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No rude answers- reading her idea.. it's going to make insurance Affordable, Availble, and Reliable.
Health Insurance is unbelievely expensive, it is outragous- she wants to make sure that no one has to pay more than a limited percentage of their income for Health Insurance
She wants to make it availble.. because as it stands right now.. if you have had cancer or you have dwarfism or something else an insurance company can turn you down for a pre-existing condition..how is that fair.. she wants to make it so that they can not turn you down for a pre-existing condition...
Also if you get laid off, and you like your healthcare coverage you can keep it, without paying the massive price of Cobra...

Right now I don't see anything wrong with her Health Care plan...but was wondering what other people see wrong with it.. so maybe I'll look at it differently other than something that seems great for Americans
Basicly it seems to me like affordable private insurance

2007-09-19 05:24:21 · 26 answers · asked by katjha2005 5 in Politics & Government Politics

26 answers

Sounds great...why doesn't she work on getting something done with that instead of campaigning while she's being paid to be a Senator.

2007-09-19 05:30:58 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 6 2

Her proposal is all Americans get Health insurance.
It's a bonanza for the Health Insurance Corporations, one of her biggest campaign contributers!

Why hand over more money to greedy insurance companies so they can waste it on administrative and marketing costs and profits; while they continue to deny coverage and look for "pre-existing conditions"? They are in the business of making a PROFIT!

Dennis Kucinich's proposal is the only one that would allow the United States to join Argentina, Australia, Belgum, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Greece, Holland, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, Spain, South Korea, Sweden and Venezuela in having Single-Payer Universal Healthcare. Where Healthcare is a right-not a commodity!

2007-09-19 18:17:01 · answer #2 · answered by Richard V 6 · 1 0

I am with you... I voted for Hillary and really wanted to see her become President. But here's the thing - if Hillary had won, it would have alienated the black voters in the DNC... and you can't do that. Black voters are finally inspired to get out and rally around a candidate and Hillary voters will begrudgingly go along with it because they know they can't vote for McCain... Hillary voters make up the Democrat base and will be forced to vote for the Democrat no matter what... but Black voters will stay home if they don't like what they see... That's just politics! Fortunately, I am one of the Hillary voters that actually likes Obama anyway... it was hard for me to pick between the two of them.

2016-05-18 06:10:43 · answer #3 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

I am a Democrat and, since Bush came into office a Strong Democrat. And I have a lot of respect for Hillary. However, Hillary's plan for health care sounds like something the Bush administration would come up with.

It does not *provide* health care for everyone in the United States, but *requires* Americans - every American - to purchase health care. If they can't afford it, the federal government will help them pay for it. So what's wrong with that?

How do you think the insurance companies and the pharmaceutical companies feel about her plan?

Right now there are millions of uninsured Americans. Under Hillary's plan all those millions of people would become new customers of these private insurance companies. If we paid $1 per person per year, that would put millions of extra dollars in their pockets. But it won't be $1 per year, it will be thousands, and that means billions of dollars of new business for private insurance companies.

And all those absurdly overpriced drugs - the ones that sell for 1/10th the price or less in Canada - those drugs that even many insured Americans can't afford to buy, and that uninsured Americans certainly can't afford to buy... Now they will be able to buy them with funds at least partly from the federal government. Billions more pills sold at inflated prices. Billions more dollars for the pharmaceutical companies.

Hillary's earlier attempt to introduce universal health care, back before she had received millions of dollars from the medical and pharmaceutical industries, was designed to benefit American citizens. Her new plan is designed to benefit her beneficiaries, the medical and pharmaceutical industries.

A good health care plan would be for the benefit of every American. Hillary's plan is for the benefit of Americans who are wealthy enough to have large investments in insurance, medical and pharmaceutical companies.

2007-09-19 08:25:58 · answer #4 · answered by Don P 5 · 2 0

I think right now her sugar coated version will sell...to me the problem isnt w/ her plan only, its the idea of universal health care, i feel that all it does is make a society dependent on its government...also if you see how well Soc sec is doing it makes me wonder how they will be able to manage everyones money and healthcare, soc sec will not exist by the time that i retire, so i have to have a back up. I think that they need to do an overhaul w/ the ins co and reform it and make it better that way we can get a current program that works and not extreamly expensive. Yes, i have been on and off of insurance and i have also had to take out temp policies so i know that more could be done, i just dont feel universal health care is the way to go!

2007-09-19 05:34:01 · answer #5 · answered by tll 6 · 4 2

the insurance companies will hate it because it requires more oversight and will limit their ability to take money from people for years and years, then drop them or refuse to cover them when they really need the coverage. the rich will hate it because its a "handout" to the poor...which they won't get a piece of.

so basically, as long as you don't make your living in insurance and are not exceedingly wealthy, then there is no downside.

amount needed for one year of universal health care under Hilary's plan: 110 billion.

amount paid by insurance lobbyists on a campaign to kill Hilary's first national health care proposals back in the years 1993-94: 115 billion.

just where did those companies get all that money, and how many people could have had coverage if it had actually been spent on health care instead of buying votes and on the media?

2007-09-19 05:31:46 · answer #6 · answered by Free Radical 5 · 4 1

I have a couple of problems with. I am opposed whenever the government forces anyone to do anything. She will make it mandatory for everyone to acquire it.

The other problem I have with it is those who make $250,000 or more will have to cover the costs of those who cannot afford it. Again, forcing Americans to do something. Just because someone makes more doesn't mean the U.S. government should force those to cover the costs of others.

If I choose to not get health care shouldn't that be my choice. What about illegal immigrants? Since they are not citizens they will not be forced to get it. Yet they still have the benefit.

But overall, I do not now enough about the health care industry to make an assessment. Bill 'O Riely is having independent experts to crique the plan. Healt care involves insurance companies, doctors, hospitals, consumers. There are many aspects of it.

2007-09-19 05:35:07 · answer #7 · answered by Keith 4 · 3 2

The best way to fix the health care cost woes is to eiliminate Medicare and insurance altogether. Market forces would drive the price down. Racketeers would get out of the health provider business. There would be more pro bono services. People would take better care of themselves and quit killing themselves with tobacco, alcohol, fat, sweets, excessive eating.

2007-09-26 01:18:28 · answer #8 · answered by (:P) 6 · 0 0

We in Canada have government health insurance - it works for the most part.
But if you need a real quick ct scan you are out of luck.
Waiting time in the Er could be 6 - 8 hours unless you have a hearth attack.So i suggest you don't jump on the band wagon without careful consideration.

2007-09-25 03:13:29 · answer #9 · answered by Maka 7 · 1 0

1. You are not going to get any better insurance than what you have.

2. You are still going to have to pay the premiums.

3. Even though the premiums may be less, you will have to pay higher taxes so you can pay for people who either can not afford or chose not to buy insurance.

4. You are going to pay more money for the products you buy to cover other people's health insurance.

5. You are never going to stop paying for Hillary's plan and you will never have more than what you have now.

If Hillary gets into the White House, the country will be as mediocre as she is.

2007-09-19 05:32:22 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

It is corporate welfare, plain and simple. It forces people to buy coverage they can't afford. It makes less affluent people choose between groceries, rent or utilities and paying for their insurance premiums. The only logical solution is Kucinich's plan. If people have objections to it, or they prefer paying for their own coverage, then they should be able to opt out of it and buy their own. There are many working people who simply cannot afford it on their own. Forcing them to buy it is not the answer. Tax credits mean nothing to the people that are having a hard time living day to day and week to week.

2007-09-19 06:10:26 · answer #11 · answered by Slimsmom 6 · 3 1

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