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basically im doing a research project and need diff views on ID..
Thank muchs :)

2007-09-19 13:35:33 · 5 answers · asked by Kayla 3 in Science & Mathematics Other - Science

5 answers

So many people these days are confusing biblical creationism with intelligent design. "Intelligent Design is the study of patterns in nature that are best explained as the result of intelligence" (Dr. William Dembski). That's it; it says nothing of who the creator is and how he/she/it/they did it. Intelligent Design encompasses every "creation" story, even aliens seeding life on this planet.

William Paley is famous for using this argument. In 1802, he came out with a treatise called Natural Theology. He began by arguing that if one were to discover a watch lying in the middle of nowhere and they were to examine that watch closely, the person would logically conclude that it was not an accident, but had purpose; it had a designer. He went on to argue that the overwhelming design in the universe is evidence of a Grand Designer.

Now, is this a valid argument? Well, we detect design all the time. If you find an arrowhead on a deserted island, you assume it was made by someone, even if you can’t see the designer. We can tell the difference between a message written in the sand and the results of the wind and waves on the sand. The carved heads of the presidents on Mt. Rushmore are clearly different from erosional features.

The thing is, reliable methods for detecting design exist and are employed in forensics, archeology, and data fraud analysis. These methods can easily be employed to detect design in biological systems.

When being interviewed by Tavis Smiley, Dr. Stephen Meyer said, “There are developments in some technical fields, complexity and information sciences, that actually enable us to distinguish the results of intelligence as a cause from natural processes. When we run those modes of analysis on the information in DNA, they kick out the answer, ‘Yeah, this was intelligently designed’ . . . There is actually a science of design detection and when you analyze life through the filters of that science, it shows that life was intelligently designed.”

The four main areas the ID movement focuses on: Information Theory, Irreducible Complexity, The Anthropic Principle, and The Design Inference.

What about teaching it in school? I'm sorry, but I have to agree with George W. Bush: "Both sides ought to be properly taught . . . so people can understand what the debate is about . . . Part of education is to expose people to different schools of thought . . . You're asking me whether or not people ought to be exposed to different ideas, the answer is yes.”

Good science teaching should include controversies. Most Christians I know don't want biblical creationism taught in science classes. What we want is for molecules-to-man evolution to be taught with all its warts (they are not even allowed to present evidence that would put evolution in a poor light). And we want intelligent design to at least to be presented.

2007-09-20 05:37:40 · answer #1 · answered by Questioner 7 · 0 2

Intelligent Design (ID) is a scientific theory that states that the complex order of various organisms and systems in nature suggest the work of an intelligent agent.

The body of evidence to support ID includes Irreducible Complexity, Design Theory and Information Theory.

Irreducible Complexity is when there is a part or a system that can be shown to only operate when all its subparts are present showing that progessive evolution of those parts is not possible. The human eye is an example of that. A popular example used is that unless a mousetrap has all of its parts working it can not function. All of its parts must be present at the same time for it to do the work it was designed to do.

Design Theory states that the factors of familiarity and of a pattern point to design. An example of this is Mount Rushmore (the mountain face carvings that depict some former .S. Presidents). We know that it is extreemly unlikely that random wind and errosion would make Mt. Rushmore and more likely that someone who was familiar with those presidents make a series of carvings that followed a pattern that would give their likeness.

Information Theory states information is a an artifact of intelligence. DNA is an example of an information rich system which contains a highly complex language which shows that intelligence was involved and not random chance.

ID uses the above mentioned scientific evidences and they can be observed and tested following the scientific method . People are often mistaken to think that ID incorporates scriptual or religious evidence as in Creationism. The final conclusion of ID is that there is evidence of a designer at work in nature but it does not specify who that designer is.
Many people make their own conclusion that God is the designer involved in nature based on the scientific evidence of ID. Just because scientific evidence may point people to a conclusion that has spiritual inplications does not invalidate the science used to get there.

2007-09-19 23:42:55 · answer #2 · answered by Ernesto 4 · 1 2

Both bad answers. I do not believe anything, as I am a scientists. Intelligent design is all assertion, with no evidence. They think that by pointing out supposed flaws in evolutionary theory that they are forming their theory. Science does not work that way. You need to bring credible evidence for your theory forward into the peer review process. Intelligent design has not done this. It is merely a " god of the gaps ", or " argument from personal incredulity. " A very bad argument.

2007-09-19 21:05:24 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

People are good at looking at things and deciding whether they are 'natural' or man-made. The mountain is natural, the car is man-made. Apply that same skill to a study of the universe, its structure, its physical laws, and life. For each part, does it look like it just happened, or does it look like it was designed? ID tries to find a way for that determination to be made in a neutral, objective way. It doesn't demand that the intelligent agent be identified. It could be a human, a machine, an ancient unknown civilization, aliens, or God.

2007-09-19 20:52:38 · answer #4 · answered by Frank N 7 · 1 3

that there is a Creator and we were designed to adapt to our enviornment through the use of reason.
There's alot more you can put down, stretch your mind.

2007-09-19 20:44:50 · answer #5 · answered by Zipperhead 6 · 0 2

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