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Woman do you feel that being a wife is easy or hard? Do you also find that being a wife at times you get dumped on with lifes responsibilites Do you think marriage is hard at times and that husbands can be a pain in the rump to deal with? In all honesty are there times you dont like being married? In light of what I just said what is the best way to make the most and best out of marriage?

2007-09-19 03:00:09 · 24 answers · asked by encourager4God 5 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

24 answers

Yes, at times I feel unappeciated and have to do most of the household chores, and yes, sometimes I wish that I was still single. But I do love my husband and he works hard and really does try to show me that he cares. What gets me through the times that I feel like this is the little things that he does for me, and remembering some of the extremely hard times in our marriage that he was my rock. We lost a child to S.I.D.S, and he was really there for me. I know that he was hurting too. But we were able to get through that time in our lives together. Marriage can be awesome if you work at it!

2007-09-19 04:01:44 · answer #1 · answered by Headevas 2 · 0 0

I enjoy being married. My husband does try to meet me half way with most things. However, I find as a woman we are expected to do everything. If you really think about it, we are the glue that holds a family together. I work part-time, take care of the kids, laundry, cooking,cleaning, then school work. After the day is done and the kids go to bed my husband then wants some attention, which I do not mind giving. As a wife and mother our job never ends. We do not just have an 8 hour day, its more like18 hours and if we are lucky we get 6 hours of sleep. Marriage is hard work, but in the end well worth it. Keep your head up and remember to be grateful for all that you have.

2007-09-19 03:16:02 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I think being a wife and mother can be difficult at times...just as being a husband and father can be. I have never felt that life's responsibilities have been dumped on me...because I chose to be a stay at home mother with my children and to take on the responsibilities of maintaining a home. Can husbands be a pain in the *ss? Sure they can! And so can wives! Are there times that I wish I wasn't married...Never....I love being married even through the not so good times. Being honest, having respect for your spouse, and communicating with your spouse will help you make the most and best out marriage.

2007-09-19 03:08:47 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Most of the time being married or the wife it is easy. No marriage isn't always easy. Yes, I think we get a lot of life's responsibilities for the home and kids. But, the husband (if your a house wife.) works hard to keep a roof over our head, food on the table....etc Yes, men and woman both can be a pain in the rump.....(It's called life.) Communication, love unconditionally, go on dates with hubby/wife...Be there for each other....married 11 years and happy

2007-09-19 03:07:01 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

They say that the first 3 years of marriage is the toughest. I have been married nearly 3 years myself and love the life. We have our ups and downs just like the next person but the best way to deal with problems is to talk about them. Communication is a very important part of a relationship. As a wife and a mother, I feel that I tend to have the majority or the responsibilities around the home which tends to aggravate me but I get everything out into the open and hide nothing from my husband. It may cause some heat in the moment but he can't say that you never told him.

2007-09-19 03:16:12 · answer #5 · answered by arabicgoddess03 1 · 0 0

Its a woman's strength that builds a family and a life, not her weakness. I don't look at it as getting "dumped" with life's responsibilities, I see that as what women do better than men and its a source of strength and power.

Marriage isn't meant to be easy, and it will be as hard as you make it. Its all about personal responsibility and the art of compromise. Yes men are a pain in the behind, that's what is so endearing about them. If you are a smart woman you will train him to do what you want while making him believe he is running the show. All the great women do this. Also being his lover for life is the absolute best way to keep a decent man at your side. If you don't want him to see anyone else when his eyes are open you better make sure you are right there in front of him. However, if you marry a liar and a cheat, he will always be just that. Be careful to listen to your gut whenever you consider marriage. A "broken" person can only be fixed by himself/herself and if they haven't done that by the time they are ready to marry, they never will. You cannot change anyone, just yourself.

Marriage like anything else of value in life is what you make of it.

2007-09-19 03:14:23 · answer #6 · answered by tjnstlouismo 7 · 1 0

Wow! this is a great question. I have been married 20 years and there are' times I love being married and times I wish I wasn't but am glad I am' if that makes any sense. I have a great husband who would do anything for me, I am very stubborn and I like to do everything myself- so it is done the way I like it. So you can imagine how that makes him feel, sometimes he tells me that he does not feel needed. Well anyway now that our kids are almost grown I need him more and because I have always done everything myself that { I wanted done my way } he doesn't know how to respond. Sometimes you need to lean on him and accept the way he does things, even if they are not what 'you would do' and the responsibility won't always be yours. Then he will feel needed and will respond better to situations.
To make the most of your marriage work together at everything that is important to both of you, 'What doesn't break you will make you stronger' . Always tell the other person how you feel and that you appreciate them and all they do, even if it is that they go to work each and every day. You will be surprised at how a man will respond to your compliments. The world is a tough place to be but it is better to be there with someone to love that loves you.

2007-09-19 03:31:02 · answer #7 · answered by gypsy*flame 1 · 0 0

There is always a good side and a bad side. But that is the way of life! The most important thing I have learned while being married is don't sweat the small stuff. Keep in mind that women and men are two different types of beings, so we are bound to have conflicts. Just make sure both partners are getting their most important needs met, such as respect and love. Everything else will work itself out. It took me a while to get that life with a husband is alot more pleasant when I just shut my mouth and let the little stuff go, instead of turning everything into a major issue! If you truly love one another, it is so worth the effort!

2007-09-19 03:22:22 · answer #8 · answered by Really now 4 · 0 0

I feel that being a wife is easy because I have an understanding husband(most of the time). It is hard to get dumped with a bunch of responsibilities in life, but it's not only us who have responsibilities, but our husbands and everybody has these problems with life's responsibilities. So I make the best of what I can do and not feel too bad at the things I can't do...but at least...I know I try to do things instead of not even trying. Yes, Husband can be a pain sometimes. He sometimes get on my last nerves, sometimes make me go insane just talking with him, and sometimes is stubborn and arrogant at times....but in the end when we talk things through and work things out....it's nice to know you have him by your side. To be honest, I've never had a problem with being married. I find myself more content with myself and less worried about my looks. Looking out for both of us and not having to worry about if I can find that right person...stuff when single type of things.

The best way to make the most of your marriage is for you to learn how to give in to him sometimes, learn how to understand each other, and learn how to deal with each other through hard times. Love is patient and kind....

2007-09-19 03:08:39 · answer #9 · answered by dr. phillian here.. 3 · 0 0

Talk it over. So long both of you are fully compliant and crystal clear about what you'd want from such an encounter, I think it can influence your relationship in a positive way. I don't believe it's the terrible idea that some other respondents here seem to think it is. Your husband should be impressed that you are intent on making your personal life together exciting and stimulating. Can I suggest that the third party is someone who you are not very closely acquainted with and preferably someone your husband doesn't know at all. And practice safe sex obviously. Good luck and have fun!!

2016-05-18 04:38:44 · answer #10 · answered by shanda 3 · 0 0

I think marriage is hard work. Both the husband and wife have to work on it everyday. It won't last very long if one tries and the other doesn't. I believe in compromise. If the husband isn't willing to compromise (example: he does the sweeping, I do the dishes), then they shouldn't even get married. Unfortunately some men are old fashioned and think they can just sit back on the couch and let the wife do everything. But, nowadays, men should be mature enough to realize it just isn't possible for most women anymore, especially if she's balancing work and home life.

2007-09-19 03:06:34 · answer #11 · answered by ticktock 7 · 3 0

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