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2007-09-19 05:26:04 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Women's Health

21 answers

Sorry but I'm going to be completely honest here. I just gave up my job, I will be living off your taxes. I will be having loads of kids who I will encourage not to work either, plus have loads of kids of their own & bring up pro-life. Purely because it's all I can do to try to alleviate abortion in some small way. Even paying taxes I'm funding abortion.

Come off it we all know abortion is murder, unless the child is imanantely physically threatening the mothers life such as an ectopic pregnancy. Society has just de-sensitized themself to it like doctors do from their patients, so they can do their job. Some people are just nieve to think they are murdering to be mercifull. But as we know just because life treated you like sh*t or has brainwashed you into thinking a certain way, that doesn't make it right. It doesn't mean that life will be sh*t for your child, even if you raise them yourself or live in poverty. Society sh*ts on you & you take it out on others, that's the way people are & it often results in murder like abortion is. Society will use you while you profit them & then throw you away if you are wrongly thought to be of no use. FYI friends alone can make life worth living, parents aren't essential to be happy & balanced. Imagine being rich & loved by a mother & father, but having no friends. To some people that may be hell & a life not worth living! Society can't gurantee anyone will have friends, or that couples will stay together. Likewise a single unmarried mother can find a man who she loves & marry at any time. But one thing is certain, taking the life of embryo or foetus IS murder.

I feel those who think abortion isn't murder are extremely & dangerously nieve. Is a 12 month old baby a fully formed human, don't think so. They are a growing existing human, the same can be said of embryo & foetus. Once sperm & egg become one, we have a growing existing human. It should be up to that human if they want to continue existing, not anyone else. Despite what that human may look like- they are human, they are getting oxygen from their mothers blood. A human is unfortunately not capable of being anything other than human. When asked to prove consciousness isn't present from conception, speculation & guess work comes into play & that's likely what leads to many women getting pregnant in the first place. The trouble is abortion is mainly only condemed by the God squad & they preach abstinance, not protection. Which means the implementing of many forms of contraception used all together everytime anyone has sex ie depot-provera/ spermicide gel/condoms etc & to actually make sure children are taught the reallity of what happens during the process of abortion to their child. Sadly many are ignorant of what truly happens. Plus promote acceptance of single mothers don't demonize them. Teach all these things on biblical proportions & maybe they would actually be helping end legal abortion.

Embryo & foetus may have a physical reliance upon you, but so does society. If you work, you will likely be exerting physical energy etc to complete this task & likely you will have no 'choice' about that. You are physically supporting society & financially supporting them via tax. Why should you therefore not have a physical & finacial responsibility to nourish/carry your child to term. You may not have chosen to be born yourself, but in most cases people in effect get pregnant by 'choice' consenting to sex is consenting to a child resulting, we all know that. Abortion can only be torture/murder. It's allowed because society only sees our worth as what we can offer them, usually financially. An 'unwanted' child is seen as a burden with potential to sponge off the state, with nothing to offer. So it profits society to get rid of them. Sub-consciously we are bombarded with other peoples views, scrounger etc to make us think those who abort are the good guys not burdening society more. When in fact it's pure geleausy, because we are all slaves to society in modern times, being used as pupets. Society only wants to use us for profit & dump us when we are seen as of no value. The only ones we should feel responsibilty to serve is our children, our blood, not society. Why have your child tortured & murdered for them, at the end of the day they can't ever love you like your child did!

As a final insult aborted babies are often incinerated as clinical waste, because it's cheaper. I don't believe anyone who says they see these murdered children as just tissue comparable to cancer etc. Only nazis could possibly not feel agonizing heartbreak looking at the evidence of abortion. A mother who may come to regret her 'choice' is often left with no grave. Asuming she actually survived the abortion herself, often abortion is riskier than not aborting in this day & age. Plus infertility & future miscarriage risk etc becomes much higher.

I blame doctors, not the mothers, doctors take advantage of a humans ability to overcome abortion after the event, by seeing their child as dead thus not suffering now. Even if their child suffered severe agony for hours before dying from the abortion, the human psyche that enables people to overcome natural atrocity, allows them to overcome this. It's disgusting that doctors can abuse our psyche this way & literally get away with murder.

2007-09-19 17:39:07 · answer #1 · answered by Jenna 2 · 5 3

Disagree. A non viable fetus is not the same as a person. Abortion is legal, murder is not, therefore it is not unlawful. Murder must have malicious aforethought - women do not go off getting pregnant just to have an abortion. I find it offensive that people equate or even think terminating an early pregnancy is worse than say, murdering your own conscious, thinking five year old child. Horrible. Abortion is not murder. The argument that the fetus could become the person that develops the cure for cancer is ridiculous, you could say it could become a serial killer as well.

2016-05-18 06:12:25 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Ignore the posters who disagree. If you are pregnant you already have a child, it's as simple as that.

You currently have a choice in many countries to murder that child, but that doesn't mean it's not murder. It just means murder of those who can't complain has been condoned.

It's all about profit at the end of the day. Women may think they are being empowered or mercifull by having the choice to abort, but they are blatantly being used by their country.

2007-09-20 03:10:47 · answer #3 · answered by jon h 2 · 5 3

Totally agree! 100% no matter what kind of excuses or whatever people wanna try and make up to justify it...they know its wrong its just convienent way for them to get out of paying their consequences for having sex unprotected.

No there is no excuse for an abortion,not even rape or cant afford another child or whatever...cause there is always adoption...there are people out here that would love to have that baby u want to kill...so think about it and since u dont want it anyway and u want to kill it ..it wont be hard for u to give it away when its born...Dont be so selfish!

2007-09-19 08:42:13 · answer #4 · answered by naynayjo 2 · 7 3


2007-09-19 05:52:38 · answer #5 · answered by girl24gr 3 · 4 6

To me, it depends on the situation.
Let's say, you got pregnant because of a rape, would you abort?

I would agree with abortion if I know my baby is going to be sick, mentally retarded... and so on.

I disagree when people do it because of a mistake such as not using protection while having sex.

2007-09-19 05:36:42 · answer #6 · answered by ? 2 · 2 5

I used to agree 100% with this statement.. There are some women that have abortions that have very good reason, and I never agreed with that until it happened to me. Some women use abortion as a birth control and that is wrong. If a woman gets pregnant by being raped is 1 very good reason to have one. I have a child and it is a very very tough situation for me. (with her father) we had a bad break up..physical and mental abuse, threats, you name it, it happened. I got with this other guy who was abusive, mentally and physically and did the same as my daughters father. I became pregnant and I REFUSED to bring another innocent child into this world to have to deal with parents who are not only split up, but have a child grow up with a father who would beat them, threaten their life and all that good stuff. I felt horrible doing it, but i did it for the welfare of the baby. I didnt want to give the baby up for adoption and have the child come and find me in 20 years wondering why I had to give them up..

2007-09-19 08:10:41 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 6

Your joking right.
Prolifers kill 12 loved and wanted children each time they attempt to save a fetus. Now that is murder.

2007-09-21 13:58:06 · answer #8 · answered by Give me Liberty 5 · 0 5

I disagree. Abortion is merely a medically induced miscarriage which ends pregnancy.

2007-09-19 05:40:01 · answer #9 · answered by J.D. 3 · 4 6

I agree 100%.

2007-09-19 05:29:29 · answer #10 · answered by CR 5 · 8 5

You would have to be in the persons trousers to judge that, I think nobody is able to judge anybody; but I totally disagree; we should have responsability of our acts.

Good luck! ;D

2007-09-19 05:32:32 · answer #11 · answered by ♥Madison♥ 6 · 3 5

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