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Or do you think it is just the natural cycle of the earth and the sun?

2007-09-19 05:58:18 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

22 answers

Global Warming got you all heated up. Well my friend you need the New and Improved Al Gore Ice Age, just for men.
This revolutionary new treatment disregards millions of years of prior global warming and ice ages, and puts man at the center. Yes, you to, can be a part of the Al Gore Warming Trend, (just for men), become the Man that actually is the center of the universe that you always wanted to be in just seconds.

* This offer comes complete with carbon credits and a free Democratic National Committee Ice Chest. Not sold in any stores, so see your local chapter of the DNC today!

2007-09-19 06:09:51 · answer #1 · answered by libsticker 7 · 4 3

To begin with, your choice of the word ¨believe¨ would make it appear that global warming is like a religion,something that has to be taken on faith.

While not a scientist myself, I have read what many serious scientists have written on the subject and they are not discarding the possibility of global warming at all.

Some of them may be divided as to how far it has gone or as to the causes for this phenomenom or if perhaps it might be a cyclical occurrence but all are agreed that something definitely is happening. I think it would be the height of silly presumptiousness to ignore the scientists because we don't like what they say.

This is called shooting the messenger because we don't like the message,something tyrants used to do in the bad old days.

2007-09-19 06:08:51 · answer #2 · answered by Tebow 5 · 1 0

It's not a "belief" thing. Rather it's a science thing. You believe in religion, science has laws. All major scientists know global warming is real. It's not something that can be changed by wanting it to be different. It's now up to how you act, whether in helping future generations or in destroying mankind. One is a good course of action, the other evil.

2007-09-19 06:03:43 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

I believe in clean air (this is what we should strive for!). We need to reduce smog and pollutants in the air around cities so our children won't develop complications like asthma. I wish people would stop seeing Global Warming as a political stance because nothing is getting done with all the bickering. It should be a concern of every party, so we can take care of future generations.

2007-09-19 06:10:27 · answer #4 · answered by cheezbawl2003 4 · 1 1

I believe in Global Warming, but I am not convinced it is caused by humans. I tend to lean toward the natural cycle theory.

2007-09-19 06:05:35 · answer #5 · answered by Mutt 7 · 0 2

Climate change is real, and nobody has questioned that. The argument is whether it is attributable to human activity. In the last analysis, why does that matter? It is probably not solely attributable to what we are doing, but can anyone doubt that we are contributiong to the problem?

Underlying the problem are the twin malignancies of pollution and overpopulation. The poor planet cannot deal with exploding billions -- billions -- of occupants with an insatiable thirst for raw materials, energy, water, and, of course and ultimately, economic advantage at any cost.

And the politicos argue about such inanities/insanities as gay marriage, stem cell research and abortion rights. Gay marriage should be encouraged and rewarded, stem cell research hurts no one and benefits people with awful diseases, and the question as to abortion is not whether it should be permitted, but whether it should be required. There are already too many people; children are starving and being slaughtered and horribly treated around the world; senseless, destructive wars are being fought over control of precious resources; human rights are in the garbage can; religious nut cases are strapping explosives to themselves and killing anyone that doesn't agree with their version of divine intent; our own government is spying on us.

It was long ago demonstrated that if you put a few rats in a cage, they get along fine. If you put a lot of rats in a cage, they begin to fight and bite.

Yours truly,
Just Another Rat

2007-09-19 06:05:20 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

"Most scientists" also used to believe the Earth was the center of the universe...until they had better data. This will be the case with Global Warming, as well.

How can we change the course of the overall global climate when we cannot change the course of even one tornado, a very localized effect?

2007-09-19 06:30:34 · answer #7 · answered by Mathsorcerer 7 · 0 2

Since the overwhelming majority of scientists in relevant fields agree that not only is global warming happening, but also that human activity has contributed to it, then, yes, I believe in it. Obviously you'd have to be a fool not to.

2007-09-19 06:03:30 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 7 0

it's part of a natural cycle, mostly. i think human activity has altered the molecular makeup of the atmosphere, more CO2, but the natural universe is much more of a force than man made global warming.

2007-09-19 06:05:27 · answer #9 · answered by ? 6 · 0 2

All the scientific evidence points to humans as the primary cause of the current global warming.

I challenged anyone who disagrees to come up with a reasonable alternative scientific theory, and nobody even came close:


That says it all.

2007-09-20 05:52:27 · answer #10 · answered by Dana1981 7 · 0 0

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