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2007-09-19 05:06:09 · 20 answers · asked by Jayden04 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

20 answers

Breast feeding is best, but you can do both if necessary. I never made enough to satisfy either of my kids, so I supplemented with Nestle Good Start formula. Both of them accepted it, and we had NO problems. If you make enough, but need to share the feeding responsibilities, invest in or rent a quality electric pump, and do it that way. The amount of pain you have when you start to breast feed does get better, and nothing can match that kind of bond, it can be done with bottle fed babies too. So do what is best for you and your family. Remember, these are just opinions, and some people will criticize either choice you make. Its not their baby, nipples, or bottles, its yours.

2007-09-19 05:20:24 · answer #1 · answered by frameliner 3 · 0 0

What I do when that happens, which isn't often, is I just distract him from being hungry and play with him and then breastfeed him again an hour later. I think this is probably the best way to keep my supply up instead of giving formula or giving solids. My baby is 7 months and gets only 2 jars of solids a day because I also prefer to breastfeed as much as possible. Babies at this age also get whiney for many reasons and will get distracted and come off the breast a lot. I've just gotten used to it and don't stress myself out about it - I mean, they are older now and can go without food for a while so I think it better to offer the breast again later than to break down and give formula.

2016-05-18 06:03:34 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

All mothers should at least try it because it's free and healthier for both mom & baby. Any amount of breastmilk you give your child is a benefit!

I was told by my mom & sister that it would be "impossible" for me to breastfeed because of a genetic thing. I reasoned that if it was "impossible" than our family would have died out centuries ago when there was no formula!

Breastfeeding is healthy for you and healthy for the baby. For the baby, it is the perfect food and provides immunities that help keep the baby healthy. The early milk, colostrum, also helps the baby's insides get going for healthy digestion their whole lives.

For you, it helps you lose pregnancy weight, reduces the chances of breast cancer, and releases these groovy hormones that make you feel relaxed and happy, which is JUST what a new mother needs.

Dads can still share all kinds of responsibilities -- personally, I'd rather nurse the baby and let my husband deal with poopy diapers...which, btw, don't smell as bad because breastmilk is "cleaner" food, having already been filtered through your body.

The problems that poor lady above listed, like cracked nipples, come from not breastfeeding properly, most often. In my case, I had very bad nipples. It took four weeks before I was nursing comfortably on one side and six on the other with my first baby. But then I never had any more problems with any of my kids. It was so easy! As soon as you notice the baby is hungry, you lift your shirt and feed. If you use formula, there's all that measuring and sterilizing and shaking and heating...by the time you're done with that, baby is starving and agitated and feeding just isn't as nice of an experience.

And if Dad really wants to feed, you get a breast pump. I went back to work after my babies were born and with the pump, I never had to buy formula, not once. It paid for itself like 50 times over between all my kids.

2007-09-19 05:21:41 · answer #3 · answered by sparki777 7 · 2 1

Breastfeeding is best of course. I have a 7 week old and tried to breast feed her for that first 6 weeks but my milk supply just slowly seemed to dwindle. I did pump and she did get some but I had to supplement with formula. My baby was very fussy at the breast, she latched on fine but after 5 minutes would get all squirmy. I didn't think breast feeding hurt at all, as long as they latch on properly it's not a big deal. I have let myself dry up since I am going back to work and I don't produce much milk I can't sit and pump for a halfhour only to get 2 oz. out so now my baby is on formula and I'm fine with it. I drank formula when I was a baby and turned out just fine, bachelor's degree, homeowner and good compassionate citizen! Plus, there are much better choices for formula out there today than there was when I was born (33 years ago!). Anyways, breastfeeding is best if you can get enough milk out, but my advice teach the baby the bottle as well, my husband enjoys being able to feed her and it gives me a break.

2007-09-19 05:37:23 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Different school of thoughts on both. Breast feeding is getting popular. It creates bonding with mum and child. It was proven by doctor that breast milk is better than formula. But there are occasion tha mum may not able to breastfeed so do not be too hard on mum and child. Breastfeed mum feels very tiring, imaginge feeding every 2.5 hours when the child is only 1day to 1.5 month old. Storing breastmilk and warming up for later use can also be troublesome for some. I have nearly 1 month of supply previously. That is good to last my daughter. My milk decreased once I am back to work ( mainly due to stressed). So she is only breastfed only for 4 months.
from parentingblessings

2007-09-19 05:16:02 · answer #5 · answered by shangpam07 2 · 0 0

I was forced to formula feed my daughter which I didn't like at all. She never did learn to latch on properly. I am expecting #2 and I will be trying again to breast feed. I prefer breast feeding over formula because breast milk has the nutrients the child needs and is better...formula, that was awful and many brands made my daughter gassy and just plain did not agree with her!!

2007-09-19 05:28:28 · answer #6 · answered by LosersSuck 3 · 0 0

LOL. S*h*i*t disturber! You wanna see allot of opinionated women? This is the question to ask!

So my opinion:
Whatever is best for a family. I'm really pro breastfeeding for my family and I wish more moms would choose it but that's not going to happen. Society has created a culture to make both breastfeeding and bottle feeding a difficult choice. Theirs lack of support for many women who choose to breastfeed but lots of judgment made for women who formula feed. Sometimes it feels like society doesn't want to see babies fed at all... I still think in allot of cases proper education and support and knowledge would make breastfeeding a success for many families. I do understand that some families who are educated and understand all the benefits would still choose formula. That's their right. The most important thing is an informed choice with options. I hate how the women on here fight about breast is best vs women who breastfeed are arrogant. Ow well...

2007-09-19 05:20:27 · answer #7 · answered by lovelylady 5 · 3 0

Breastfeeding is best. Period. If you can breastfeed, you should. Don't automatically assume that you can't produce enough milk and give up. Your body produces more the more you nurse and there will be times that your baby seems unsatisfied with the amount s/he is getting. This is most likely due to a growth spurt, not a low supply. It drives me mad when I hear of friends who just gave up because they "couldn't produce enough". There is a natural balance of supply and demand. If your baby wants more than your producing, the answer is to nurse more and encourage your body to produce more. The answer is not to just give up altogether and switch or supplement formula.

Breastfeeding will not cause your boobs to sag. Gravity and age does that. If you refuse to breastfeed or limit breastfeeding to only a number of months after your baby is born in order to keep your figure in some predefined shape, you are being very selfish and doing your baby a disservice.

Formula can't measure up to breastmilk in any way. A mother's body is designed to grow and birth her baby and also to feed that baby. Human milk is intended for human babies and cow's milk is intended for calves. Human breastmilk has been shown to KILL cancer cells (source below). Show me a formula that can do that.

2007-09-19 06:11:32 · answer #8 · answered by Quiet Tempest 5 · 0 0

Breastfeeding is always best.
The advantages for baby are-
getting antibodies from mommy milk that keep away colds, flu & other nasties
stimulation of brain beacuse of focal distance to mommy's face & switching sides to nurse stimulates both sides of brain
facial & muscle development because nursing ISN'T just sucking like a bottle
hearing mommy's heartbeat is quieting
getting enough touch to thrive because you can't just prop up mom like you will with a bottle
learning to LOVE & be loved in a physical way
Advantages to Mom-
breastfeeding helps protect against several types of cancer
breastfeeding releases a hormone called oxtocin AKA the LOVE hormone to make it easier to love baby (and everyone else!)
Mom can bring baby in bed & go back to sleep while nursing so she is well rested & functional
To sum up, giving your baby a bottle is like giving your husband a party doll- the physical needs will not be well met & the emotional needs & relationship of both partners will not be met at all.

2007-09-19 05:27:58 · answer #9 · answered by tattooedwilla 2 · 1 1

The choice made by the parents will be the right decision.

Breast is best, as they say, but sometimes that just does not work out, no matter how hard the mother tries, and how much she wants it.

2007-09-19 05:24:47 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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