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Moral values used to come from church and were reinforced by men and women... Nowadays activists say:

1. Church is obsolete and the christian/muslim idea of women being wives and mothers is no longer acceptable...
2. Men are not allowed to use any degrading terms for promiscuous women...
3. Women are not allowed to police their own ranks either...

So how are our daughters supposed to make the right choices?

2007-09-19 07:18:40 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Gender Studies

20 answers

Which activists would these be? I have never heard any of these statements and I keep current of all recent press releases. There is a couple of women who live in the spotlight who make bad choices. I believe that this has been going on since the beginning of time and is not specific to women. I notice Colin, Owen, Robert also have a great deal of press time as well. These people march by the beat of their own drum and this has little to do with mainstream society. Think about historic figures like Charlie Chaplin, Oscar Wild, Isadora Duncan who were all considered scandalous in their pre feminist times.
As far as child rearing. We just need to impart on our children be it male or female good morals and good self esteem. When a child is empowered they also are autonomous and don't depend on a peer group to make sound decisions.

2007-09-19 08:20:06 · answer #1 · answered by Deirdre O 7 · 0 0

I'm not nearly as worried about young women turning into Paris or Britney as you are. That's because I've lived long enough to see styles and celebrities come and go. Those young women will barely ever be heard of in another five years or so. If anything, I much prefer seeing women trying out their own styles instead of being made to conform to someone else's ideal for what is appropriate feminine attire.

No, church is not obsolete. There are dozens of churches in my town and it has a population of only about 36,000. As for women being wives and mothers, while there's nothing wrong with that, the problem occurs when those who believe those are the only choices in life women should have want to push them on the rest of us. What's wrong with being a wife and mother and having a career or other outside interests?Another question I would like to ask is why do these people say that being a wife and mother is the most important role for a woman but to them, being a husband and father for a man is way down the list? It's all right if his family is not his highest priority as long as he is a good provider or if he actually sticks around instead of running off.

Why should anybody use degrading terms in reference to other people simply because they choose lifestyles they might not approve of? Why is is all right to disparage a promiscuous woman but not a promiscuous man? I think such men are pretty vile myself and I couldn't imagine having sex with someone who's been with many other women before and having him compare me unfavorably with his past lovers.

What do you mean by policing their own ranks? Having older women go up to teenage girls and putting bags over them because they don't think they are appropriately dressed?

2007-09-19 16:06:30 · answer #2 · answered by RoVale 7 · 1 0

Because it's easy to behave badly and excusable to be stupid!!! The world seems to love it. No consequences anymore, just head lines!
Moral values and behaviors were enforced by the church in a big way!
Promiscuity is not nor ever has been limited to women.
Women who are mothers and wives also work very very hard and don't have time to police other women nor should they... but... if they have children they have to make the time to set the proper examples for all children.

We use to live in much tighter communities, things were a little more friendly yet ridged. Folks stuck together... if your child did something inappropriate, you heard about it and it was dealt with, usually at dinner in front of God and everyone. Now days everyone ignores those kinds of things.

Children seem to have the power now... Stupid I know but it's true.
Parenting seems to have turned into which parent can make the kid most happy...

2007-09-19 14:56:17 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Obsolescence of the church: Conventional wisdom would back that up, but let's not forget that the girls who have learned that ALL premarital sex is a sin are the ones who are more likely to get pregnant and STIs. This has been statistically proven. Many, many times.

Degrading terms: Well, sure you are. Just don't say it to their faces.

Policing the ranks: See above.

One contributor to the problem is parental absenteeism. (I don't want to hear from people accusing working mothers of neglecting their children — SAHMs are far from perfect about it.) Children need to know that their parents are there for them if they need to do the circumstances under which it's OK to have sex. I was always taught that if I had it, it would have to be with someone I really loved. I don't believe in love, but hey, I'm still a virgin.

Another problem is sex-ed in schools. As I stated above, abstinence-only education is largely ineffective. Encouraging contraception may not stop teens from having sex (and let's be honest — nothing ever will), but it will stop them from facing enormous physical consequences.

Finally, our girls need positive female role models. When people like Paris and Britney are the only ones they see in their magazines and their MTV, what kind of message is that?

2007-09-19 14:27:35 · answer #4 · answered by Rio Madeira 7 · 0 0

I see plenty of women who don't want to be Paris or Brittney. However, the whole idea that a woman's "place" is as a wife/mother is the kind of caveman thinking that needs to be replaced. These are great roles for women, but they're not the only things we can do.

As far as men not being "allowed" to use degrading terms, as far as I can tell, they're still using plenty. And I don't know why men slam whores; they're the ones using the service provided.

As far as women policing their ranks, what are you suggesting--stoning parties? The stocks? Spitting on women we judge to be "inappropriate"?

Daughters will make the right decisions when they're educated, given a sense of their self-worth, and allowed to make their own choices, not by being told that they need to be nice, quiet, subservient, baby-making machines.

2007-09-19 14:29:12 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

You teach your kids what's right and wrong. You describe that if they do this or that what consequences follow! The parents are the first teachers in their life. Teach them right!

Church is important for belief in God but the church isn't raising your kids now are they?? No. You are!

As far as the pop star scene goes, parents should teach there kids that just because they're big stars doesn't mean they're great people either. They all have their problems just like us. And it's not always so good to look up to them. I ain't going to go on a rant here so I'll leave it at that!

2007-09-19 14:26:59 · answer #6 · answered by lauren87851 2 · 1 0

sorry i 've taken a few days 2 get back 2 u,i've been a little busy.i'll try 2 answer ur ? 2 the best of my opinion.women with very little self esteem like 2 dress up and play act,also women who want something so badly they have no other way 2 express themselves and they live 4 the moment regardless of the consequences.its all a matter of choice.

2007-09-21 16:43:22 · answer #7 · answered by CHER 6 · 0 0

agreed, we living in an age when morals are taught to us not by the church and parents but my the TV and celeberties. Some kids still hold onto their morals, but many can not be controlled do to the way children learn in school fro other kids. Catholic school is one option but then the kid will lose having a tru highschool exp. So i guess were just screwed as a society and will have a generation of sluts it seems..

2007-09-19 14:29:11 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Men may not be allowed...but i will..those damn skanky hefers!

But to answer your question...apparently girls today find that the only way they can be cool is to use drugs, drink, act wild and irresponsible, dress like your turnin tricks, and sleep with every guy you see....personally i blame the media for glamorizing people such as paris and britney..they should set the example and NOT publicize their actions until they've gotten their act together but instead use every dumb moment and use it as their cover story....young people see this and think its whats cool...its the parents fault as well...I've seen moms AND daughters dressed like hoochies and wonder wheres the dad....if i was the daughter my dad would've slapped the ISH out of me if i dressed provocatively..and now that im a wife my husband would also slap the ish out of me if i let me or my daughter dress like that...so i think its mainly up to the parents now...you have to stand strong and hold your ground and teach them your values as best you can

2007-09-19 14:41:20 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I don't know. How do kids learn to make moral decisions once they stop believing in Santa Claus and the threat of getting coal for Christmas?

Could it be that women have brains and are capable of choosing their own paths and morals in life, and that just like the rest of the human population, women are capable of distinguishing between harmless choices and choices that hurt others (i.e. morals)?

2007-09-19 14:27:56 · answer #10 · answered by ©å®®ĩε 2 · 1 1

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