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Now, what do you think that says about who you should be voting for next election.


2007-09-19 10:27:16 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

30 answers

No one should be surprised at this revelation !!!
After all, there are several supporters of the terrorists, who have hidden their thought patterns, but have taken clandestine actions to provide the terrorists encouragement.
Things like timed withdrawal dates, knowing that with any mandated withdrawal date, victory is only a short time away !!!!!!
toro gringo

2007-09-19 11:03:41 · answer #1 · answered by NONAME 2 · 1 3

"Klein explains he believes America is in trouble. While the U.S. has made enormous advances in the war on terror the past few years, it is encouraging terrorists to attack, and people don't even know it, he professes."

This is what gets me. Well, one of the issues that grates my nerves. We can ALL see how the terrorists attack day and night, any place in the world, using any means thay can. What the broken liberal leftie fails miserably to see is - - the terrorists are NOT able to successfully attack the USA. Incredible that some people can't equate the Bush administration's national security measures with us not being attacked since 2001! Too bad - the dems will cut funds from that program.

2007-09-19 19:06:53 · answer #2 · answered by Marilyn A 4 · 2 0

I'm going to vote for a democrat who realistically looks at the situation we are in. I haven't heard much realism from the right. They seem to stop with the word kill. Somewhere in the middle is the answer to our problem with the jihad. Of course those who are trying to kill us must be killed, but there needs to be some work done that will discourage future terrorists. What the U.S. has been doing does not address that so it will continue into infinity unless there is another approach added to the equation.

I don't support what Penn, Jane, and Rosie do. Actually you missed Kuscinich. He belongs in this group. Its apparent you don't listen to what Clinton has to say, or you wouldn't put her in this crowd.

2007-09-19 18:04:43 · answer #3 · answered by BekindtoAnimals22 7 · 1 0

There is that word again. Islamofascist. What an interesting word. It is coined by some nocon to describe people they don't know nor understand. They could use boogy man and accomplish the same thing. It is used as a scare tactic word.

Remember when you were a kid and you wouldn't behave so your parents told you that if you don't behave the boogy man will get you? Maybe not but that is what the right is using the term islamofascist for. They give that nonexistant entity a personality and they claim to know what is in his mind every minute of every working day. Maybe they do because they invented him. It is all about how to frame the debate. Us personal attacks, name calling, unproved lies and "proof" from very biased resources who stretch the facts to suit their cause. Of course Klein is on reliable news and information shows like the Rush Limbaugh show where the truth is everywhere right? Yeah, right.

Yes, God should Bless America, with neocons and George W. Bush and his Administration around we need all the blessing we can get.

2007-09-19 17:43:22 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 4

because asking Islamic terrorists is the best way to get an unbiased look at the political world!

They ask the terrorist questions like this:
Will terrorism succeed if the Democrats are elected?
Has George W. Bush, leader of your enemy, been an awful person?
Therefore, Islamic terrorists are pro-liberal, anti-Bush? Not so. Frame the question the other way around:
-> Will terrorism succeed if the Republicans are elected?
Terrorists: Yes, our way of life is going to succeed no matter who you elect. We believe this and that is why we fight for our cause.
-> Is Nancy Pelosi an evil American?
Terrorists: Yes, she has no right to be a leader and she is an evil American. We're fighting them, remember? No human rights, only Islamists.

2007-09-19 17:45:11 · answer #5 · answered by MrPotatoHead 4 · 3 0

Lets face it.
Islamic terrorists along with ALL other types of totalitarian tyrannical regimes HATE America because the good ol' U.S.A. stands for FREEDOM!
Liberals represent the greatest internal threat to FREEDOM that exists in the U.S.A.
Because they follow lock-step behind the demands of move-on-dot-org, a Marxist/Socialist/Communist front group.
THAT ,my good friend, is just another way of saying TYRANNY!
Follow the Constitution. It was set up to guarantee the source of power remains in the hands of the CITIZEN.
NEVER vote for anyone who promotes shifting the source of power form YOU to the central government.
Your source of power is MONEY, Guns, Property. Freedom of speech, religion etc. (See the Bill of Rights)
Never vote for anyone who wants to raise your taxes, or set up NEW Govt. Bureaucracies.
Since the Democratic Party Candidates ALL follow the Anti-American dictates of Move-on-dot-org, should they ALL be refused by LAW the opportunity to serve as President?
They cannot serve as President because their Party Platform is Anti-American and therefore in violation of the Constitution.
They have to SWEAR to uphold the constitution!
Ergo- they cannot swear to the oath of office.
They CAN NOT , therefore serve as President without commiting TREASON.

2007-09-19 18:04:02 · answer #6 · answered by Philip H 7 · 1 1

If Liberals weren't so Provincial and Ethnocentric they would understand the implications of their comments. It is a big bad world out there liberals. It is not all wine and cheese.

2007-09-20 01:32:59 · answer #7 · answered by Keith 6 · 0 0

I don't think it says much. First of all, Islamofascists doesn't even make sense, there's nothing fascist in the governmental styles of any Islamic country. Second, even if they do support some liberal intentions, that's no reason to disregard liberals. It's not as though the vast majority of liberals support terrorist actions or anything. Better that you should argue against the policies that liberals argue for directly rather than using some other source that loves them to prove it.

2007-09-19 17:35:18 · answer #8 · answered by whiteflame55 6 · 6 4

what a bunch of crap, i personally dont consider myself a liberal [even though its not really a diss] but come on, that site thats given is so blatantly bias that its not even worth arguing over. the terrorists actually love Bush and want him to succeed at politically dividing this nation because they hate the American way of life, and would love to see the constitution die in a flame fear.

2007-09-19 17:39:44 · answer #9 · answered by Bomberboy4825 1 · 3 1

EXTRA, EXTRA! Islamofascists actually say that they love liberals. Would you believe this?

Uh, no...

Trying to imagine THAT interview --

Joe American:"I'm here in Kartoom with well known islamofascist abu tooka abus

Abu: Hello....

Joe American: Tell me Abu....

uh yeah, right

Next up: check out this story in the Globe about the girl born with seventeen nipples

2007-09-19 17:39:38 · answer #10 · answered by captain_koyk 5 · 3 4

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