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i cant stop lying...im always doing it for the attention i think.
maybe i was bullied as a child....can anyone shed any light on the subject?

2007-09-19 07:43:26 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Psychology

29 answers

I think you want attention. Do you feel your "real" life is boring, so you have to lie to make yourself sound more interesting?

2007-09-19 07:51:40 · answer #1 · answered by staceylovbe 2 · 0 0

Yes, it's a problem and yes, you have to stop. But first you have to explore why you lie.

If you are hoping to impress people and gain friends, then lying is the last thing you want to do, As soon as people find out you have been lying, all their respect for you drains away and they want to have as little to do with you as they can because now they believe you are untrustworthy.

Learn to like yourself. I know it's difficult, but you need to build up your self-esteem, and understand your true worth, before you can be confident enough to relax in other people's company and be yourself. Don't 'put up a front' in an effort to be liked, it doesn't work.

It is only by being yourself that you will know that people like you for yourself, and those that don't like you are the ones who are missing out on you as a friend. Their loss, not yours. If someone can't be bothered to get to know you as a person, then they are not the sort of company you want anyway.

Aviod the shallow and judgmental, they are soul-destroying, and you will slide into lying in an attempt to 'fit in' with such people. Join a group in something you are really interested in, and you will have an instant talking piont with the people there. If you're honest right from the start, you can build real friendships and develop relationships based on truth. If you value those friendships, you won't lie because you could ruin everything.

Compulisive lying is very difficult to overcome. If you feel tempted to lie, just remember you are worth more than that and say nothing, rather than tell an untruth. If you can't get a grip on it, then get professional help. Sometimes a course in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy can help. It helps you to recognise destructive thought patterns and change them.

Look after yourself.

2007-09-19 17:02:07 · answer #2 · answered by Heralda 5 · 0 0

Hi Yelena,
How are you doing today?
Have you asked yourself this question, honestly?
Do you lie for convenience, or actually exaggerate or actually contort the truth and give it a new dimension altogether?
Whatever it is it has to stop.
I can maybe think of a few possible reasons as to what may be triggering off this compulsive habit. Dont worry, nothing in this world is un-conquerable
* You know that the people you are lying to , are people to whom if you tell the truth, will use the fact against you and not only be judgemental but also act in a punishing manner to you.
* You do it for the simple reason of convenience.. neither do you want to face the truth nor will you allow somebody else to face it for you.
* The people around you might not be that supportive as you might wish them to be, and therefore you deem it necessary to contort the truth .
* You are lost in a world of your own, that you fail to live in the present...You view everything as a result of the past...
But please understand , You are what are are at present, The past is past and the future is not in your hands. But what you have at hand is the present, which is a gift. Use it appropriately, for no one can change the past nor predict the future, but Today well lived, makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope.
Do not seek for attention, If you are worthy of it, It will come seeking you.
Do not dwell in the hurts of the past. Sulking about the past mistakes only leads to future ones.
So honey, make every second count...Make the best of today, Start with "now"...consciously bring about a change in your habit.
And also pray to God for the power of endurance.
I am sure you will do just fine.
Take care.

2007-09-19 14:59:05 · answer #3 · answered by nk 2 · 0 0

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2007-09-19 15:15:18 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I know. I'm sorry to hear you were bullied. It is not pleasant at all. I suppose lying is you subconsciously covering up or hiding yourself from people in some sort of defence. Just try to see it is not the way to get attention. Get attention in a good way like by doing something worth while you will be recognised for like helping others or taking up a sport you enjoy. good luck!

2007-09-19 14:51:46 · answer #5 · answered by . 5 · 0 1

There are a lot of people who use self-talk to handle what is going on inside their minds. When self-talk is not monitored cautiously it can lead to drastic effects not only on one’s personality but also affects its mentality and psychology. Self-talk is a type of conversation which we conduct with ourselves. In literature we call it soliloquy. Brain’s reticular activating system never forgets what we repeat again and again. Ironically this system can not recognize what is beneficial to the individual and what is not. Think you can, think you can't; either way, you'll be right- a saying goes like this. Therefore when ever we ‘talk’ with ourselves, we should be cautious, very cautious in fact. There are a lot of audio programs which can help and there are a lot of online books. If I recall there is a book ‘self-talk solutions’ which is every effective in this scenario.

2007-09-19 14:55:51 · answer #6 · answered by b_banth 3 · 0 0

im not really sure who you are, you keep changing your name.

I think maybe you do need help, you are very unpopular on here.

I answered one of your questions last night and then removed it when i saw all the other responses you got. Quite frankly i felt sorry for you, then i thought that you had just made the whole thing up and didn't particularly feel you deserved my sympathy.
You seem to enjoy causing controversy.

I think you should see your doctor.

2007-09-19 14:52:13 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sounds like a compulsive disorder called OCD. Yes, you can get help for it but in the mean time, think before you talk so you don't accidently spout out more lies.

2007-09-19 14:51:10 · answer #8 · answered by good girl 3 · 0 0

Lying will get you nowhere. That type of attention is no good.

2007-09-19 14:55:39 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well everyone herre who said rude stuff, its cause they have nothing better to do and they want to make themselves feel better. Its hard to say if you need help or not. Cause everyone has told a white lie ( something that will not hurt anyones feelings) or really bad lies like some man beat you up etc. It depends on what end of the scale your on. Email me if you would like. I have a friend thats a pathalogical liar and i try to help her out.

2007-09-19 14:50:49 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

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