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2007-09-19 13:07:51 · 26 answers · asked by Violet 5 in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

A agree with most of you. I have no problems breastfeeding in public. I was just curious about what other people thought about it. I figure everyone else has no problems eating in public, why should my baby be any different.

2007-09-19 13:18:54 · update #1

There are some of you that are just ignorant, (like eharrah 1). How can anyone relate nuring to porn? I feel bad for her children.

2007-09-20 06:18:53 · update #2

26 answers

What do you mean how do I feel?
What am I meant to feel?
This question has been asked so many times it's ridiculus.
Yes some people are ignorant and feel repulsed/disgusted/insulted by "public breastfeeding". For whatever misguided/uneducated or plain stupid reasons.
And others have no problem because nursing a child is the natural thing to do, so getting all excited by a mother being a mother and nursing her child isnt a big issue. Or they just dont give a crap what others do.
If someone is nursing their child it has nothing to do with strangers just because they are in the same vicinity. Its between the mother and child and effects no-one but them.
If others are so weird that they cant help staring and so become disgusted or insulted then whatever. They are the ones that cant keep their eyes to themselves. They have the problem not the mother or child.

No-one asks:
" How do you feel about bottlefeeding in public?"

Why dont we all just continue on with our lives and leave the mothers that feed their children in "public" alone.

ETA: To soccerfrog it shouldnt be hidden from young children. If my children hear a baby cry their first response is "that baby needs booby". Because they were brought up knowing what breastfeeding is and that its normal and natural. And if they do see someone breastfeeding in public they dont stare or make any weird comments. They know whats going on and a "how cute the baby is having booby" comment is made and then we move on. If more people were brought up this way then we wouldnt have this whole stupid issue.

2007-09-19 13:38:42 · answer #1 · answered by Monkey Magic 6 · 5 2

I do it under a blanket all the time. I am SO self conscience when I do it, I feel my face go beet red ... I can't look at anyone, because if i get a dirty look I feel terrible. BUT I keep saying to myself, this is for the health of my baby, she's hungry, I'm not going to make her starve ... she deserves to eat in a place other than a restroom ... then I feel bad about the blanket because am i teaching her to be ashamed of eatting ... then she normally finishes and I put myself away and burp her, putting the thoughts away until next time.

It's funny though, because at first she couldn't nurse, she was premature and the only way the hospital would let me take her home when I wanted to was if she was bottlefed .. so she was bottlefed the first couple of weeks and I felt even WORSE feeding her a bottle in public, thinking people thought I was a terrible mother for not giving my child the best, the breast!

But that's just self conscience little ole me!

2007-09-19 21:04:12 · answer #2 · answered by Lisa 5 · 2 1

I am not comfortable feeding in public because I fumble with my breasts to much and end up exposing myself an awful lot, so I would prefer not to and to find a parents room instead. But on the other hand if my baby is hungry and I cant find somewhere private and quiet to feed her then I will feed her where ever we are, because my baby's need to eat is more important than my self-conscious or un-approving stares.

2007-09-19 20:42:48 · answer #3 · answered by alicia_jane 2 · 5 1

I am a little uncomfortable doing it myself (I think thats mostly my husband's fault cause he doesn't think I should) but I have no problem with it. I actually love it because it is good for the baby and the more people that do it the better and then eventually no so many people will have a problem with it (I hope!). I usually just go to a dressing room or the car if I am out or I cover up with a blanket because I am big and its harder for me to be discreet.

2007-09-19 20:27:03 · answer #4 · answered by lovebeingamom 2 · 4 2

I have to agree with Mystic. I breastfeed in public all the time. No matter how discreet I am, someone is giving dirty looks. It's the very thought that a breast is exposed under a blanket that upsets some- it's ridiculous!

So...I will continue to do so. If it annoys, TOUGH!!!

2007-09-19 20:31:42 · answer #5 · answered by NY_Attitude 6 · 6 2

I have no problem with it. I personally felt more comfortable using a mother's room or secluded spot, but it certainly doesn't bother me to see someone nursing wherever.

I remember seeing new mom with about a 3 week old infant on Christmas Eve. She looked absolutely frazzled and was sitting on the floor in the middle of the mall with a pile of shopping bags around her and her baby stuck to her boob!

2007-09-19 20:20:54 · answer #6 · answered by eli_star 5 · 5 3

I hate how people make such a big deal about breastfeeding in public. Women have been nursing their babies since the begining of time. If you are uncomfortable seeing a women nursing in public, look away. That's the mature thing to do. Gracious, we are just feeding our babies.

2007-09-19 20:25:22 · answer #7 · answered by Mr. and Mrs. Q 3 · 7 3

It's a shame that our culture has decided to treat a breast as a sexual object instead of the source of infant nutrition. But that's the way it is. I had twins, so it would have really raised eyebrows if I had "double-jugged" in public. I pumped and carried a bottle for emergencies. Otherwise, they just waited until we got home.

2007-09-19 20:20:46 · answer #8 · answered by Patsy A 5 · 8 3

hi I'm fine with it but couldn't feel comfortable myself when i was breast feeding maybe because i was young 19 but my sister in law used 2 breastfeed at the dinner table when dinning out my bf used 2 feel very uncomfortable when eating and she would b sitting straight in front of her i guess there is always a time and a place like a baby room 4 when you are out that's what there there 4 right?

2007-09-19 20:25:21 · answer #9 · answered by traceybg32 1 · 1 4

I don't think I'd do it personally but I don't have any problem with women doing it around me. I think anyone who is going to giggle and point or complain should just grow up a little. My plan is to just take bottles with me but if the baby's hungry, the baby's HUNGRY!

2007-09-19 20:21:46 · answer #10 · answered by Evelyn 3 · 4 3

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