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How do we go on, as a whole of people, they expect us to just pick up. We were in slavery for over 400 hundred years, more years then we have been free. Then after that drugs and guns where put into our neighborhood. So now the children don’t come out right they come out already addicted to crack because there parents were, they come out brain damaged……..they expect something so special of us when we live around this………when no one actually teaches us, they just see us as paychecks….there are so many questions, who planned this, why, who planned this whole thing to screw us over….....if we are to pray to god why didn’t he stop this, why didn’t he help us?????

If the government cares so much why didn’t they stop the drug flow???????
Why don’t they raise the price to ammunition, unless they truly wanted us to kill our self’s and each other………if one bullet was the prince of $5, 000 dollars would some one waste all there time jus to get that money and by the time that they get it the

2007-09-19 06:46:16 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

peple this isn't for me, this for all my friends and others...........i couldn't help..........i just want to know....if any one cares........i want to know ur opinions on what we call living........

2007-09-19 07:07:35 · update #1

This right here is fact..........in the 6th and 7th grade becuase of the no child left behind grant, i was being taught multiplication so the rest of the kids could catch up.........how do u get and education from that, then go to high schools wer there starting t teach algerbra in the 11th and 12th grade when ur about to go to collage????

how are they suppose to help them selves as i said they return to a home where they are mentally abused and physically abused........no one sees this they only hear the radio and news and see only what they want to see not what's acually there!!!!!

2007-09-19 07:35:35 · update #2

I would like to thank everyone who answered my question, now i have different point of views to this situation

2007-09-19 14:32:31 · update #3

14 answers

our American culture has taken a downward dive that is not an opinion it is a fact. The dream for most of us was that our children would be better than we were. Somehow there was a change. Men quit being the head of the household and women had to go to work. Somehow that left no one home to take care of the kids or the family. In the 70's people began to think only of themselves leaving less time for family. This and the introduction of marijuana and LSD and 'finding yourself" let people find a way to detach from the family further. God does not keep us from the lifestyle our parents make for us. Think of the children in Africa who are left parent-less to take care of their younger siblings because their parents died of AIDES which is a result of Sexual promiscuity and originally from sex with monkeys. Pretty sick huh? The government cannot control the actions of all the people, it only voices the consensus of the masses. I am sorry this sounds so harsh. If you want to change your life you need to learn from the horrible things you are having to endure (and I am SO sorry for that) Learn from it get away as soon as possible, get the best education you can. YOU CAN CHANGE THE WORLD or at least your world.

2007-09-19 13:20:18 · answer #1 · answered by luteachris 4 · 1 0

The government in my country tried cutting down on the availability of drugs and ammunition to the public, so people simply started making their own sawed-off guns. Getting rid of drugs is another huge problem because now there is crystal meth....a drug which can be made in your home with the use of very common cold medicines. We are fighting a losing battle. It's a sad fact of the world we live in but believe it or not, you can make a change. Start with your family, your friends and yourself. After that, you can try making a difference in your community. If you are forceful enough and if you are determined, people will eventually give you their respect. Always strive for the best and don't ever let anyone discourage you. However minute, any positive change you make will be extremely valuable and your community will benefit. Good luck!

2007-09-19 07:10:07 · answer #2 · answered by Petra M 4 · 0 0

Aside from slavery all of these things are things that people bring on them self's, the government doesn't put guns and drugs in neighborhood, the people do, drugs and doing drugs are not forced on people its choice, and baby's, born with brain damage and crack addiction, are victims of ignorant parents, you don't like what you live around do something about it, move work to jobs, go to school people are being taught there just not listening , programs are in place for just such things funded by people who pay taxes and play a positive roll in society, or at least try, the reason drug flow doesn't stop is because it makes money for the government, the police bust people they go to court pay fines, money goes in to the city to pay pay for programs that aide people who are less fortunate, and the reason ammunition prices are not high, is because it would turn weapons and ammunition in to as big of a trade as drugs, in the city, only more people would die...because on the street its who ever has the biggest gun and the most of them...you drive up price you drive up illegal trade, and more will end up dead, i grew up in a shitty part of town.....and i made my way out........people say your a product of you environment, but think about it....your environment is a product of you....If you through trash out on the ground things look trashy, if you deal with and over look drugs then there are going to be drug dealer in you environment....Life is what you make it...you can blame anyone else

2007-09-19 07:16:48 · answer #3 · answered by tattoo3217 1 · 0 0

This isn't really a question . It's a way of striking out , and you aren't even sure who or what to strike out at . First of all you as a person haven't been around 400 years and neither have I . None of us can be held responsible for the actions of others . Second if God were small enough for me to understand , how could he big big enough to GOD . I have had a very hard life myself , my parents were very young when they married , we had no money and I didn't get much of an education . I had my turn with drugs an alcohol , even became an alcoholic {sober 6 yrs.} . I made many mistakes resulting in unfortuniate results . How ever I take responsibality for my own bad choices . When it comes down to it we come into this life alone & we leave alone . We are responsible for what goes on in between .

2007-09-19 07:12:30 · answer #4 · answered by Geedebb 6 · 0 0

I suppose its time for you to come to the senses with real life. Things works this way cause capitalism rules the world. People make huge money by smuggling and laundering by drugs, weapons and other illegal ways..
Unfortunately these are the realities of life cycle.
Do you aware how many wepons ans guns & bullets sold to Afganisthan by US Goverment while Afgan milists were fighting against Russia..I can give you more examples of such..
Maybe it may be difficult for you to accept these facts but US does not care much about few groups of people involving such problems...
Just to remind you drugs money is the world second or 3rd largest economie so can you believe this sort of money taken out from worlds cash flow...
Its basicly a long story but read some books about the history of the wold and there you ll find more answers to your questions...

2007-09-19 07:12:15 · answer #5 · answered by Cem M 1 · 0 0

The answer to your question is quite simple and in being that it becomes quite complex. As long as any person or group fails to learn from the past and make changes (first in themselves and then others), blames others for their problems and continues to look at only one part of their existence nothing will change. Every group has at one time or another been subjugated by another group if you go back far enough. It is what each group has done since that subjugation ended that determines their position in the world today. The serfs under Kings, Many Kingdoms under the Romans, The Jews under Egypt The Indians under many different groups and on it goes (both forward and backward in history). One common tread under the development of each group into a non subjugated group is overcoming those within the group who make themselves better off by using their own people and their weaknesses. One part of African history that is no different from Asian or European History that many groups fail to remember is that many Africans became slaves as a result of tribal fighting in Africa when tribal leaders discovered that they could make a profit on those captured by selling them as slaves rather than killing them. This practice is not really any different than what happened to groups from both Asia and Europe during the so called middle ages. The truth is that many Asian, European and African people would not be here as their ancestors would have been killed had slavery not existed. All groups and cultures have the same problems with drugs and each culture over time finds its own way to deal with its weaknesses and problems either through intervention from another group or through its "own coming of age" experience (usually resulting from a resolve to take responsibility for their own situation and taking action to change the situation). If you want to change things the place to start is with yourself and those around you. If you create understanding others will be understanding towards you, if you create hate or blame others will resist you (you need to get along to move ahead). As the Dominicans say - "Tu futuro depende de ti" - Your future depends on you. This is true for all cultures, races and religions. JMO

2007-09-19 07:37:05 · answer #6 · answered by JS 3 · 1 0

You're not going to like what I have to say, i'm afraid....

Then after that drugs and guns where put into our neighborhood. - OK. But people have what's called free will. People chose to use drugs and sell drugs. We sell it to eachother. That's not anyone's fault but the people who use and sell. When I was smoking weed, it wasn't the white man's fault, it was my own damn fault. My uncle using crack was his own fault.

they expect something so special of us when we live around this - My mother grew up in one of the worst areas in Detroit and now makes six figures and is working on her doctorate. People can be successful if they take control of their own lives and stop blaming their shortcomings in life on other people.

when no one actually teaches us, they just see us as paychecks - My mother works as a Principal of an inner city school and she will tell you the reason teachers are tired and jaded is because the damn kids don't want to learn. They fight, talk back to the teachers and when the kids get suspended, the parents want to come up to the school and fight my mother and other teachers because they didn't raise their kids right.
If the government cares so much why didn’t they stop the drug flow??????? - You are also aware there is a significant drug problem among whites, Native Americans and Hispanics?

Call me a traitor but that's my opinion.

2007-09-19 07:04:11 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

Stop whining and do something for yourself. You used the term "We were in slavery" that is a lie . You were never in slavery. The drugs and guns were not PUT in your neighborhoods. The people living there bought them and brought them in. Why didn't the mature adults in those neighborhoods stand up and be good parents and stop the drug flow. It is not the governments responsibility to fix whatever is wrong with your life. It's up to you to do something positive with your life. People need to look to successful people Colin Powell, Condi Rice, and Judge Clarence Thomas as role models and turn their backs on the immature jerks they consider hero's such as Flavor Flav, Ice T, Tu Pac, Barry Bonds, Randy Moss, and Al Sharpton. Do something for self and stop waiting on someone else to do something for you.It's nobody else's responsibility.

2007-09-19 07:08:10 · answer #8 · answered by jim h 6 · 1 0

I am so tired of this argument.

YOU are the only one who has the power to change your life.

YOU are the only one who has the power to say NO to drugs

YOU are the only one who has the power to stand up against the people around you who are killing each other

YOU have the power to stop this by getting on your feet and helping yourself instead of blaming the government for "not" helping you.

STOP blaming the government for "putting" drugs in your neighborhood because they didn't put them there, your peers are the ones who put them there.

Get yourself an education.. It is the best gift you can give to yourself. If you do not do it, there is no one you can blame but YOU!

2007-09-19 07:04:02 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Wow. It sounds to me like you want to change. The best thing you can do is go to school, get educated and move out. If you are genuine in your concerns get a career in a field that you would be able to use your power to make changes like the ones you are suggesting. God has given you free will, therefore, he can't stop you from making bad choices. So, don't blame him. If you truly knew God, you'd know that he feels your hurt and wishes people would quit sinning. The government doesn't care, I don't know where in the world you got that message. So, don't give up. The only thing you can change is YOU. So do it. Good luck.

2007-09-19 06:54:50 · answer #10 · answered by Brain 4 · 2 1

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