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1. You could cut the tension with a knife
2. I don't care how __________you are
3. He glared at him and said__________________
4. When in doubt, don't call me
5. Are you out of your mind
6. OK. Well, one out of two ain't bad
7. If I stay one more minute, I can't be held responsible for my actions

2007-09-19 13:16:52 · 1 answers · asked by sarge 6 in Education & Reference Words & Wordplay

1 answers

Dodge City, Kansas
Circa 1873

This is a continuation from the story I wrote a few days ago:

"Gunsmoke Collides With Bonanza"
Subtitle.... "One Outta Two Ain't Bad"

Hoss and Little Joe returned to the NBC studios, conVINCED that Sunshine should make a guest appearance on their show.
Hoss:" That little gal ain't comin' without Big Jim Arness. I think they're joined at the hip."
Little Joe: " He thinks he's so damn cool." He kicked the trash bin and then set it right when the producer of the show glared at him.
Hoss:" He IS cool, Joe..... And twice the size of YOU. Tread sofly, little brother." Hoss may have appeared a doofus on the show, but his calm thinking was the perfect counter-balance to Little Joe's impetuousity.
NBC Producer:" (2) I don't care how disenchanted you are
with him, Joe. If Arness can up our ratings, let 'em strut !"

The Producer, Paul DeRossa( hehe) contacted CBS that same day. The brass at CBS agreed that it was a great idea. The next day, Sunshine and Jim ( Matt) showed up in his office.
Paul:" SUNSHINE!!! I've heard so much about you. Sit down. Sit down, please. And Jim....." Matt glared. " Uhhhhh, I mean MATT, ( he was ALWAYS in character) rest your weary bones and let's have a chat."
Little Joe made a face at Matt. Matt made a low growl from deep within his throat. Little Joe inched his way over to Hoss.
(1) You could cut the tension with a knife.

Paul: "Sooooo, here's the deal. Matt..... Any chance of Sunshine appearing on our stage, without you?"
Matt turned away from Little Joe. (3) He glared at him and said, "We're a package deal, babe. Bread and butter. Salt and pepper. Ying and Yang."
Sunshine: " Sex and the city!!" Everyone burst into laughter.
Sunshine saw Matt's frown...."What?!"
Matt:" We're trying to have a business meeting, Sunny. This is serious stuff!"
Paul:" But that's the point, Jim, uhh, Matt. We're shooting for a very light hearted episode. Her brand of humor is JUST what we want. Now here's our thought." He laughed as he tried to explain. "You're gonna love this." Sunshine was on the edge of her seat. Matt sat, cross armed with a cold stare.
Sunshine leaned over and whispered..... Relax, Max!"

Paul: " Little Joe came up with a great idea." He started laughing again. "Okay...... He rides into Dodge and sees Sunshine. Now...... Sunshine has just had a lousy night with you..... Something about you not being able to "perform."
Matt jumped up..... " (5)ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND ?!!"
Sunshine begged him to sit down and "HUSH!!"
Matt: "For the RECORD, I'll have you know THAT has NEVER happened ! Tell'em, Sunny !!"
Sunshine:" Darlin', you're a regular King Kong..... Now PLEASE BE QUIET !!"

Paul cleared his throat and continued...... "Okay....so Little Joe and Sunshine meet up. He convinces her to come to Virginia City, and of course, the Ponderosa, eventually. They hook up, she sends YOU a 'Dear John' and then you come galloping out, in a jealous rage, to retrieve her. The comic possibilities are endless!!!!!"
Matt grabbed Sunshine and headed for the door....(7) If I stay one more minute, I can't be held responsible for my actions !
Come on Sunny !!"
Paul yelled at him..... "I doubt we'll ever offer you this deal, again!"
Matt:" (4) When in doubt..... don't call me !!"

Paul looked at Hoss and Little Joe..... "Well ?!"
Little Joe: "I think we can convince the chick. As for the baboon, I'm not so sure."
Paul scratched his head....."(6) OK. Well, one out of two ain't bad ."

2007-09-19 13:28:01 · answer #1 · answered by I am Sunshine 6 · 6 0

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