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I am an Iranian. When I watched the following film, I felt sorry for Americans.


How can you live in such a stifling political atmosphere?
You cannot protest against the wrong politics. Most of Americans are against the war but they cannot stop it. What is your role in that country?
Is not it better to replace the Statue of Liberty by the statue of Andrew Mayer?
I recommend you come to our country and have meeting about every thing you want without fear, if your media do not propagandize you!

2007-09-19 07:10:03 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

18 answers

Right, one youtube, & you think you "know" this country??
I am a woman, I work, I go out, I can wear a bathing suit anywhere! My chest is large & I wear low cut shirts! I can wear shorts & anything I wish! I don't have to cover my beautiful blond hair! I can speak out against the president & I do!
I drive & own my own car & I can vote for whoever I want to vote for! & I do! I have not missed an election since I was 18! I don't approve of some of the presidents, but I will help to vote in his better! You can't convince me to go & live in a place where my freedoms will not be what I have now! We are free to vote for whoever we want! Stifiling? I don't think so! I can choose who I listen to & who I don't want to listen to! Isn't that why all of your countrymen are coming over here to live? Even though we are infidels, you will share our way of life if it suits you!

2007-09-19 07:23:30 · answer #1 · answered by fairly smart 7 · 2 0

What would happen if I stood on the corner of your town and preached Judaism? Why is it that your politicians need permission not only to make policy but to even run for office, from religious leaders? Where is the freedom of speech there? What if I distributed a flier putting down the Ayatollah in your country? Wouldn't I be arrested? Have you ever looked at American History? We protested the war in Vietnam and forced the government to end it. Look at leaders such as Martin Luther King and see how they used their freedom of speech to change America. Your media is censored by your government, ours can print anything that is true, and there is nothing our government can do (want proof then ask yourself why wasn't that video you saw not pulled by the government?). You need to stop parroting what you are being fed in your propaganda classes and come visit our country for a few years. You may be surprised at what it is really like here.

2007-09-19 14:30:24 · answer #2 · answered by joseph b 6 · 2 0

We invented free speech and freedom of religion. I can say, write and wear anything I want and my wife can too. I can choose to worship God any way I want to as well. Can you say that? Are you forced to strap your wife into a burka like it was the stone-age? In this country Jews and Muslims live side by side in peace. In yours the Mullahs use the Jews as scape goats so they can keep control of all of the oil money. They keep you all too busy hating the Jews to notice they are robbing you blind. Did you know no one works in Saudi Arabia and they have more people and less oil than your country does! Go ahead and complain about that. My bet is you'll be beheaded. Oh and by the way you are wrong. Most Americans are for ending the war by winning it.

2007-09-19 14:20:08 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

How can you live in such a stifling political atmosphere?

if you're Iranian wouldn't you be better qualified to answer this question .... Janet

2007-09-19 14:16:56 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Didn't some Iranians stone a young girl to death that was in love with a guy that was part of another "clan" and was put to death by her own family? Nice freedom.

2007-09-19 14:15:05 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Arr, this day be talk like a Pirate Day.

Aye, you see these things on thar YouTube, but remembur matey, that these things are posted by whomevar wants to. Video editing is a very easy thing to do indeed, aye. Iran is not free. America is more free.


2007-09-19 14:14:49 · answer #6 · answered by K 5 · 3 1

Please don't let youtube be the source you use to judge our country by. We have our faults for sure but it is still one of the greatest places to live! We have incredible freedoms, so much so we often abuse them but it's these freedoms we will die for. As for the war not everybody is against it and those who are against it are just the loudest.

2007-09-19 14:17:40 · answer #7 · answered by Brianne 7 · 3 0

i was born here i don't have the freedom of choice $$$$ to get out or i would check out your place! will your country give me a job? a home? will they ensure when i'm old i have a place to stay! I am willing to give half my pay check! Can i work 4 hours instead of 8 hours! Only to have the resurance and no * astrick on my Social security statment that i get ever year telling me how much money i will get when i retire? the * astrick says subject to change! But it's my money i'm putting into it with out a choice!
Will your country let me run my own radio station with out getting corpate companies involved! Will you send me to school and help me learn to spell and have proper grammer skills.. can i get free health car!
Like i said i don't expect it all for free take half my pay check but if you do that i don't want to worry about haveing money to go tot he doctors, get educated, or retire! would suck tho if you set it at a set age but i can live with that! if i can work 4-6 hours a day instead of 8-9 hours a day!
if so send me and my partner a ticket !
i we will check it out even more so!
but I can blame our goverment but overall I still like the land and the really not governemental people in it!

2007-09-19 14:17:59 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

Good point.
but this guy can sue to fix this issue. The system is not perfect but it allows oppertuntiy to fix things when things go wrong.
What the Police did was illegal.

2007-09-19 14:20:52 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

He wasnt arrested for his speech...he was arrested for disrupting an event, we truly enjoy freedom of speech, but there are still rules about when where you can exercise it....the right to freedom of speech ended the second he entered that building

2007-09-19 14:13:45 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

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