:22:26 · answer #6 · answered by shade_of_a_man 2 · 2 2

Thanks Renoir and Elton i could not put it better myself sadly many are uneducated when it comes to the role of Monarchy in Britain and believe the rubbish that left wing republicans spout. The real issue is the undermining of our sovereignty when it come to EU membership it is time we had a referendum on that. God Save The Queen!

2007-09-20 05:09:53 · answer #7 · answered by jack lewis 6 · 5 1

I'm not sure of the question but I will try to answer it as I perceive what you are asking.

"We" do not have a royal family if you are a U.S. citizen, unless you are speaking about "King Bush". Aside from that pun, there are many royal families. I will assume you are speaking of those of the United Kingdom.

The reason is historical and does make sense if you view the family tree of succession to the throne of England. Whether or not you agree with it, it is another country and they have their sovereignty. The Monarchs began long ago and provided for a more democratic government that it would be thought of. These elitists were all connected by birthright and it was the accepted way of their times. England, Russia, Germany, India, New Zealand, Australia and others were ruled by cousins, brothers, sisters etc. of one main family; the house of Stuart and Hanover, although the line began in 843 AD in Scotland.

Without going into detail, the pomp and pageantry of the royals have been admired because of their jewels and royal attire for centuries. They have amassed great fortunes over time and in recent years have lost the power that they once had. They still have their estates and trusts, but one must understand the loyalty of the people of the country to want to respect the Monarchy. Without that, The United Kingdom would not be so old and successful.

Today, they do not wage war for no reason and are quite low keyed in their international policies. However they do subscribe to their linage of scheduled historical grandeurs. People like that in the UK and in the US. They love to see the Queen wearing the Imperial State Crown and her royal robe while dripping in jewels.

The Monarchy will never end and I don't think anyone wants it to. It is a part of history that continues that people expect. Prince Charles will be King and William will succeed him as history repeats itself. It is possible, yet unlikely that the elegance of the state rituals will ever end. The culture of their pomp mandates that they will always wear their uniforms of their state offices and display the wealth of the royal family.

Compared to some heads of state, the Queen, the royal prince and the princes' salaries, they aren't really that exorbitant. If memory serves me the Queens salary is just under $500,000, followed by Prince Phillip (her husband) is $359,000. Charles, the Prince of Wales at about $300,000 and the prince's of around $200.000 (currencies are noted as US dollars but are Pounds Sterling). Prince Henry (commonly referred to as "Harry"), gives most of his salary to charities; particularly in South Africa. The Queen was exempt from taxes forever but she voluntary elected to pay taxes in the last decade. She also personally paid to have Windsor castle restored after a devastating fire. While she did believe the state would pay for it, legislation was opposed to that because of her wealth.

Her Majesty, in an ironic approach announced that she would pay of her personal account to restore it. During the restoration it was found that there was oil on the land and she split the profits of that between her family and the country, which was an incredible gift to her country worth a stated $1 billion dollars sterling. However she does personally own Balmoral Estate. She is the second most wealthy woman in the world, second only to Oprah Winfrey. However her holdings as long as she is Queen of the people's trust is worth multi-billions, if not trillions of dollars. This is due in fact directly because of her control of Buckingham Palace and staff, the crown jewels and holdings of other estates both her family and that belonging to the people of the United Kingdom; much like our White House.

Why do we still have a royal family? Because people like me know why and it is important for history and the future of the British Crown.

2007-09-19 16:04:59 · answer #8 · answered by Boomer 5 · 10 3

Jokers? I don't find any of them remotely funny.

2007-09-19 23:59:57 · answer #9 · answered by daveygod21 5 · 2 1

So that jokers like you can ask that question.

2007-09-19 20:29:47 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

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