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OK so we have Hundreds of satellites and Telescopes that can see the Surface of Mars ,,,However we can't turn one of them and take a picture of the moon of where these supposed Lunar Rovers were left behind .......HMMM why not ?
China is sending a Man to the Moon in 2 years , what happens if he gets there and their are NO Flags and No evidence of us ever being there ????


2007-09-19 07:12:35 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Science & Mathematics Astronomy & Space

Are you people in just total Denial or WHAT ?
Obviously everyone who has answered this question so far is OLD !!! VERY OLD .......
You probably believe that a Weather Balloon crashed in Roswell NW in the 50's and that Oswald killed Kennedy !!

These are the reasons we can't get a Young president cause he would tell America the Truth about whats going on in this Country !!!!

2007-09-19 10:14:21 · update #1

12 answers

HELL YEA IT was Fake I can't believe these other peoples comments and Answers its amazing how people only beive what they want to ~~

check this one out!!!!


2007-09-21 07:35:18 · answer #1 · answered by KC 1 · 0 0

We do not have hundreds of telescopes that can see the surface of Mars. We have a few satellites around Mars and some rovers on the surface that are still active.

We have nothing around the Moon. We have nothing on the Moon that can still send pictures.

The best we have is the Hubble space telescope, in orbit around Earth (some 380,000 km from the Moon). And they can't turn it towards the Moon because, from so close, the light would fry the cameras.

Still, if they did, what is the smallest thing it could see?

Dawes's limit (check it out on wiki) is
where " means seconds of arc (1/3600 of a degree) and D is the diametre of the telescope in millimetres (mm).

The Hubble Space Telescope has a 2.4 metre mirror (2,400 mm). Therefore, its smallest resolvable angle is
116/2400 = 0.05"

We have bigger telescopes on Earth, but the atmosphere restricts us to a best resolvable angle of 0.5" even for giant telescopes.

So Hubble is still 10 times better.

At a distance of 380,000 km, an angle of 0.05" corresponds to a object of 90 m (290 feet).

I don't remember the lunar rover being that big.

However, the Soviet landers (unmanned) and the Appolo LEMs have left laser retro-reflectors behind and we can still use these to measure the distance to the Moon. Shine a laser on the reflectors and check how much time it takes for the pulse to come back.

As for the last question:
China is sending a Man to the Moon in 2 years , what happens if he gets there and there are NO Flags and No evidence of us ever being there ?

Then they win.

Although I am certain that the flat Earth society probably already has prepared a web site to show that the Chinese also have a fake Moon in a studio.

Wushuboy001: The question is not whether we could identify one rover among many others, but rather could we not see at least one. Although it is very difficult to identify a particular car from space, we can at least see cars (see Google Earth for example).

Geomatic: At lead, md does not state that he offers the link as proof (althoug I suspect that was his intent). I find the wiki info very good in that it explains what is (are) the supposed hoax(es) and how they were debunked. At least the link is good in explaining the hoax to those who had not heard or seen the details yet.


The best proof that the Moon landings were real remains the fact that the Soviets could also receive the signals in their radiotelescopes and they could tell where the signal was coming from.

And, at that time, the Soviets would certainly NOT have gone along with such a hoax.

2007-09-19 07:27:23 · answer #2 · answered by Raymond 7 · 5 0

Every single day - this is answered every day at least 2 or three times. I don't know if you are from the U.S or not but being from Aussie land, I thought you guys were one of the most patriotic races in the world. I would have thought then that you would have had enough respect for the 1000's of scientists that worked for many years on the project to know that all that time they were not working on a hoax.

However, the real proof, even if you don't believe any of the reasons about flags fluttering or about radiation belts or that you cannot 'see' the things left there, is the fact that the missions were undeniably tracked from many different countries all through out the world. For example the radio telescope at Parkes, New South Wales, Australia, was used by NASA throughout the Apollo program to receive signals in the Southern Hemisphere, along with the NASA Honeysuckle Creek Tracking Station near Canberra. These signals of the landings are irrefutably transmissions from the moon. These are just the ones from Australia, there are many other countries that also played vital roles in communications.

So please - no more of this rubbish. As I have also said in other posts, I hope that this misinformation has not come from a teacher or lecturer - especially if it a science orientated subject. If that is the case, you need to report them for negligence. It is not good enough for them to preach rather than pass on facts.


Well I am in Australia, so 'this country' to me means having a Prime Minister not a President. The only reson a person of power is put into the position is that they were demmed to be right for the job at the time. Dosn't actually mean the decision was correct thiough.

Age has absolutely nothing to do with scientific evidence.
If all you can do is base your arguments on something written in a forum that is easily edited(like wikipedia), then I am afraid that you are the one that is in denial and is ignorant to the facts.
For example I can go into the link you gave and enter your name - give me a moment...there you go you now have your name in that article as well. You can refer people to that and say see, I have even contributed to it...

You asked a question and so many people with scientific research behind them answered and yet you choose to believe in a the hoax theory.
Therefore in the future if you want an answer you want to see, try another section like Mythology and Folklore or Alternative sections

2007-09-19 09:49:22 · answer #3 · answered by Tony 3 · 2 0

You know those satellites that send back those fab pictures of the Martian surface are actually orbiting Mars, right? And while it is true we can see the surface of Mars from here with a telescope, the smallest feature we can make out from here is dozens of not hundreds of miles across.

We can also see the Moon's surface from here, but not with anything like the resolution to see anything that was left there. The Moon is 250,000 miles away. How big do you think the 12 foot across lunar module descent stage is going to look at that distance? Due to the nature of optics it is physically impossible to resolve anything that small from that far with anything here on Earth, and not practical to build a telescope large enough that it could do it.

And you know what, China probably won't find any evidence of past human presence on the Moon, because they are highly unlikely to waste their effort going back to the same six tiny spots visited by NASA during Apollo when there is so much more of the Moon still unexplored.

2007-09-19 09:42:19 · answer #4 · answered by Jason T 7 · 2 0

Apart from what others have told you above, you have no conception of the size of the moon. The surface area is as big as Asia, so how the heck do you think the Chinese are going to land in the tiny spots where the Americans landed. And why should they?

It just shows your ignorance and how you should not even begin discussing material of which you are totally ignorant.

You people who say "I don’t believe this, I don't believe that" based on no information at all, or at best some media hype you have heard, just highlight your stupidity.

Get this in your head – if there is no reason to doubt the moon landings (which there isn’t any reason), why would anyone even bother to go looking for flags on the moon?

What, do you think they should mount an expedition to simply satisfy ignoramouses like you?

Stop demeaning the accomplishments of thousands of dedicated people who achieved the near impossible in 1969.

And then tell us what have you achieved in life?

2007-09-19 09:04:50 · answer #5 · answered by nick s 6 · 3 0

Do you realize how big the moon is? Taking a picture of the lunar rover left on the surface of the moon is like trying to take a picture of one particular car in the united states from the surface of the moon, with no tracking system or anything to find it. Even from a satelite orbiting the earth, that would be nearly impossible to do.
Come on, have a reasonable expectation.

edit: This will help you understand focal lengths of lenses.
There is a calculator on this page also. Enter in the distance from the moon and the approximate size of the lunar rover and see how big of a lens you need to see it. Then compare that lens to the Hubble specs or any telescope here on earth.

I came up with a requires lens of 68.7 km to see the lunar rover from earth.

2007-09-19 07:22:10 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 7 0

the flag is small the stuff we see on mars is really big. If we could take a pitcutre of the moon you would say the pitcure was fake. No matter who much evidance there is that we went to the moon you will always say it was faked.

Oswald did kill Kenedy
It was a weather Balloon in Roswell

2007-09-19 10:29:11 · answer #7 · answered by Mr. Smith 5 · 1 1

guy did set foot on the moon, yet some human beings think of it grew to become right into a hoax. they think of this because of the fact of many multiple factors, alongside with 'Why did the flag flutter on the moon while there's no wind?'. The flag appeared to flutter because of the fact the flagpole grew to become into made out of an quite springy steel which, while caught interior the floor, gave the phantasm of fluttering. regrettably i won't remember the different factors yet there is information that it befell (e.g. there's a moonrock it particularly is on public reveal at (i think of) the Saturn V midsection, Kennedy area midsection).

2016-10-05 00:26:25 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

First of all, with age comes wisdom. Second, if it were indeed possible to see all that stuff on the moon from here, what "conspiracy" would you people come up with next to rebut it? Face it, no answer will be good enough to convince any of you that we were there. Also, I never see any of you conspiratists answering questions that have anything to do with things like orbital mechanics, so what makes you qualified to doubt anything that has to do with science? Do us all a favor, keep your conspiracies to yourself,and keep your nose out of anything scientific!

2007-09-19 13:25:48 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

We already have evidence of materials left on the moon by humans. They're called retro-reflectors, and they're mirrors that were put there by the astronauts so that we could bounce lasers off them to accurately measure the distance between the earth and moon.

2007-09-19 07:21:34 · answer #10 · answered by Nature Boy 6 · 4 0

It was TOATLLY faked.

It was SO successful. They faked it 5 more times.

I can believe all the money the government must be shelling out to keep all those people quiet.

Honestly, use some common sense, dunderhead. Of course it was real.

Don't even TRY to cite Wiki as PROOF for a hoax.

2007-09-19 07:28:46 · answer #11 · answered by Lady Geologist 7 · 2 2

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