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From previous research, some citizens felt if they were prohibited from committing this act, it would be a violation of their "rights." Others, however, believed burning the U.S. flag is a demonstration of non-patriotism.

Based on your knowledge, how do you feel about this and more importantly, why?

2007-09-19 07:53:18 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

31 answers

Yes...To me it's the same as someone taking a crap on the constitution and calling IT free speech too. Neither one has ANYTHING to do with speaking and both are disrespectful of those who died protecting it...this of course excludes the proper retirement ceremonies.

2007-09-19 07:58:23 · answer #1 · answered by Erinyes 6 · 6 7

It would take a Constitutional Amendment. The flag is a symbol. The Constitution and The Bill of Rights is the living documents which guide our country. The Constitution is way more important than a symbol.
There are really many way more important issues than this. I've been to many protests from the Vietnam days until now. Never, have I seen a flag burning at one of these protests. Of the few that I have seen on TV all but one took place in other countries and there is no way we could enforce a law like this overseas. In fact passing such a petty law would probably encourage these people. The one domestic flag burning on TV, took place at a baseball game and has been shown over and over. The idiot that did it was arrested for violating other laws.
I've seen disrespect for the flag in many other ways. A flag should be not used as an article of clothing , table cloth, curtains, awnings etc. I see it done all the timer. I find it offensive to use the flag commercially to sell a product. Should we pass a law against anything that some people find disrespectful or offensive?
Bottom line our rights are more important than a symbol or not offending somebody.

2007-09-19 15:36:57 · answer #2 · answered by wyldfyr 7 · 2 1

well...the only time i would burn a flag were if i dropped it on the ground, or if it was old and too tattered to fly...burning is what you are suppose to do to the flag if those things occure

I have no respect for those who burn the flag out of protest, i have no idea what good that does any one and how exactly is that free speech...its an action...Should it be banned, thats hard to say b/c then those who are caught burning the flag will use the excuse of it fell on the ground or something....you would not be able to enforce the law....I think that burning the flag in protest is a very spitful thing and if you feel that extream about the situation why do you continue to live in this nation? Move, if you dont like it and have to burn a flag out of protest, cause Lord knows we dont want you here!

2007-09-19 15:15:52 · answer #3 · answered by tll 6 · 1 0

Patriotism is a very much abused word in this country -much as Christian is.
I personally believe that protest -at times - can be one of the higher signs of patriotism.Many in this country don't.
Being in lockstep with your leaders is how the ism's generally start - fascism,communism,naziism,etc...-as leaders begin to feel all powerful and righteous in their actions.
Flag burning is symbolic - no one is hurt.Just as no-one really died for the flag.Just what it represents.
England is good at dealing with protests that really go against the public mood.They shrug their shoulders or laugh at -then get on with their lives while the protests dies of lack of attention.
Americans have the need to really embelish the trivial as though it's become an overriding factor in many lives and so distort the small and meaningless into areas of importance it should never have been granted.....

2007-09-19 15:49:36 · answer #4 · answered by Your Teeth or Mine? 5 · 3 1

No. Flag-burning, as a form of protesting a government in power, is regarded as protected speech. No matter the emotional appeals and legislative efforts of psuedopatriotic reactionary conservatives, such a prohibitive measure will simply not pass Constitutional muster.

"It should be banned. When I see someone burning the US flag, it is offensive to me..."

Oh but wait....there is no such right to not be offended. Isn't that what some right-wingers love to invoke when criticizing political correctness? Typical double standard.

2007-09-19 15:07:24 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

It is a very legitimate form of protest. The fact that people are upset by it shows that it is a very powerful form of protest. If it were banned, then how long until someone decides to ban other forms of protest? Burning a flag sends a very clear signal that the person doing the burning is upset with the US. There is nothing in the US Constitution that says a person has to be a patriot. There is nothing in there that says a person has to love the government or the flag. In fact, the ability to hate the government and the flag are in the constitution. The first amendment is there for just this purpose. The framers of the constitution were not patriotic to their original government. They wanted future US citizens to have the same choices they did and to try to prevent a government that does not consider the rights of its citizens.

Just remember, the flag is nothing more than a symbol. It is cloth or paper and there is nothing magical about it. It feels no pain. It is prescribed no protection in the constitution and it has no rights. The person who is burning the flag does feel pain. The person does have rights and protections in the constitution.

2007-09-19 14:59:43 · answer #6 · answered by A.Mercer 7 · 8 4

If someone burns the flag, you should just roll your eyes, call him a moron, and ignore him. If you ban flag burning, you'll cause every two bit protestor with a grudge to burn one. If the point is to reduce the number of flag burnings, why pass a law garenteed to cause more of them?

More importantly, freedom of speech isn't just for speech you agree with. Why can't we ban both Ted Rall and Ann Coulter articles that inflame others? What about those protestors outside abortion clinics? What about banning other forms of speech?

Remember, if you don't believe in free speech for those you despise, then you don't believe in it for anybody.

2007-09-19 15:09:54 · answer #7 · answered by Chance20_m 5 · 4 1

The people that burn the flag do so for attention. They want you to be upset. They want you to pay attention to them. So by getting upset and by paying attention to them you are playing into their hands. Ignore them and they will stop. We don't need some law that puts the hammer down. It is just a flag. Of course I know what that flag stands for. I was in the military and have the highest respect for it and what it stands for and I am upset when people desecrate it or burn it in protest but I don't let them know they upset me because than they win. By ignoring them, I win.

2007-09-19 15:03:07 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

It should not be banned ever. It would be a violation of my right of freedom of expression. If we start banning things that others see as no patriotic then we are just moving towards a fascist state

Look if you don't like the idea of flag burring then don't burn a flag. If you see someone burning a flag then look away or engage them in a discussion over the idea as but do not violate there right of free speech.

Being offended is a natural consequence of leaving ones own house.

2007-09-19 14:59:51 · answer #9 · answered by John C 6 · 9 4

I think that if you dislike a country so much that you burn their flag then you should pack your bags and move to another country. There is absolutely no reason to burn a countries flag unless you wrap it around yourself.

And don't you find it funny that those who are willing to allow people to burn the flag use the constitution as a way to say "they should be able to do it without facing any consequences"? I mean you dishoner one of the symbols of a country and use another to protect yourself. That is just hypocritical.

2007-09-19 15:02:30 · answer #10 · answered by Mr. Nobody 5 · 4 3

1. Burning the flag is the prescribed method of retiring a flag.
2. As disgusting as burning a flag as a protest is, it is absolutely a free speech issue.

2007-09-19 14:58:25 · answer #11 · answered by sprcpt 6 · 6 4

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