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Ok.So here it is.If one is neglected and ignored thoroughly and has no friends, isn't it better to die rather that living like an outcast? If one has no familal support to even encourage the person to get up and fight his/her weaknesses,isn't it better to just get rid of the ugly realities of the world? If one is being tortured for a period of over 10 years or if child abuse like social and emotional occured and if the person has no hope to survive at all, isn't it better to wrap yourself around the shadows of death because after all death is very peaceful.The only fear we have to fear is fear itself...right? So, what do you think if a person has no scope to survive at all and absolute zero hope of progress due lack of any kind of support in this world full of misery,narrow domesticated walls of the mind and corruption,isn't it better to just peacefully to swift away form this world of a lost faith?

2007-09-19 07:37:54 · 8 answers · asked by Tina 2 in Social Science Psychology

8 answers

Hun, first off you may not know me but I care about you and your life.

It is always better to stay and fight, because you never know the unknown, and fear is fear-full but it can be overcome, look at yourself you have overcome some hard trials and tribulations in your life. If you think you are the only one your not, so maybe you could use your life to help others like you and in return you will find them helping you back. No one lives in this world alone, no matter how mean or rude some one or people are there is always someone for everyone. May it be friend, cousin, or a pen pal.

Your life is only as important as you want to make it, I hope this helps you out. I have been through some tough issues myself so I am not trying to judge you or tell you how it is. I am just trying to let you know my opinion I hope it helps.

2007-09-19 07:52:59 · answer #1 · answered by David H 2 · 0 0

There are better alternatives than death. It may seem like there's no hope left, but there always is if you want to find it. So many great people have overcome extremely horrid circumstances; it would be a tragedy if someone ended their life because of the neglect of others when that person could have done so much to better the world, or even make a difference in other people's lives who are going through similar issues. If I were in this very dark place, I would seek out support somehow (whether it was simply a loved one/friend or professional help), and I work to make my life more liveable, because you know what? Life is such a wonderful gift, and it's worth it.

2007-09-19 07:57:43 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You want to use a permanent solution to deal with a temporary situation? That is a case of extremity, I have been down and deeply depressed, I was sexual abused at an extremely young age and I had, had 3 suicide attempts(in my teens.) but I learned as I got older that if I took my life that wouldn't solve anything but only let the people that put me in that state get away with it and basically let them win. The fact that I am standing here alive and well, and am able to survived without hurting anyone physically, mentally or sexually is a personal victory for me. There is always someone out there in the world that is going to have it worse than you and if those people can go on, live and struggle through with just the thought of things will one day get better for them What is wrong in finding that faith in yourself and making that so?

2007-09-19 08:06:44 · answer #3 · answered by calmlikeatimebomb 6 · 0 0

feeling suicide extreme depression

2016-02-02 03:05:22 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Suicide is not an act of chosen. It happens when pain exceeds resources of coping with pain. Your reading of this page definitely indicates desire to be live alive. You are not bad character, crazy, weak or hopeless person who have thoughts of suicide. Surely this situation merits that your pains exceed resources of coping with pain. It has not link with will-power. Neither suicidal feelings are wrong or right nor a defect of character. Morally it is neutral. This is solely imbalance between pain and coping resources. You can be out of such suicidal feelings if you do work on one of these two:

1 Find way to lessen your pain.
2 Explore ways to enhance your coping resources.

Both are possible. Majority of the populace feels the waves of suicidal feelings. Almost all of the deaths comprise 2 % of suicidal deaths. Majority of the people with suicidal feelings can be recovered with the passage of time or with the recovery program. Suicidal thoughts can be overcome with hundreds techniques. Following such techniques we can arrest suicidal thoughts of our selves or beloved ones.

2007-09-19 08:02:32 · answer #5 · answered by b_banth 3 · 0 0

if it looks like your going to stay in this lonely type world, you need to build a wall, like me, and a constant rebuilding team

aka, dont listen to what others say (thats the wall) cus there below you, one who can survive alone is greater than one who cant. you have to build up a giant ego (i myself, think i am god, literily, that much of an ego) so that if you take a hit, you can bounce right back.

so, to summarise, dont listem to others insults, cus in there inferior status, they have no affect on you.
dont care what others think, because your self image is the only one that matters.
realise that by standing alone, you are above everyone else, that there is no one grater than you, that you are god.

in my idology, suicide is a mark of shame, it shows your mental weakness, it shows that all those people who said you were worse than them, were right, cus you werent even able to deal with simple life.
suicide is admitting that you lose.

2007-09-19 07:55:58 · answer #6 · answered by james R 2 · 0 0

No, you are a beautiful writer. Run away to NY and live on the subway system before you commit such a heinous crime as you are thinking of. Do NOT do it, or I will make you live forever!!

2007-09-19 07:52:46 · answer #7 · answered by Surruh 2 · 1 0

Like sarah said better to live any old life then no life don't let this year influance next years outcome , remember things change .. Infact remember {{ Things Change }}

2007-09-19 08:00:51 · answer #8 · answered by darkcloud 6 · 0 0

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