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Is it because Liberals
A)Think a woman should have the right to get an abortion for any reason
B)Try to censor people with political correctness
C)Think it's ok to discriminate against White males with affirmative action
D)Make excuses for terrorists
E)Don't want to stop illegal immigration
F)Think that the United States is to blame for all of the problems in the world

2007-09-19 09:43:11 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

34 answers

Liberals tend to want others to be like them or want you to be how they Tell you to be. NO EXCEPTIONS ALLOWED!!!
God knows...dont think for yourself. That headache is all ready covered for you by the magnificent Know-alls. They also what you to be ...beholding of them. You will never want so long as you kiss their ash! I could go on but that would be consided a rant and the Libs are famous for being rabid Blow Hards.Isn't that right Barney?

2007-09-19 09:57:50 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 6

One disadvantage in being a liberal is that we tend to be individualists. This makes it difficult to build "liberal" momentum toward any particular goal. One advantage in being a liberal is that we tend to be individualists. This makes it a flat-out blast to sit back and watch cons and neocons try to tell us what "liberals" think. Speaking for myself, A) Pregnant women have the right to choose whether or not to reproduce. This right can't be taken away from them. This is not hyperbole. This is not a challenge. If a woman wants to take a clothes hanger to herself and end her pregnancy she can and will. Any person, group or law that tries to stop her is doomed to fail. B) I can tolerate anything but intolerance. If you want to say you don't like blacks or gays or whoever, I think you're an idiot but fortunately for a majority of us being an idiot isn't a crime. Once you start proposing restrictions on their movements or rights based on their blackness or gayness or whatever, I'll be one of those you'll have to deal with. C) Look at the people who make up all branches of our federal government. Now look at the mix of people who make up the U.S. population. I think it's high time white males were discriminated against. (BTW, I'm a white male.) D.) I don't think Operation Ajax and Gulf War 1 are excuses. I think they're reasons. E) Cons know more than anyone. No illegal immigration means the U.S. economy tanks. F.) It is, if only because it didn't solve them when it had the power and opportunity.

2007-09-19 10:21:27 · answer #2 · answered by socrates 6 · 1 0

G) Because the media tells us its a bad thing. They twist the true beliefs of liberals and make them into a nice organized list for people to mindlessly eat up without looking at the facts.

Because...in reality...
A) I think a woman's body is her own and she has the right to do with it what she wants. Also, statistically the babies that get aborted are eventually born later down the road anyway, when the mother has the means to care for it appropriately. (Some people even tie in Roe V. Wade with the drop in crime rates.) I personally don't like abortion, but I think it should be an option.
B) Liberals believe in free speech and tolerance. I'm not quite sure what you mean by your statement, but if you look at the conservative media (which is most of it) the conservatives don't want to hear opposing views. So who's trying to censor who?
C) Wait. You want to talk about how hard it is for white males? Where did you grow up? A suburb? Have you seen the projects or the devastations of a city or a poor neighborhood? I don't want to discriminate against white males, I want the people that need help to get it. People who are prejudiced against; which if you look historically is everyone BUT white males. Racism, classism and sexism are not extinct, they are rampant. Our generation just hides it better.
D) That's an outright lie. Yes, I believe that the government could've prevented 9/11, but that doesn't mean I applaud and embrace the terrorists.
E) I think America was founded on Immigration. Unless you're native american, then you're family immigrated here too. It is true I don't want our borders closed, but I think we should help those immigrants here who are working gain citizenship through the test. If we don't let anyone come in, whats stopping the government from not letting us go out?
F) No, I don't think we're to blame for all the problems in the world. However, I don't think we're perfect. I love the United States like I love my friends and my boyfriend; I recognize its faults. Just because I don't love the United States like a 5 year old loves his mommy doesn't mean I hate the United States.

2007-09-19 10:00:13 · answer #3 · answered by Amy 2 · 2 3

Okay so your questions are more and more byas and close minded what room on this question is even open?
Its a closes minded theory. And i cant stand how uppraise an american when you dont even relize who made america it sure wasnt the white'S. and your history on liberals are incorrect look in the 18 centery look in 19th centry there where to many contributors for good and bad to single every thing out. We made america both kinds all kinds every kind and goodness we did because were unique I haved enough to know were unique.

2007-09-19 12:55:38 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't know you tell me
A) I don't believe a woman should have the right to get an abortion just for an reason... My candidate is pro-life, Ron Paul
B ) Censoring? what about big government censors like the Patriot Act, where someone got fined 15,000 dollars for putting up an impeach Bush sign... Who voted for this act: Bush, Giuliani, Obama, Clinton, Huckabee, Romney
C) I don't think its okay to discriminate against anyone either does my candidate... No speacil treatment for anyone...
D) I don't make excuses for terrorists or my lying president
E) Okay genuis, which one of your candidates plans to stop illegal immigration, Giuliani-Pro Amnesty, Huckabee-Pro, Thompson even is pro.. go look under my profile.. questions... look at Thompson's voting record that seems to conflict with his quotes doens't it???
F) I don't blame the citizens of the US for any of the problems, I blame the concept of only looking out for your own best interests

2007-09-19 09:59:06 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

I have no problem being called a liberal because the people who criticize liberals don't know what they're talking about. As proof I need go no further than your examples A through F.

2007-09-19 09:51:09 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 7 1

Let me address your points
A. Want less govt intervention regarding our bodies
B. Are for more freedom of speech regardless if it is offensive, its the Christian right nutbags that want to censor everything
C. Blame racist inbreds for affirmative action, if they treated everyone equal, that stupid law would never have been needed.
D. Neocons create the terrorist. libs only point that out, not excuse
E. Bush loves illegals, it helps big business, not libs
F. The US is fine, its the corporate run govt that is the root of alot of problems, that and their love of Israel.

2007-09-19 09:50:48 · answer #7 · answered by The President 3 · 5 2

Dear King Jive,

A) repubs don't want to allow abortion for any reason (including rape and incest)
B) try to censor people with political correctness (your bad)
C) Think it's okay to discriminate against anyone who isn't christian
D) Accuse anyone who sees through their lies of being terrorists
E) Don't want to stop illegal immigration because they get cheap labor (which is good for big business)
F) Think the United States is entirely blameless in the foreign policy fiascos we get ourselves involved in (Hussein, Shah, Noriega, Ferdinand Marcos - all ex-friends of the U.S.)

sounds worse to be called a conservative!!!!!!!!!

2007-09-19 09:52:46 · answer #8 · answered by James Bond 6 · 6 3

It is not so much the liberals, but the ultra liberals that people are concerned about. Any group that seemingly begins to undermine our culture and its traditions, etc. has opened itself to criticism. The same is true for the ultra Conservatives.

2007-09-19 09:50:55 · answer #9 · answered by SgtMoto 6 · 3 2

Have gotten us clean water, sewer systems, highways, national parks, electricity (if you're in the South where people couldn't afford to produce their own electricity), 2 successful world wars, The only Era where America was the richest nation in the world. (1950s - 1980s), Weekends, 40 hour work weeks, the list goes on... and on... and on... Liberals are good. In fact, they are a coponent necessary for a successful America. If we had only 1 party we'd be..... (insert Totalitarian Government here)

2007-09-19 09:49:03 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 9 4

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