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I just heard about the Jena 6, and i must say it's interesting.

So it's come down to two "protests"(well, really it's just one)

wear black tomorrow, September 20, to support the Jena 6("free the Jena 6")

or wear white tomorrow, Sept. 20, to say that punishment should be carried out.

the "wear white" protest isn't real it was just kind of made up earlier today on facebook, and now it's been deleted.

in other words, what's your take on this Jena 6 situation?

2007-09-19 09:04:12 · 13 answers · asked by Quailman 6 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

13 answers

The charges were excessive, but these kids are obviously punks. All those screaming racism overlook the simple fact that the Jena 6 blind sided, then beat the hell out of 1 white guy. Black racism? Probably. Are they heroes? Hell no. Cowards I'd say.

I'd hate to see any of them get real prison time. They're just kids and the crime wasn't that severe. But I'm having a hard time feeling sorry for them.

What will I wear tomorrow? What ever is clean.

2007-09-20 05:23:08 · answer #1 · answered by Dog 4 · 0 0

I'll be wearing Black to show that what is happening in Jena is unacceptable. @2D, did you know that a Black kid was jumped at a party by some white students after the noose hanging incident, which by the way is classified as a federal hate crime? several against one? and that a gun was pulled on a Black student? no arrests or charges against those white students were made. see the injustice? kids facing 100 year sentences for a fight and only some of those involved were charged? the Black ones? c'mon now.....this is an attempted railroading of those Black boys and an attempt at denying them a future, an attempt to make examples of those kids as if to say "this is what will happen to you Black people if you step out of your place, how dare you strike a white boy". It's total miscarriage of the justice system, and now that one kid has spent almost a year in prison over a fight where one kid got his azz whooped but went to a social function later the same day, and nothing was done about the actions of the white students. IMO, the school board, the principle, the parents and the law enforcement really let those kids down, all of them.

2007-09-19 09:51:25 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

I think it is an outrage that our nation is having to hear about this story from internet word of moutn. CNN or FOX News is not covering this, and they won't. That town has some serious problems and there is no telling how many other black males are being held in jail under overzealous sentences while white child molesters and rapists get a year if that. People want to say that this country no longer has blatant racism, that it is a thing of the past. Well this story among other current events prove this is not the case by any means, racism is alive and well in the USA and that is very sad. Those young men were most definately defending themeselves. I think I would be a little on edge too if I saw nooses hanging from a tree in my town! I will be wearing black tomorrow but I am hoping people with power step in and really do something to get this situation changed.

2007-09-19 09:36:46 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 5 4

I will be wearing Black Attire tomorrow.

My take on the Jena 6 situation is: Free Mychal Bell!

2007-09-19 09:20:03 · answer #4 · answered by Sustagurl2 7 · 4 1

To put it in your terms, I'll be wearing black. Can you believe they tried these kids as adults and gave them 22 years in prison? 22 years?? What ever happened to letting the punishment fit the crime? I can't even see giving an adult that much time for the same crime. Add to that that these are black defendants who were faced with an all white jury... It makes me sick to know that racism is still alive and well in this country (not that I didn't already know that). The sad thing is, too many African-Americans have gotten sentences like this, and it's never reached the mass media.

2007-09-19 13:44:22 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

I agree with this black guy:

OK, having said that, much of the mainstream reporting on this story has been misleading, irresponsible and inflammatory.

No one mentions that Mychal Bell's clueless public defender was black. No one mentions that there were no black jurors because of the 50 people who responded to the more than 100 summons, none were black. No one mentions that Bell was already on probation for battery relating to a Christmas day incident in 2005. No one mentions that Bell was adjudicated (convicted) of two other violent crimes in 2006 and one charge of criminal damage to property. No one mentions that Bell's father acknowledged he moved back to Louisiana in February (after seven years in Dallas) to supervise his son because of the "Jena Six" mess. No one mentions that Bell starred on the Jena High football team while constantly jeopardizing/violating his seemingly flimsy probation.

This was all talked about in open court during a bond hearing for Bell, and a newspaper in Alexandria, La., wrote about it. Just about everybody else has pretty much ignored the "other side" of the story. Including the fact that not one witness — black or white, and there were 40 statements taken — connected the jumping/beatdown of the white student (Dec. 4) to the noose incident (Sept. 1).

No one mentions that a black U.S. Attorney, Donald Washington, investigated the "Jena Six" case and held a town-hall meeting explaining that there was no evidence connecting the jumping/beatdown to the noose incident.
Rather than report the truth, flames have been fanned by lazy or cowardly or agenda-driven members of the media. Because the white kid regained consciousness and survived the attack with only a swollen eye, defenders of the "Jena Six" have called it a typical "schoolyard fight." Would anyone call it that if six white football and basketball players jumped one black kid?


Also, people who talk about the white guy who pulled the gun on the three blacks leave out the reason. Here's a statement from court documents:

"I drove up to the Gotta Go and started to walk in the store and saw three black males and one hollered 'we've got action'. I saw them running after me so I turned and sprinted to my truck and then got my gun out...AC & the Gotta Go owners saw."

Also, people who talk about the white getting beat up at a party don't mention that the party was invite only and the black was not invited and refused to leave.

2007-09-19 09:38:34 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2

I will be wearing white, just as I said I was going to do since Mr. Bigot don't-have-my-facts straight Sharpton started his new hyper soap opera. You see....I have this thing called truth mixed up with what I know of the whole Jena 6 mess....it sucks and all, but what can ya do?

2007-09-19 09:35:21 · answer #7 · answered by Dixie Echo 4 · 1 4

what the jena 6 commited were acts of justification on their terms.With the racial tension at their school it was bound to happen no matter.
No,im not saying i agree with what they did but i can see why they did it.Almost everything racially charged against the african americans that happened during those few months at that highschool were never prosecuted to the full extent.
(nooses hung,gun being pointed at three black students,fights etc)They were commited by white students and the only thing that happened were the three white students who hung the nooses got 3 days of inn school suspension..fair right eh?
Now to prosecute 6 black guys for a fight against 1 white student is like saying every single fight at that highschool against students should be prosecuted to the full extent as well.And when is a tennis shoe a murder weapon?
Those boys deserve better and that white student brought it on hisself when taunting one of them about being a n***** and getting beat by other white students.He knew there was racial tension and he still pursued his biased remarks against them.HE had it coming..

The law is unjustified honestly.PRISON for a fight that left a white student with bruises and scrapes who even attended a ceremony right after the beating with other students...he didnt show side effects and if he could join other students afterward he must have not been that battered..its sad..
Try reversing the roles and see who would get the shorter stick..rascism is sick..
i will be wearing black aswell ^^.
no rest without justice

2007-09-19 09:24:41 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 7 3

i think of eco-friendly or pink! those 2 colours are the favorite ones this season! i for my section desire i helped, and you're SO fortunate it particularly is seventy 4 ranges! it particularly is nevertheless like 40 the place i stay! ahah. (:

2016-10-05 00:34:49 · answer #9 · answered by palomares 4 · 0 0

I'll be wearing Black... I believe they were unusually punished and I'm glad they've already decided to throw some of the cases out.. I hope they decide to throw Bell's out too.

2007-09-19 09:21:27 · answer #10 · answered by *Shayla* 4 · 7 1

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