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Sex education at school describes how the male penis should penetrate the vagina. Given the liberalisation of society lead by the Government and Left Wing Media, should graphically teaching kids homosexual sex be included in the school syllabus?

2007-09-19 06:14:31 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in News & Events Current Events

Thank you for all your valued responses. I am a local education adviser to a Govt think tank which is seeking ways in which we can introduce issues which affect homosexual people into the educational curricullum. The aim is not to undermine the concept of the family but to bring about a greater sense of inclusion for homosexual people living in the community.

The idea is that if we can overcome the stigmatization of homesexual people at an early age of learning then as those children progress into adulthood they will not be stigmatized or suffer denial of opportunity due to their sexual orientation. Thank you!

2007-09-19 07:07:50 · update #1

30 answers

I think the answer to your question has to be 'no' as you ask 'should graphically teaching kids homosexual sex be included...?' To be honest I dont think we are ready for that yet - there may well come a time in the future when that would be appropriate but not yet, I believe that a significant number of parents would still see that as 'teaching someone how to be gay'. Although, personally, I my own opinion wouldnt be quite that reactionary I still feel that there should be some limitations on sex education from the homosexual perspective.
I dont feel that the homosexual community should be statutorily marginised with the intent to shame or devalue that sexuality but neither do I think it should be presented to children with the same significance as heterosexual sex - my reason for this is my fear that children (who are already going through the confusing time of growing up) would have homosexuality presented to them as a lifestyle choice. I do think that its very important for no one in society to feel sigmatised but in our current climate of 'political correctness' & desire to make everything alright for everybody I think we also have to A - remember that homosexuality is still a minority & should be presented as such, that is that it should be covered & presented as acceptable but not given an equal footing & B - our responsibiltiy to the welfare of those in our care - our children. Our responsibility to them should not be compromised nor lose its priority in our eagerness to show how 'right on' we are. I am not saying that to teach children that homosexuality is just one of many possible facets of being human is damaging or wrong but I am saying is that adolescence can be a very confusing time, the opposite sex can be a scary strange land & non-sexual affection for the same sex confusing - potentially leading kids to make mistaken definitive conclusions to who they are at too young an age. I know there are plenty of left-wingers & hippy liberals ready to dismiss my concerns as homophobic nonsense but you asked the question & I am simply giving you an honest response. A very close friend of mine (of the opposite sex) came out to his family a few years ago & he spoke to me honestly about what he felt the origin of his sexuality was as we were discussing controversial theorys like the 'gay gene' etc & he confided in me that he felt his attendance at a single-sex faith school was very significant in his decision as a teenager that he was gay & if his experience of adolescence had been more 'female-friendly' things may have been different. I know this isnt exactly applicable to your question but all Im saying is that it raises the question of environmental aspects having a significant effect on childrens' perception of their own sexuality - I also know a lot of people are going to say 'I went to a single-sex school & Im heterosexual' but what Im concerned about is the possible doubt - could the alienation of the opposite sex combined with a presentation of homosexuality as being an equal acceptable alternative raise a generation of adults with the same worries as my friend?
As I said - the protection of the MAJORITY has to be our fundemental priority & nothing, no trendy liberalisms nor fear of being labelled a bigot should detract from that.

2007-09-19 09:26:09 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Kids should be taught that many boys grow up and love girls and many girls grow up and love boys, but sometimes a boy will love another boy and a girl will love another girl, and that's okay, too. Homosexuality is not a choice anymore than heterosexuality is a choice.

Teenagers should be taught that if they engage in sexual activity with another person, they should make every effort to prevent pregnancy and STD transmission. They should be given information about contraception and the importance of proper and consistent use.

Let's face it: abstinence only miseducation doesn't work.

2007-09-19 14:29:24 · answer #2 · answered by VeggieTart -- Let's Go Caps! 7 · 1 0

Graphically? EEW, no! How gross is that? Telling them it's not a perversion, and that it's okay to love as you want, fine. Sexual health and ethics, fine.

Why should we make them watch any sex act in a classroom setting? Ick. Let them learn from porn, like everyone else.

2007-09-19 08:25:56 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I see no point to teaching "how" homosexuals have sex. I can go along with acknowledging it's existence, but why is it necessary to go beyond that? Do you illustrate every possible sex position and act of a heterosexual couple...No. It's not necessary.

2007-09-19 08:08:29 · answer #4 · answered by kathy_is_a_nurse 7 · 1 0

Absolutely not.

Children are not taught 'how to' or 'what positions' etc, they are taught the basic biology of the male and female reproductive systems.

They are taught safe sex and in many schools are given information on contraception, aids and other sexually transmitted diseases.

They should also be taught about the responsibility and physical and emotional consequences of sex.

But in my opinion that is ALL they should be taught.

2007-09-19 06:35:15 · answer #5 · answered by threepenny53 5 · 6 1

Isn't the point of that to teach about reproduction? I think kids can use their imagination on that one. Nowhere in school does it teach about heterosexual anal sex, or oral sex or any other of the millions of variations, I think the curriculum just hopes to give a general idea.

2007-09-19 06:39:36 · answer #6 · answered by happy wife and mum 5 · 4 0

Well when I was in school sex education did not teach that and I figured it out quite fine on my own as did people long before schools ever existed.

2007-09-19 06:27:47 · answer #7 · answered by Ladybugs77 6 · 4 1

To what age group no to primary school but yes to senior school in the later age range 16+.How did that get thumbs down by the age 16 I knew about sex some of you are living in the dark ages

2007-09-19 06:22:48 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

if it was taught - i would pull my kids out - kids know enough about it anyways!! the reason they are teachnig the penis penetrating the vagina is for reproduction purposes. There is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON for a penis to penetrate a male

2007-09-19 07:03:36 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Perhaps, it would be better as a choice of courses offered at a university or college level.

2007-09-19 12:07:43 · answer #10 · answered by kenoplayer 7 · 0 0

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