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1-The war card.
You know, fight an illegal and unconstitutional war until the funds run out and/or we need a draft, because King George says so. And oh yeah, if you dont go for this crap youre just chicken.Bwak!

2-The "moral values" card.
If Larry craig didnt bust it open once and for all that a Republican is not necissarily more "moral" than a Democrat, then YOU havent been paying attention!

And then there is the fear in the GOP that the MoveOn ads contain more actual data that is in the public's interest than those heinous "Swift boat" ads the Republicans refuse to discuss.

What are the republicans have left to run on NOW?
"Vote for us because the financial divide is good for people on the wrong side of it"? "Cheap labor keeps Ohio RED"?

What? I mean BESIDES smear tatics....

THIS should be interesting.

2007-09-19 05:58:31 · 21 answers · asked by Jim W 3 in Politics & Government Politics

21 answers

theyre gonna ride 911 till the wheels fall off.
they will say basically. vote for us or the terrorists will kill you. ya know the repulicans are going to instill terror in us

2007-09-19 06:02:33 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 7

Don't discount the republicans. The intelligent that people they are, They will not place all the cards on the table this early. The best is yet to come.

Michigan and Maryland you forgot these two Blue states are going under. You can thank the Democrats for that.

The war was sanctioned by the Democrats

Don't get the Republicans started when it comes to morals. Take a look first at all the skeletons in the Democrat closet.

In addition, If the Democrat union has it's way, GM will be the next company to move out of the country.

2007-09-19 13:19:41 · answer #2 · answered by Moody Red 6 · 2 2


1-Since this isn't an illegal and unconstitutional war, this "point" is simply moot.

2-I didn't realize Republicans were going around telling people they were more moral. In fact, I hear the Democrats saying that all the time. You say at the end of this very question that Republicans only win using smear tactics, implying that Democrats don't do that.

3-I find it interesting that you brought up "swift boats," which brings to mind our "war hero," Kerry, who is so brave after those 3 Purple Hearts in 3 months, or so he says since he won't release his records, that he has his "rent-o-cops" taser a college kid asking a supporting question as to whether or not Kerry thinks he was robbed in the last presidential election and does he think Bush should be impeached. If he treats his supporters this way, I can just imagine how he treats his detractors. And you thought Kerry would be a good President? Yikes!

2007-09-19 13:11:44 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2

Why should anyone vote for the Democratic candidates other than Obama?

If Wellstone knew to vote against the war, how could Hillary Clinton, Edwards, Kerry and the rest vote for the war?

Hillary will not get us out of the war; she could do it now by leading the Democrats but does not. So why would people vote for a war candidate who claims to oppose the war?

Please stop with the swift boat stuff; how does that help?

2007-09-19 13:11:15 · answer #4 · answered by julio_slsc 4 · 3 1

None of your cards are part of a winning hand. Bluffing won't win the pot. Card #1 is not a keeper. The war on terror is going to go on for decades, not because of Iraq but because the islamic terrorist fanatics who are waging war on civilization can keep doing so anywhere in the world, acting in small groups or individually. Card #2 is a loser also. Never look to politicians as a measure of their party's stance on morality. Look to the morality of the voters who put them in office. Hillary is not the standard for those who favor abortion, the standard is the millions of democrat voters who favor it, as opposed to the much smaller percentage of republican voters who favor it. Card #3 makes it time for you to fold and cut your losses. Comparing MoveOn to a group of military people who served their country honorably and would not stand quietly by while Kerry lied his way toward the presidency by claiming to be a war hero, when he wounded himself and wanted official recognition for scratches that were treated with bandaids just so he could abandon his comrades in arms a couple of months early is ludicrous at best. Now, push those chips over this way. Three aces beats a 1,2,3.

2007-09-19 13:37:40 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Now if only the Democrats could find a candidate that isn't a globalist and doesn't support the immoral illegal immigration.
Illegal immigration is a deal breaker for a lot of people. The Democrats still don't understand that illegal immigration is unjustifiable and ultimately immoral, because it perpetuates the root cause of the poverty in Mexico, greed and corrupt government. Until they come to their senses, they won't get my vote either.

I've seen the Democrats count their chickens before the eggs have hatched before. They're not showing me that they've learned any lesson yet.

2007-09-19 13:08:49 · answer #6 · answered by LittleLamb 2 · 7 1

The war is not "illegal" or "unconstitutional." Iraq was a sponsor of terrorism, just like Afghanistan was. The Democrats' (aside from Joe Lieberman) current refusal to face this fact, would be their downfall if our enemies did something more despicable than usual.

2007-09-19 13:25:06 · answer #7 · answered by ddey65 4 · 0 1

the war card- um, there are PLENTY of people who don't share the same view as you do on this issue..

moral card- not sure what craig has to do with the morality of a political party... if that's the case.. ted kennedy, john f., and bill clinton have RUINED the morality reputation of the left... not fair huh?

move-on ads- the difference between these ads and the swift boat ads is simple.. move-on ads were politically motivated and meant to smear a reputable military commander... swift boat ads were motivated by truth.. john kerry was as bad as hanoi jane during vietnam.. he attempted at full will to undermine our efforts there...

what will the republicans run on?? how about... they care about something else other than political motivations and power... not many on the left can say that... don't worry, republicans won't allow hillary or obama to take the white house... neither are a winnable candidate.. and you know it.

2007-09-19 13:10:53 · answer #8 · answered by jasonsluck13 6 · 2 3

Pass the Milanta
America is in so much trouble,
I suggest we try Lee Iaccoca, maybe he can spin us out of this crap.
Or perhaps Perot is still around, Bill Gates would be good.
It would be interesting if we could hire a person to run the country like a business, if they don't give results in months fire them and hire another, instead of Day after day listening to those same stupid fake speech's about supporting our troops in this the most wonderful war yet.
disgusted to see that same stupid Texan BS us every day. isn't there anyone out there willing to take one for the team. Maybe Swartkoff?

2007-09-19 13:19:26 · answer #9 · answered by t-bone 5 · 3 1

On the other hand, the democrats have a weak field, again. I hate to say that but I wouldn't be surprised if the GOP wins again! Why? Because look on what grounds people base their vote on! so many people have told me they voted for Bush because he chops firewood and Kerry snowboards, they can't relate to snowboarding, toss a baseball or a football that's my man! So sad! Does matter less and less everyday as this administration has made the US less and less relevant.

2007-09-19 13:09:40 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

1. I am not a supporter of the war, but it is neither illegal or unconstitutional. 2. You are picking one repub. not all r like Larry Craig. smaller gov, less taxes. You buy into the tax cuts for the rich it seems like. My taxes went down and I make way less than 100,00 per year.

2007-09-19 13:05:59 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

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