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Now that we are in a full presidenal debates, I hear candidates bring up issues that meddle in the private lives of US Citizens. We have democrats trying to:
1) regulate what we eat by banning trans fats,
2) trying to reduce drinking
3) legislating where citizens can smoke (I actually agree with this)
4) California trying to regulate how you dicipline children
5) Universal Healthcare - taking away the right to choose your healthcare.
6) Regulating what we drive due to global warming issues

The list goes on. Isn't this an insult to the basics freedoms this country was founded on? What are the five most frightening words in the English language uttered by a politician: "something needs to be done!"

Does anyone agree with me here?

2007-09-19 05:01:45 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

27 answers

Absolutely! I have a mother and if I wanted someone mothering me I'd move in with her.

2007-09-19 05:13:51 · answer #1 · answered by jrldsmith 4 · 1 4

Well, 1 2 and 3 are all health related issues. Eliminating trans-fats would reduce obisety and heart related illness. Eating transfats is a sin of choice just like smoking..unfortunately, they ultimately drive up the cost of everyone's health care.
I haven't heard any Dems on these issues though.

4. California is a state unto itself - they make up their own laws and people either vote for them or not.

5. I don't agree with Hillary's plan, but something has to be done about costs and lack of competition. If costs grew at the same rate as the cost of living, I would say it's not an issue..but it seems rates go up at a much higher percentage.

6. I've not heard anything about Dems regulating what you drive..other than Gore and he's not running. Common sense would be to invest more in alternative fuels though and cut off our dependency to foriegn (and domestic) oil.

"Something needs to be done" is not necessarily a bad thing. Doing nothing and wishing you had, years down the road, is.

Nothing is as expensive as regret.

2007-09-19 05:16:21 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I recall flying out internationally, I did not have to wait in line for stupid and negligent searches, Now I lost such a freedom.
I used to speak on the phone without someone screening my call , now I have to beware of what I said.I lost the freedom to speak freely on the phone. I remember if accussed of a crime, you were innocent until proven guilty, now we have lost even our freedom until they decide you are no longer a treat under the patriot act.
Talking about lost freedoms not freedoms not yet lost....!!!!
1) regulate what we eat by banning trans fats.
But you can still eat what you want, only the food company has to provide healty food.
2) trying to reduce drinking.
In public, however inside your home you are not a treat to plublic safety.
3) legislating where citizens can smoke (I actually agree with this) Me too.
4) California trying to regulate how you dicipline children.
I do not see how they are coming to your house and observe!
5) Universal Healthcare - taking away the right to choose your healthcare.You better get informed, it only means, even the ones that can not afford health care should get it.
6) Regulating what we drive due to global warming issues.
This is very much like smoking,it affect us all..
Please, Dems and reps have one goal to balance abuse of power, which in the case of rep under bush went out of hand allowing a lunatic to be the president of the greatest nation in the world which includs you, reps ,dems..!!

2007-09-19 05:24:30 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, the people that are currently making tons of cash off health care and do not want to cover people with existing conditions agree with you---THATS A BAD THING

I haven't seen any legislation regarding what you drive, but I have seen legislation that makes manufacturers think aboput the air we breath and the amount of gas their vehicles consume----THATS A GOOD THING

California is a state run by a republican

Regulating trans fat---haven't seen any legislation on that, I have heard discussion on PROPER LABELING

Smoking regulations (in public places) are upheld by BOTH parties

Who's trying to stop you from being a drunk?

NEXT TIME FACT CHECK and you will see the the Republican Party has ALWAYS TRIED TO LEGISLATE MORALITY(meddling in private lives)
Ken has a lot of nerve even bringiong up deficit spending after President Bush has spent 9 Trillion Dollars like a drunken fool

2007-09-19 05:11:13 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 7 0

Let us take this on one by one, shall we?

1. Yes, how DARE the Democrats try to ban something that's harmful for people! Shame on them!

2. I'd like your source for this, because I don't think this is the whole story. Reducing drinking, or reducing public drunkenness? Reducing drinking and driving? I'm confused, that's terribly vague.

3. I, as a former smoker and non-smoker actually am on the fence with this. How far do we go in enforcing non-smoker's rights that we begin to interfere with the rights of the smokers themselves?

4. Now see, this *is* wrong. Abuse is one thing, discipline is another. But, unfortunately, this is more a judgement call. And whose judgement are we to trust?

5. You have GOT to be kidding. Would you rather choose your health care, or make sure that every American HAS access to proper Health Care? Because I can tell you right now...lots of us who are working full time, living in two and three income households still can not afford to go to the doctor because of the current healthcare system. This is not cool.

6. Again, how DARE the democrats try to do something to make sure that we don't contribue to global warming and helping to clean up our enviroment. Bad Democrats! No cookie!

Some of these are PRIVELEDGES (having cars, smoking, etc.) and NOT a right. And if we were smart enough to actually take care of everyone, instead of just worrying ourselves, legislation wouldn't HAVE to be introduced to try to achieve these goals.

2007-09-19 05:11:45 · answer #5 · answered by witchiebunny 3 · 4 1

1 - Trans fat is bad for you. Period.
2 - They have no right to do that...
3 - The rights of the non-smoker outweigh the rights of the smoker; but some of the talk I've heard is too much (like banning smoking in your own car!)
4 - They have no right to do that either
5 - Socialism is wrong, especially when social security is about to fail
6 - Reform is needed in our automobile industry. No one should resist changes that can produce better cleaner cars if everyone can benefit. I really care little for the environment, but oil poses too much of a problem to be relied upon as a source of fuel.

2007-09-19 05:17:25 · answer #6 · answered by Pfo 7 · 0 0

I agree with you. This is a free country. Individual citizens should have as much say as possible in how they spend their money, so long as it does not directly iterfere with the rights of someone else. So:

Someone should be allowed to be fat and eat dangerously and die early if they want.
Someone should be allowed to drink excessively, so long as they don't drive and kill another person.
Someone should be able to permit smoking in the business they own, and until smoking is illegal, it should be permitted (I find it annoying too, but taking rights away is more annoying).
Parents should be able to discipline their kids, so long as it's not causing injury.
Healthcare should be the individuals responsibility to purchase, if the individual wants it, not forced upon him/her. Further, no one should have to buy insurance for another person.
If global warming truely is related to human behavior, that may be something the government should regulate...but they have to be damn sure it's due to humans before telling car manufacturers what they have to build and telling consumers what they have to buy.

2007-09-19 05:16:25 · answer #7 · answered by Yahoo Answer Angel 6 · 2 0

Conservatives what to regulate who consenting adults can have sex with or marry. Make the religion a requirement and force people to speak english. Doesn't seem to be much difference between the two if you ask me and you did.

And don't get me started on the blue laws.

2007-09-19 05:31:51 · answer #8 · answered by Holy Cow! 7 · 0 0

no person is doing away with all and sundry's freedom to worship. while Christians whine that youngsters can not pray at college, they're incorrect. How might all and sundry comprehend if a newborn is praying? what isn't superb is to have instructor-led prayer. are you able to surely assume a extreme college Chemistry instructor who's Hindu to steer his type in Christian prayers, in spite of if he likes it or no longer? this is stupid. What the Bible teaches approximately Homosexuality and Hell isn't appropriate to the standard public stable. all and sundry who feels the would desire to have faith the bible rather of think of for themselves, is loose to realize this. government shouldn't and does no longer tension people to have faith or no longer have faith specific issues. the U. S. government can not and does no longer alter what's being taught in churces, or how preachers would carry forth. I dare say, if a preacher, besides the undeniable fact that, threatens somebody with harm in his sermon, he will and can be investigated interior the activity of public risk-free practices. this would not abridge his perfect to assert what he needs, besides the undeniable fact that. The secularists who authored and ratified the U. S. shape have been superb to maintain faith and government disentangled. This separation accomodates all and sundry's perfect to worship (or no longer) as they please. And it forces no person to worship a definite way, or in any respect. on the full, it accomodates all and sundry and harms no person. i locate it completely spectacular that Christians and others harp plenty on what consenting adults do with one yet another in inner maximum. My former stepfather, an outwardly Baptist person did no longer work together in talking or condone others employing profanity. yet he did no longer think of two times approximately working in direction of adultery. that's no longer remoted. between christian individuals, that's very undemanding.

2016-10-09 11:20:20 · answer #9 · answered by hussaini 4 · 0 0

It's not just Democrats.

As it should be, the government should protect its public.

1. Trans Fats - are a leading cause of Heart Disease. If there are alternatives, they should be used.
2. Drinking - how many lives are lost every year due to drunk drivers?
3. Smoking - another health hazard for the smoker and everyone around the smokers.
5. Universial HealthCare - You would care about this one if you were one of the millions that had no Health Insurance.
6. Global Warming - is coming one way or the other, but why induce it to come quicker?

You'll notice I didn't answer to #4. Primarily because I feel a good spanking is needed every once in a while.

Everyone of the other answers have to deal with the Health and Safety of Everyone which the government should be involved with.

2007-09-19 05:05:25 · answer #10 · answered by Bob 5 · 6 6

Most of the things listed here are not rights. None that I read about in the constitution. And they are candidates, so they haven't done anything but talk. Bush on the other hand...has taken away rights that ARE guaranteed by our constitution, and I have read nothing but excuses from the GOP about why this is OK, never heard one question it.

2007-09-19 05:14:22 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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