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I'm 16 (so under the legal drinking age) and I get really sick of my friends getting ridiculously drunk at every party. I do drink, but not to the extent that they do, which usually ends up with everyone passing out or throwing up or... you get the idea.

And the other night there was a house party which got a bit crazy, my friend got so drunk he dropped a glass and then picked it up the smashed pieces, nearly cutting his finger off in the process, so I had to sit with him, blood everywhere and call an ambulance and go to hospital with him. If it wasn't for me, no one would have had the sense to call for an ambulance because they were all so out of it.

It feels like I always have to be the responsible one and that gets a bit annoying. Does anyone else feel like this?

2007-09-19 05:03:53 · 39 answers · asked by Emma :) 4 in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

39 answers

I know what you mean. It hasn't happened with my close friends yet, but some of my friends from school are constantly getting plastered and it's all they ever talk about. I'm two years younger than you and some of the girls who get drunk all the time have been doing since they were 10. Loads of them have had to go to hospital because they've either drank too much, or done something stupid when they were drunk. People like that are giving all teenagers a bad name. xx

2007-09-23 01:16:36 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

you said "...I do drink, but not to the extent that they do..."
& "...It feels like I always have to be the responsible one and that gets a bit annoying..."

Sounds alittle contradictory. Just had to point this out. Any teen that drinks is stupid. For starters, they don't realize the physical damage that you are doing to your body, besides your body is not done growing. And if you get caught, major problems for you. Not a good idea, EVER - wait until your 21. Even then, you still have to be responsible.
I know you said you always feel like your the only responsible one....but you drink so your not any more responsible than your friends.
When the ambulance came, they didn't notice the party going on? If they did, you do realize that they could have called the police if they suspected under age drinking. Its a good thing that your friend got the care, but did they ask him how it happened? Again, you could have got caught.
My question to you is this.
Would it really been worth it drinking, if you got caught? (then or ever...)
Where did you get the alcohol to begin with?
I never touched alcohol until I was 21. And trust me, no big deal. I never drank to get drunk. I enjoy a good drink every now and then, but I don't see the point really. Now I am 34, hardly ever drink, because I do have a 14 yr old daughter, I am trying to set an example. She knows that her A@@ would be whipped so bad if she ever got drunk!
Why hang out with people who are constantly drinking? You need new friends, IMHO.

2007-09-24 08:23:47 · answer #2 · answered by eZonis34 4 · 0 1

I get this all the time, im 15 and at any party all my friends are like "omg, where's the vodka?" its like they are obsessed or something, they all believe they can't have fun without a bit of alcohol in them!

I was at a party last christmas and i'd only got round to having one drink, but i was planning on stopping there, my friend had managed to down 7 (!) and ended up passing out and falling in the pond. Most people just stood and looked and i was the only sensible one left to jump in. So now ended up stinking of pondweed and soaking wet.

I'm always dragging people off home or picking them up off the floor literally every time there is a party, and i am SICK of it, i have even been thinking about not going to any anymore because i hardly ever enjoy myself because people are drinking more and more at these party's. Its ridiculous! I can't understand why they do it!!


2007-09-20 01:13:53 · answer #3 · answered by MegSTAR 3 · 1 0

Wow, I feel really sorry for you. As the person who would be cutting their finger off, I can just say I'm glad for friends like you. I'm 18 (a little older, but not much better), and I sorta feel bad when you put it like that. I don't drink to be "cool", I drink because I like the relaxed feeling. Its very sad but true. Many people don't have the responsibility to realize their limit - it goes to show how mature you are. Lucky for me I have a very high limit (its the german in me) but I still take it over the top. Its a shame that you're always being the responsible one, though I can promise that your friends appreciate you. You could just stop hanging out with them, but then you might worry that something would happen (and it might). I guess you need to decide if you're fine with that, or you're tired of being responsible for people who make bad decisions. I completely agree, its not fair to you. Really, I don't have much of an answer, other than its a good thing you are so responsible and mature. We need more people like you in the world.

2007-09-19 13:16:08 · answer #4 · answered by milan 4 · 3 0

Make some new friends... don't give in to peer pressure! If your friends start to question why you aren't hanging out with them anymore then tell them the truth. It just proves that you are being responsible and they are not. And you should stop drinking as well. It's not good for you, or your body. You will kill your liver! If you need advice, speak to your parents. The might be a little upset at first, but they will be more thankful that you came to them than anything else. Good Luck!

2007-09-19 05:11:43 · answer #5 · answered by Leigha S 2 · 1 0

Yes!!! I'm now 23, and all through growing up i felt the same as you. So much so, that i avoided parties where i knew alcohol would be there. It made me a little left out, but i knew that my true friends would understand.
I joined groups outside of school, where i met knew people and they had different ideas of how to party! We used to drink but not get daft.
I'm still a bit like that, although i'm legally allowed to drink as much as i'd like...i still only drink to my limit. I cannot be bothered getting so drunk that im sick, or pass out.
I'd rather drink and have a good time!
Stick to your guns...it will get easier.
Well done for being the strong one, you should be proud of yourself.
Goood luck!

2007-09-20 04:27:53 · answer #6 · answered by angeljen 2 · 1 0

I'm in my twenties and I feel like this. I actually rarely even bother drinking anymore because I just don't get anything from it - so I'm pretty much always the dedicated driver. I'm also Mr boring and Mr responsible on these occasions too, but if I wasn't I wouldn't have been able to get my friends out of the fights they nearly get themselves in or give them a lift home when they're too pissed to walk straight.

2007-09-19 05:10:54 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Having a drink within reason is OK. But you should start drawing the line at those who drink for the sole purpose of getting ratarsed.

You can not be your brothers keeper all your life and as a young person you could be doing more damage than good.

Voice your concerns and if this falls on deaf ears than I'm afraid you are left with no other alternative but to seek knew friends.

Ask them is there any sense in getting so drunk you can't remember whether you enjoyed yourself or not?

2007-09-19 05:12:12 · answer #8 · answered by Nosey parker 5 · 1 2

It's time to find a new circle of friends. Hanging around these self-destructive types can't be doing you any good. Young people who constantly drink just to see how drunk they can get never seem to go very far in life. Is that what you want for yourself?

2007-09-19 08:33:40 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Obviously. It shows the sign of immaturity and irrepsonsibility. A drink should be enjoyed by drinking and not getting drunk. No one has the right to spoil an other persons enjoyment but they still do it.

2007-09-26 02:47:23 · answer #10 · answered by Raj 4 · 0 0

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