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27 answers

My Daddy.
There is no way, no how, would I ever, ever, ever hurt My Dad.

2007-09-19 04:51:42 · answer #1 · answered by Dionannan 5 · 0 0

Life experience. Whatever you face will fade most of the time. Attitude plays a big part in life. Our view of our situation determines our response and how it affects us personally. The fact that everything that we face that is a challange to overcome makes us a little bit wiser and a little bit stronger. The more you face head on and the more you move forward the more and more we can handle. Its like a soldier with a backpack on his back. When he starts the bag is heavy. The march seems way too long. As he continues and picks up that bag every day, even though nothing has been taken out of it, it begins to feel a little less heavy. The march becomes more and more easier to tragress. His legs become stronger, his lungs become stronger, the pain is easier to handle. He begins to know that his limits were not his limits at all. When the march ends the bag is light, it seems like it was just yesterday when the march began and he finds that his back and legs can carry much more than he thought when he doubted himself. Thats why you never give up. Never.

2007-09-19 11:55:58 · answer #2 · answered by Kerrick C 3 · 0 0

Yes. there have been many times in my life that I have wanted to give up! But I think what does not kil you does make you stronger in the end! Example: I am 47 years old and have been unemployed for a year almost. Before that, I had taken some jobs that probably were not fit for my work experience. And now, I find myself sending resumes everyday just praying that I get a call for an interview. And meanwhile I have daughter who is worried for me. And my beautiful wife, who is making a living for all of us! So yes...I think we all face times that are difficult. You just have to get through it together and keep the faith!

2007-09-19 11:53:49 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I wanted to give up when I had to work 60 hours per week to support my son and his father refused to pay child support. He is still not paying, but I got a better job. I wanted to throw in the towel plenty of times and just go live with family, but I stuck it out, met a wonderful man, and I am very happy! What kept me going is that my son needed me, and no one else was going to take care of him like I can.

2007-09-19 11:48:56 · answer #4 · answered by bonstermonster20 6 · 0 0

There's been plenty of times where i wanted to give up like parenting two kids and going to school especially when there sick what kept me going was thinking if i don't keep going to school i'll be living on welfare the rest of my life and if i give my kids up how would i feel?

2007-09-19 11:49:18 · answer #5 · answered by moringurl20 3 · 0 0

I have wanted to give up on the relationship that I have with my boyfriend. We have been together for five years and started dating when I was 17. It's been a hard struggle. But I have to say at the end of the day, it's been worth it. I honestly have to remind myself that no relationship is perfect and that there is no such thing as a perfect person, myself included. Love is hard, but at the end it's what makes getting up in the day so much better.

2007-09-19 11:49:06 · answer #6 · answered by Chrystal 7 · 0 0

the knowledge that if you give up, your problem doesn just go away, u could evade it for as long as u want but it would still be there at the end of the day. one day or another u would have to face the music and deal with it head on so u might as well stick it out. remeber there is always sunshine after rain and everything gets better when u keep trying

2007-09-19 12:04:17 · answer #7 · answered by snowflakes 4 · 0 0

I've experienced misery far beyond what I thought a human could bear. And even though I say that, I know that it could have been much worse. I haven't lost a child or a spouse, though I did lose my mom.

Yes, I have chronic depression. And suicide is always landing in my tree. Up till now I shoo it away. I don't think about it too much, because I know it's not healthy.

Checking out would devastate hundreds of people around me, esp my hus & kids. Who would find me? Would it devastate them as well? And what about when I get to paradise and the judgment seat? I don't even want to think about how bad it might go for me there.

So I hold these things in mind, my faith, my peace in God, my love for God, country, family. I love them all too, too much to bow out early.

TX Mom

2007-09-19 11:52:11 · answer #8 · answered by TX Mom 7 · 0 0

I actually have been there a couple of times (im 21) first when i was 13 and my mum died, then my best friend when i was 15, then more recently when my three year relationship ended three months ago... i dont know it was just the hope that things will get better- and so far the always have. You just cant let it beat you.

2007-09-19 11:49:29 · answer #9 · answered by liljade 2 · 0 0

Yes. So many times I would love to just give up. But, fortunately, or unfortunately, it is not in me to do so. I have sons to provide for, friends to love and take care of, who love and take care of me.

I understand we all have the "choice" to make whether or not to give up or stay and finish, but for some of us that choice doesn't really exist because we have something in us that forces us to continue.

Maybe it was the way we were raised, fathers who told us we could be anything we wanted to be, even though we were girls. Mother's who proved that they could do anything they wanted to if they set their minds to it. Or maybe it comes from several lifetimes of never giving up, or relive the mistakes of the past over and over.

Wherever it comes from, it is there and cannot be put to sleep. To stop and give up, no matter how much we want to, is just a viable option. It really does not exist, not for some of us anyway.

2007-09-19 11:52:40 · answer #10 · answered by Erzulie Dantor 2 · 0 0

Focus on the positive. You want to give up when you only see the negative. Spend time every day thinking about everything you can that is good in your life.

2007-09-19 11:54:26 · answer #11 · answered by iaskwhy2007 2 · 0 0

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