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I was at this bowling alley. basically a racial mini-brawl broke out. but they only arrested the black kids (all four were members of our high school football team). This was one of those nights when you pay 10 dollars and bowl as long as you want. So if you get there late you miss out. The white people from the next town over were waiting for a lane to open (which obviously was never going to happen) and I guess were getting frustrated. And that happen to toss the n-word at the wrong group of cats, and all hell broke lose.

So not only did they only charge the black kids, but all four were convicted and chuck was sentenced to 20 yrs! The NAACP was nowhere to be found until the trial was well underway. and even then they weren't foing anything but getting in the way.

The only things that saved their butts was that Virgina happened to have Black governor at the time.

2007-09-19 10:47:25 · 17 answers · asked by $0.02 4 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

If Gov. Wilder wouldn't have been governor there is a strong chance chuck (allen iverson) would not have gotten out of jail in time to go to georgetown. (The prison time was during football season and we had an awgul year that year)

also, an interesting side note. On the day Ivo got out of the city farm he had a carlina blue Honda. A nike jump suit and a pair of Jordans that I have still never seen in a store.

The NCAA was going to investigate had he gone to UNC (or any other Nike sponsored school) so Georgetown was is only option.

2007-09-19 10:52:37 · update #1

Dixie - I accepted your answer on the OJ thing. I stood corrected. I was wrong. I even gave you best answer because I appreciate your POV as far as punative damages.

But this isn't something I read.

Allen Iverson was in my gym class.
(he he he ... I used to rip his cross-over ...lol)

2007-09-19 11:16:57 · update #2

Simonsez - lol ... that was the black bowling alley.

2007-09-19 11:17:54 · update #3

17 answers

You know what? I really don't believe your side of the story. Why? Because you've proven here at Y!A to be a bias victim mentality conspiracy theorist that will only defend or question black victim STORIES, you don't give a damn about justice or real victims. You are going to twist the story in whatever way proves your point. Broaden your horizons and seek to read the stories of ALL victims of injustice - not just blacks, and especcially not just black fabricators. In doing so, you may prove yourself credible and relevant. Until then, you are just another victim addicted to hype and drama and allergic to facts, truth, and anything non-black. I'll will pray for you as you cry yourself a river.

And people have a hard time understanding how a white kid born to loving hippies can become racist??? Sheesh....psychological studies will paint that picture for you real quick.

And? Who do you think the media is made up of? Who do you think publishes "facts"? People - people are biased. Just because your friend told you how he saw things going down does not mean he is above his own (1) self-serving deceit and (2) bias view on the events. I BET MONEY if you were not black (I don't even mean if you were white....just if you weren't black) you would be more inclined to consider EVERY witnesses recollection of the events. You choose to believe your friend, for one, he is your friend....which is understandable. But I promise you that more often than not, if a white person is accused of saying "n*gger" it is a lie, as people know that is the best excuse for their violent reaction. I've PERSONALLY WITNESSSED it a million times - almost sued somebody over it after they failed a lie detector test for their slanderous BS. Again - you weren't there, and even if you were, you would have your own bias recollection of the events.

2007-09-19 11:03:03 · answer #1 · answered by Dixie Echo 4 · 2 2

It's too bad the bowling alley did not take responsibility for allowing more people to enter than they could provide service for. Surely, they cannot be held responsible for the racial tension and the fight, but at least they could be held accountable to accepting payment for a service they were unable to provide.

Maybe the blacks purposely continued to bowl just to frustrate the whites.
Maybe the whites showed up looking for a fight.
Maybe it was a big misunderstanding that got way out of hand.
Unless you were there, you will probably never know exactly what happened.

We should focus more on punishing criminal actions and less about which parties involved were of what skin color.

2007-09-19 18:05:49 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

"Not only is there almost no media coverage of the Black violent hate crimes against Whites, but in high profile cases when Blacks are prosecuted for heinous crimes against innocent Whites, the White victims are ignored and the Black criminals are turned into “real victims” by the media.

Nothing more clearly illustrates this point than what has occurred over the past year in Jena, Louisiana and the orgy of hatred that Jena has suffered. today, September 20, the town has been invaded by thousands of thugs like Al Sharpton who seek to make violent Black hate criminals such as Michael Bell and the rest of the so-called “Jena Six” into heroes. Even worse the entire White population of the town is facing a media lynching by being labeled racists who are unjustly persecuting Black young men.

Michael Bell, who has been convicted of four previous violent crimes, (a fact scarcely revealed by the media), led a group of six Black students to attack and unmercifully beat a White Student at Jena High School in what can only be described as a vicious hate crime. Motivated by racial hatred, the six Blacks attacked one lone White student, Justin Barker. They stomped and kicked him to unconsciousness and continued to kick him and stomp him as he lay helpless. The attack could have easily have taken his life if others had not intervened. Only by the grace of God did he survive.

To show the insane bias of this whole case, just imagine if the facts were reversed.

If a gang of six Whites motivated by racial hatred and led by a White with four previous violent-crime convictions had attacked a lone Black student, kicking and stomping him into unconsciousness, would there any concern that the leader and the other White gang members could be charged with aggravated assault? Would not there be national demands to charge the White attackers with the most serious of federal civil rights violations and hate crimes? White leaders from all over the country, even the leaders of the local town of Jena, would not be defending the White attackers, they would be condemning the attacks and calling for the harshest of punishments allowed by the law.

As far as the Media are concerned, oh yes the supposedly unbiased media, they would be interviewing the Black victim on every TV talk show across the land, discussing his fear, his pain, his suffering. They would be interviewing his crying relatives and friends. They would not be voicing any fear that the White attackers would be treated too harshly. No, they would be demanding the harshest of penalties.

Federal officials from the President on down would be calling for additional serious charges of federal civil rights violations. But you see, in the America of 2007 Whites are no longer deemed to have any “civil rights.”

When a lone White kid is beaten savagely by a gang of six hate criminals, the media is only concerned about how the Black attackers are being treated too harshly. And if you are waiting for civil rights charges to be filed against the Black attackers who violated the civil rights of the boy they almost beat to death, don’t hold your breath.

The entire Jena scenario and the coverage of it by the media show once again that it is not the people of Jena who are racists. By voting for me and by demanding justice in this case, they have shown rightly that they believe in fairness to all and that White people are now the real victims of racism in America. Once again it is shown that we must have advocates for our rights and heritage just as any other group is permitted to do so.

May the District Attorney and the people of Jena stay strong and never give in to those who seek take away their rights of life and liberty as guaranteed by the United States Constitution."

2007-09-20 17:43:35 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Go to a black bowling alley next time and when violence erupts(as it does anytime the number of blacks reaches critical mass), you won't have YT to blame for your problems.

2007-09-19 18:11:14 · answer #4 · answered by SIMONSEZ 3 · 3 0

It sucks when racial tension like this happens in the modern world. I livein a diverse area with Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and Whites.If something like this were to happen in my hometown i would cry.

2007-09-19 17:54:52 · answer #5 · answered by Ayita 5 · 6 1

man the jenna six should all get locked up for getting into a fight, and so should any other kids( i dont say white, cause, last time i checked, aint no one actually white) i dont think people should get out of it just cause someone says they are getting picked on cause they are black. im sooooo tired of the poor me im black retoric. Lifes hard, people are assholes sometimes, and that means everyone. thats no excuse for anyones actions. if 6 white kids beat the **** out of 1 black kid, those six white kids would be getting major flack, simply cause it looks racialy motivated, regardless of the truth.

If these kids where such punks that they would beat on someone 6 at a time, than they obviously dont understand what tolerance. hey i had to listen to **** all the time growing up cause my mom is gay, yet i didnt go around beating the **** out of people just to let them know i didnt like the way they were talking to me. i ignored it and got on with life knowing i am well adjusted to reality and society, while these kids and people where going to be screwed up for life because of their prejudice.

And by the way, racism doesnt mean white Vs black, it can go both ways, which if what ive seen and heard for the past 15 years, is exactly where **** is headed. Black can be racist to whites to, and anyone else they dont know or understand. so quite bringing up the poor me im black and picked on crap, lots o people get called names, or picked on and that ****, doesnt mean that that gives you any excuse for anything.

2007-09-19 18:01:06 · answer #6 · answered by Josh W 3 · 2 3

I guess that is why blacks feel it necessary to use physical altercations whenever they are provoked? they have this constant need to fight against racism that this violent habit has been crossed over into their neighborhood?

Now I know why there are so many so many fights in inner city schools and killings in the black community. they have so much rage from racism?

thanks, big smiles! I am beginning to learn new things about you people every day!

SIMONSEZ, isn't it odd that a group of whites would yell racial epithets in an ALL black bowling alley?

2007-09-19 18:02:32 · answer #7 · answered by ceasarmocksshaka 3 · 0 4

sticks and stones love. freedom of speech. nobody has the right to put their hands on anyone else. i woulda done the same thing.

2007-09-19 20:58:40 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Please, continue to post stories like this to further my dislike for white people. After reading a few of these responses I'm almost* convinced that hate can be natural in some cases or maybe they're just plain f'n stupid?


Nah, it feels good not to give them benefit of the doubt.

2007-09-19 18:19:20 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

racism is wrong any way you slice it. too bad we as adults dont teach our kids to respect all human beings. Some parents teach hate and that is what keeps getting passed on. I never heard this, but thanks a million for the info. golden for me.

2007-09-19 18:04:47 · answer #10 · answered by KARMA IS IT THOU? 7 · 1 3

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