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In regards to abortion and gay rights. If abortion was murder, then why isn't against the law? People say it's murder because of their religious beliefs. Okay, that's fine, but what if I don't believe in your religion, now what? The same thing goes for gay rights.

2007-09-19 10:01:44 · 21 answers · asked by Liberal City 6 in Politics & Government Politics

21 answers

Any and all countries/ societies have a right to protect themselves from that which they think is wrong. Different individuals -and different cultures- have different values and perceptions. In the U.S. certain values and perceptions are prevalent. I disagree with.many of those values and perceptions. But to make something unlawful is something which needs to be considered ...what is best for the society in general.
Yes, abortion in most cases is murder. Why? Because on the fortieth day of conception the fetus becomes a human being. How do I know? Through my faith -Islam- I know this to be true. Yet, if abortion was made a crime how would it affect the society. Would it stop abortion?...or would it make women criminals because they grew up in a society which teaches women that it is ok to have marriage relations outside of marriage.
We need to look at the total picture! I do not blame the women for wanting to kill their babies.

I blame the society which says that it is ok to have sex outside of marriage!

As far as " gay rights" is concerned...that is also complicated. The Creator destroyed a whole city because they were "gay". I do not agree with "gays" being giving special rights or their relationships being recognized by society.

The U.S. is not a religious country. There are many athiests in The U.S. Also, the U.S. was politically based on atheism and atheistic values from the very beginning. It should not be expected to have laws which are based on religious values.

2007-09-19 12:28:42 · answer #1 · answered by Rebecca 3 · 1 1

Interesting question, this might not be the popular answer... We live in a country that was found on the basis of freedom of religion... Our government cannot impose their beliefs on the majority, esp in a place so diverse like America. I have absolutely no problems with Gay people and believe they should have equality just like anyone else. I understand people have their own beliefs.. but you have to realize most religions tell you not to judge and love thy neighbor... We are not God, we cannot go around condemning people to hell for their sexual preferences... As far as abortion goes... I disagree, I would only accept it in certain situations... like if the woman was raped, or there are bad complications... otherwise I feel like if you did it, it's your responsibility, I know people will argue that at that point they get rid of it, it doesn't even matter... but it will eventually turn into a child

2007-09-19 17:14:04 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

To debate that to its logical conclusion would be that we should support anarchy.

No rules, no laws, because while you believe someone should live, I think they should not on issue A, B, or C.

You may say murder or rape and such do not compare. But does it? Without a common perception of "right" and "wrong" within a group of individuals, no matter how big or small, chaos will be the final result.

2007-09-19 17:08:22 · answer #3 · answered by J 2 · 0 0

Most people don't subscribe to the "anything you want to do is OK" philosophy of life. It's having standards and being able to reason that puts us above the animals. Man's natural state is to behave like an animal. Becoming civilized is what raises us up, not rutting around in the swamp with no regard for decency.

2007-09-19 17:20:34 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I am not a religious person, actually I'm best described as an atheist. I am against abortion. I think it's murder. I think life begins at conception. I think the right to choose ends when you choose to have sex.
As far as gays are concerned, I could care less if they want to marry. If they are crazy enough to take the plunge, let them.

2007-09-19 17:24:23 · answer #5 · answered by Overt Operative 6 · 1 1

Essentially was is right and wrong is dictated by the majority, or someone in high power. In this country we have a three tier system to check and balance what the other parts of the government try to do.

Also it is political. Right now Bush is anti abortion, and republicans generally will support a president from their own party. (As would any party) The president also has the power to nominate Supreme Court Justices which in reality decide what is right and wrong.

2007-09-19 17:08:02 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

The reason I think it is murder because I hold myself to a higher moral standard than that of humans. the Bible was given to us from God because He knew that by ourselves we couldnt discern right and wrong. The same goes for homosexuality. Although I believe that homosexual men and women should have every right that heteros have except marriage. Marriage was created for man and woman. But if they form a civil union, by all means they can have the same rights as everyone else. I have no problem with that. It's fine you dont believe in Jesus and His Bible, I'll still try to hold myself to the Bible's standards. I think our founding fathers were trying to do so, and over the years man has corrupted our system that was in place.

2007-09-19 17:09:16 · answer #7 · answered by Go Blue 3 · 1 2

I completely agree. Though here is where I stand on both of these...

I am personally for gay rights, as I believe they should have every entitlement as the rest of us. Including the right to marry.

And I am pro-abortion because I feel every woman has one person they can truly decide for in this case- themselves. Their right to make this difficult choice should never be taken away.

In regards to my own choice for myself, I am a pro-lifer.

I would like to think that if I was religious, I would feel the same on these.

2007-09-19 17:28:06 · answer #8 · answered by Lily Iris 7 · 1 2

We can't resolve these issues here in the US and we think We're going to drop 'democracy' in the middle east where they've been fighting for centuries over religious differences.

How is homosexuality 'unnatural' if it exists? It's here. People practice it.
Keep the government out of my body. As long as my actions harm no other person, no one person or group has any right to decide what I do or don't do with my physical being.

Contrary to some peoples' beliefs, the Bible is not the ultimate standard or 'rulebook' on existence.

2007-09-19 17:06:07 · answer #9 · answered by LatexSolarBeef 4 · 2 2

Well, let's see. If you go kill a pregnant woman, you WILL BE CHARGED with double murder. That about nullifies that argument. As for gay rights...they have the same rights as anyone else, on the whole. If I get attacked, it's a crime. If they get attacked, it's a hate crime, and it gets stiffer penalties. How is that fair? Crime is crime, and they are protected by the constitution as it stands. Don't pull the Laramie case on me, it was a drug-deal-gone-wrong, pure and simple. Besides, there's no historic proof of homosexuality being a socially sponsored, and condoned act. Yes, it happened, and people knew about it...but it was never acceptable societal across the board. Besides, think of it this way. It's unnatural. Don't tell me it's hereditary and you believe in evolution. If people "evolved" into being gay, then the human race as we know it would disappear...last time I checked, two guys, or two girls can't reproduce on their own.

2007-09-19 17:08:11 · answer #10 · answered by Joshua B 4 · 5 4

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