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I am a democrat who leans heavily to the left.

Does anyone really care if the government illegally wire taps phone conversations? I for one could care less! If the government wants to listen to me talking about football or what a buffoon I think Bush is etc, than so be it, I have nothing to hide…If the government stops one terror attack or locks up a drug dealer etc, because of this illegal wire tapping isn't it worth it.

Please do not assume that this would lead to other government controls. This does not mean that the government will , come and read my mail, or take my house etc…"Assumption is the mother of all phuck ups"

2007-09-19 07:17:44 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

For those that say that I can't be liberal because I think like this.

Anyone who claims to be 100% liberal or 100% conservative is doing themselves a disservice and has a closed mind. I think for myself, I have views that are liberal, and some that are conservative. It is called freedom of choice, you should be aware of this concept. So for you to say that I am not liberal, then so be it, I don't really care. I will tell you that I am not a Bush supporter, I think he has done an awful job, and I voted against him twice.

And to the guy who says that it would be ok if the gov got "consent" first!! Are you kidding me!! Do you really think a terrorist would be more forth coming. Why don't we just broadcast a message to the world that we would like to know what terrorist are planning next? I'm sure they will be forthcoming and tell us everything!!

2007-09-19 07:43:19 · update #1

18 answers

I'm a republican and lean a little to the right, but I agree with you. I have nothing to hide.

They can read all the junk mail in my mail box. I'd like to show someone in government all the bills I have to pay.

We expect our government to spy on Al Qaida, but we don't want them to listen when they call the US? We put ourselves in a box, and then wonder why we can't protect ourselves.

2007-09-19 08:24:26 · answer #1 · answered by mjmayer188 7 · 2 0

'Please do not assume that this would lead to other government controls...'

You speak of 'the government' as if it's an entity on a different plane of existence. 'The government' is just people. You know that pushy neighbor across the street? Or your petty, spiteful sister in law? This is government. Normal people. They are the people that guard and protect us, but they are also the people that are sometimes responsible for gross misuse of thier power. They can't all be lumped together as 'the government'.

It's human nature to abuse power. If this weren't true, we wouldn't need the Constitution to protect our rights. I have a very boring life, too. But I respect the rights of ALL Americans, even the nutcases.

Let's take a different look at this. You don't mind if the government eavesdrops. So, some federal agent records all your calls. He tapes one in which you rattle off your check card number. It goes on file. Some clerk that has a gambling problem gets a hold of that information. The next thing you know, your bank account is cleaned out. It's all charged to an overseas internet gambling house, and there's nothing you can do about it.

This is just one of many ways that your rights can be taken from you through government eavesdropping. It doesn't have to be some great conspiracy. All it takes is one person with the right information to RUIN your life.

2007-09-19 07:37:46 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Why should anyone give up freedom for protection!
a dead president said that i just don't remember what one!
Why not just let me be queen and i'll take care of it!

i have nothing to hide either but i don't think spying on everyone is the way to do it!
not like someone can't work a codeing system up anyway!
i mean come on!

Plus they already do it! not much we can do about it either!~

See i feel some worry take this life example!

Back in highschool i was blamed for having a key to a vending machine so they wanted to search me!
i'm like ok I have no key search away.. however i was under the age of smoking and was scared i was going to get into trouble for having smokes.... so i asked prior to searching if i'm going to not be in any trouble for anything else you may possilbe find. They aggreed
I have a huge purse they asked me to dump it i was like here just go through it there is a lot of stuff in there being collector of EVERYTHING pack rat..
she said well start taking everything out so i took out the smokes first thing! stated pur our agreement i can't get into trouble for this! it's not a key!
Any way to get to thepoint i got suspending for having old firecrackers in my purse! didn't know they were there..not a clue! it was like 3 of the louds that make noise.. one had the fuse all makeupy and hanging on by a thread. the others just look rreallly old ..
here is the sad part! I had the key the hole time!
If i can pull wools over some one when i was in highschool who is to day that tapping is going to solve anything but lamn pointless crimes! so i'm not assuming that this could lead to other controls but with my personal past and how the "System" works it's i higher % then you may think!

2007-09-19 07:38:44 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

None. If my information is right, the "tapping" surpassed off on the foreign places part, so no regulation became violated. i should be incorrect, yet i think that the moniker "relatives eavesdropping" is patently newspeak. If a call happens between a relatives and foreign places telephone, and the faucet happens on the foreign places part, then no regulation is violated, and calling it "relatives eavesdropping" is absurd. That being stated, i think of that individuals could be lots greater gentle if the FBI became out of the relatives intelligence container. If i ought to element my plans to attach with a prostitute over the telephone, and comprehend that maximum possibly in common terms the intelligence centers have been listening and that they could not share that information with regulation enforcement, i could be greater beneficial than prepared to enable them to hearken to all calls. the situation arises whilst a regulation enforcement company additionally has get entry to to information that they probable wouldn't have under the 4th.

2016-12-17 05:16:57 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Just because you have nothing to hide is not a good enough reason to surrender the Constitutional protections and freedoms that make this country great. Law enforcement has always done a fine job catching the bad guys without having to break the law. There's no reason for them to have to change that now.

And as for the assumption that this would lead to greater governmental intrusions, that's a safe one to make, especially since you'd obviously support them. After all, if the government opening your mail or planting surveillance devices in your home would help catch criminals or stop terrorists, wouldn't it be worth it? And if they can get away with this, who would possibly think they won't try to get away with more?

2007-09-19 07:27:32 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 4 3

The gov't can't illegally tap phones no matter what people say about the patriot act. What can be done is that a PERSON can be tapped, which means if they use my phone for whatever reason they can actually listen in to the convo even if they don't have a warrant to tap my phone.

2007-09-19 07:24:43 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Does anyone really care if the government illegally wire taps phone conversations? I for one could care less! If the government wants to listen to me talking about football or what a buffoon I think Bush is etc, than so be it, I have nothing to hide…


2007-09-19 07:23:23 · answer #7 · answered by soperson 4 · 1 3

I'm an independent centrist who would appreciate it if the Bush Administration would honor the Constitutional rights that U.S. citizens should be entitled to. I have nothing to hide either, but it goes against Constitutional principles.

If terrorists really hate us for our freedom, taking our freedom away is just a way of appeasing the terrorists.

2007-09-19 07:26:03 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

1984, So, why has the Patriot Act been used against a Democratic Senator? These tactics are being used for political gain. This is why the government's actions must be transparent for our Republic to work.

2007-09-19 07:22:38 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

History tells us that if you give the government--any government--that kind of power, it will be abused andused for the purpose of intimidating, harassing, and undermining the liberty of the citizenry.

"Don't assume this" THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS in the history of the US, or the world. That is why the Constitution prohibits warrentless searches.

And at least have the guts to admit your a Bush supporter. No liberal thinks the way you claim to. None.

2007-09-19 07:26:35 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 4

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