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The government pays for me to go to school. Does this make me less of a person?

2007-09-19 06:22:35 · 41 answers · asked by Liberal City 6 in Politics & Government Politics

Oh, I forgot to mention, I don't have to pay the government back for the tuition fees. :)

2007-09-19 06:35:47 · update #1

41 answers

In the minds of neocons you are the worst thing on the face of the earth. You are lazy and want to do nothing but sit back and make babies just so hard working Americans can pay for it. To those of us with a brain we see that you are going to school to better your situation. Congratulations, I know you will do well. By bettering your situation you will be able to get a better job and pay taxes. I would say that is money well spent by myself and other tax payers. Because you have that better job you are not on the streets doing crime, you may have children. If so, they can grow up in a better neighborhood and because your attitude promotes learning you will instill that in them so they will want to do better and make even more than you do. The money is definately well spent. No you are not a bad person. You are exceptionally good because of your desire to improve yourself and your circumstances. Keep moving up.

2007-09-19 06:57:44 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

No. All people do what is in their best interest... they don't need to think about what is best for society.

Government welfare, handouts, and entitlements are bad for society, but it is not wrong for the people who recieve them, because they are simply following what is in their own self interest, which is all they can be expected to do.

Here is a parable... when an animal is injured and taken in by animal shelters the shelters feed and take care of that animal. Over time the animal becomes so dependant on their caretakers, that if after a certain amount of time passes they will no longer be self sufficient, and if released into the wild they will die. The only way to get them back into the wild is to incrementally re-teach the animals to be self sufficient again. This is tragic for the animals, but it's not the animals fault that they became unable to take care of themselves.... they were only acting in their own best interest.

This is the same as many people who recieve welfare, or other entitlements... sure these people are dependant on the welfare payments... but it's not their fault... they were entraped by the system, which has taught them dependance. Still, no one can blame them for logically taking what is presented to them...

Therefore the goal of our society should be to teach people self sufficiency, get them off of welfare and all other government entitlements, and allow people to flourish because of their own tallents and hard work...

Anyway, government handouts for the purpose of schooling is the least bad government handout programs out there... at least people recieving these monies will become productive members of society... still I think it would be much better if education was paid for by loans, private grants, scholarships provided by the schools, and personal money...

2007-09-19 07:28:56 · answer #2 · answered by Schaufel 3 · 0 0

If you take the advantage provided for you and make something of yourself with it so that the government does not have to keep supporting you, then you are smart and intelligent for doing so. If you blow your chance and use it as an opportunity to party all the time at school, then you're a bad person.

In this instance, you could consider that the government isn't giving you a handout, but rather investing in your potential.

2007-09-19 06:48:18 · answer #3 · answered by Pfo 7 · 1 0

Too many people have succumbed to consumerism and finanical fake ethics. Money, having it, lacking it, making it, how you make it, etc. are not real morals or ethics. It's a human invention. You are a good person if you do good things and treat others fairly and with respect. You are a bad person if you do bad things. So no, taking gov. finanical aid doesn't make you bad. However, if you squander this opportunity denied to so many others and do nothing with your education, then you'd be verging on badness and need to change your ways. And if you hinder others or put them down or expect from them what you don't give you'd be a bad person. So many educated people just ASSUME everyone can get that. But not everyone will have the same opportunities. So use it wisely and be kind to those who will never have it.

2007-09-19 08:54:41 · answer #4 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Not if you need it. I wish I qualified for some assistance for school, but I have made too much money in the past, and the government believes I have skills that I can work with, does not matter I have an illnesses that makes it difficult for me to do that same kind of work any more.

I have listened to you, your questions and answers, I believe that we as a country should do all we can to help our brightest and best to achieve their dreams for education, and if it means paying for it for you, by all means. I believe you are a person that will give back so much more in the long run as you serve your community and your country after you finnish school.

Peace, and keep it up.

al 4 now B

PS: Yes this is chatting and yes I could get reported and yes I don't care, but my friend Who Care's, cares so there... :)

2007-09-19 06:48:35 · answer #5 · answered by ImJstBob 4 · 5 0

No, you are doing something to better yourself, which means that in the long run, the government will not be giving you assistance, so it helps them and you. I went to school for free as well, all grants, pell grant and lilly endowment i believe. I think assistance helps to even the playing field. I was poor and I worked , but could not have afforded college if i wanted to be able to live otherwise. Not everyone has a rich mom and dad to take care of them and sometimes, work just isn't enough to put yourself through college and be successful.

2007-09-19 07:01:50 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I don't think you are a bad person. But I will be honest with you and tell you that I don't think it is fare. I have two kids in college. The government says I make to much money to get aid. I have no problem with that. Even though the government says I have too much money to get aid, we live paycheck to paycheck like most Americans. That means my kids have to get loans and have to pay them back. I don't think is is fair that others don't have to get loans and pay the loans back. Like I said, nothing against you. That is the way it is set up and I say go for it. I am mad at the system.

2007-09-19 06:57:16 · answer #7 · answered by truth seeker 7 · 1 0

No, you are accepting help while working to better yourself and your situation- that is GOOD and you should be PROUD you found a way to go to school, instead of just saying 'oops, i can't go, I'll just sit home, pop out kids and collect wellfare for the next 20 years'.

I got full grants to go to community college while living with 2 yo son in my Dad's apartment some years ago. I made honor roll every semester, despite getting divorced in the thick of it, and went on to pass my boards to be an xray tech. Fast forward I'm remarried to a great guy who owns his own business, we own our own home, and I only work a few days a month. Couldn't have gotten here without the help and nice to know I have the skills to have a job that would pay well enough to support myself and my 2 kids should I need to.

2007-09-19 06:35:52 · answer #8 · answered by magy 6 · 4 0

I would say no as long as you're not ungrateful for it or abusing it.

It's wrong when you're getting to go for free and then spending your money on say: designer clothes, cell phones, cars or getting your nails/hair done. You should be saving the money that you're making while the government is subsidizing your schooling so you don't ever have to accept handouts again. Be proud of yourself and your accomplishments, use the most of your gift so that you don't ride on the coat-tails of others by relying on handouts ever again! Then maybe one day YOU can help someone else - you know the karma circle. :)

Good luck with school!

2007-09-19 06:28:12 · answer #9 · answered by njskiier33 2 · 7 0

As long as you don't take advantage of the government programs which are available to you then I don't consider you a bad person. If you do finish school and get a well paying well respected job, remember what your government did for you, don't complain about having to pay taxes and if you are able maybe even sponsor a college student yourself.

2007-09-19 06:27:27 · answer #10 · answered by labken1817 6 · 6 0

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