yes it is, your body has a tendency to try to remain around 98.6 degrees farenheit
2007-09-19 10:52:21
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Homeostasis means keeping in balance or keeping things even.
You keep your temp even by warming up when the body is cooler and cooling off when the body is warmer.
We warm up by shivering and by burning more glucose in our cells.
We cool off by sweating, by skin turning red from more blood running through those blood vessels, ...
Another example of homeostasis is the way our kidneys manage the amount of water in our bodies. If we drink more water, our kidneys excrete more urine and the urine is lighter in color. If we drink less water or sweat a lot, our kidneys excrete less urine and the urine is darker and more concentrated.
2007-09-19 17:55:42
answer #2
answered by ecolink 7
Because if you get hot, you perspire or pant to lose heat and let your temperature drop to normal levels.
If you are cold, you shiver and your temp rises.
It varies due to different factors (digestion, physical activity, environment, etc) but the body works to keep it more or less constant.
2007-09-19 18:01:28
answer #3
answered by Melkiha 5