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How the hell did the Yankees get so first to first place? Anybody remember a while ago when they were "out of the race"? I guess my dream of the Yankees missing the playoffs will never come true.

And as a side note, my Tigers are getting pummeled. ...yipee skipee.

Oh well Yankees won't be as good next year....

2007-09-19 02:58:37 · 33 answers · asked by Original Pranksta 1 in Sports Baseball

33 answers

It really doesn't matter,because the Indians(who just pummeled our Tigers)will whip the Bronx Babies and send them home crying like last year.

2007-09-19 08:27:10 · answer #1 · answered by Johnny Z. 3 · 0 1

Well the Tigers haven't won a World Series since 1984 & at least the Yankees have one in 2000. So who has waited longer for their last championship? The Tigers have. The Yankees have better players. The Yankees will always be better than Tigers.Here are some fun facts Yankees vs Tigers:
Last World Series win Yankees 2000 Tigers 1984
Consectutive winning seasons Yankees 1993-2007 15yrs
Tigers 2006-2007 2 yrs
Last winning season for Tigers prior to 2006----1993
Last losing season for Yankees 1992
World Series Titles 1980 's Yankees 0 Tigers 1
1990's Yankees 3 Tigers 0
2000's Yankees 1 Tigers 0
90 plus wins in a season Yankees 1996 thru 2006 11
Tigers 2006 1
100 plus wins in a season 1970 thru 2006 Yankees 7
Tigers 1
I have been a Yankee fan since age 8, first year of little league & the Yankees have a better overall record over the Tigers for the 1970's, 1980's, 1990's & 2000"s, so the truth is, the Yankees have & always will be better than the Tigers even though you beat us in play-offs last year but you lost the World Series. You said Yankees won't be good next year, possible, but doubt it very much but either way, they will be better than the Tigers. Yankees rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-09-19 03:28:04 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Because they have real proven talent on their team, mixed with young players that have a lot of talent for everyone to see. They have an owner committed to winning, an excellent group of scouts, and some of the best players in baseball. Oh and they have Jeter who knows nothing but how to win.

To Duckfook: saying that the Yankees buy their championships is just plain ignorant. No World Series comes free, even the cheapest owners with rings still pay for their players. On top of that most of the Yankees salary comes from players they paid to KEEP from their system. Name me a team who has better homegrown talent on their roster. Yankees have the following home grown players STARTING: Jeter, Cano, Posada, Melky, and Andy Philips before hurt. Then theres the pitching staff: Wang, Pettite, Hughes, Chamberlain, Kennedy and lets not forget about the greates closer ever - Rivera. So yes, the Yankees pay for players but most of these players are being paid to stay with the team. As I recall a few years ago there were people saying the Yankees can't win without going out and trading for some big name player. So it really doesn't matter what the Yankees do you're going to complain either way.

And don't think the Yankees aren't going to be good next year. The starting rotation will feature Wang, Pettite, Hughes, Chamberlain, and either Kennedy or Mussina. Plus 2 arms in the bullpen returning from injuries which were successfully rehabbed. So next year's pitching looks to be better and for all those people that like to focus on the money, the pitching staff will be cheaper as well.

2007-09-19 03:13:57 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

The Yankees win every year because they can afford to. Early on it looked as if all the old arms they had aquired were not going to pan out, but they got some much needed help from younger pitchers. Until Major League Baseball institues a salary cap or creates a different profit sharing scheme, the high rollers like the Red Sox, Yankees, Mets, and Angels will remain at the top of their respective leagues. This not an attack on these big market franchises, because if I was the owner in a league that operates unfairly I would wish to act in the same manner.

The league will remain unfair and unbalanced as long as the commisioner and the league stand aside and allow baseball to continue in its current state.

Also, please don't reference "Beane Ball", cause if winning a World Series could be done through excellent scouting and talent evaluation, wouldn't the A's have won a ring recently?

2007-09-19 03:38:54 · answer #4 · answered by Will B 2 · 2 1

I know of no Team that wants to lose. The Yankees just nver gave up like a lot of teams would have. The RED SOX are still ahead and will win. Yankees have nothing but respect for a year they could have rolled it up, But played hard.

2007-09-19 03:18:38 · answer #5 · answered by cannot_remember_chit 7 · 1 0

I suppose it depends on your definition of winning.
They don't win the world series every year.

They have a great streak of division titles going that may or may not end.
However, you really have to give them credit for overcoming such a huge lead in their division.
They were under .500 for the early part of the season and their pitching was laughable.
But, they stuck it out and look where they are.

It's too bad all those people that were guaranteeing the Yankees make the playoffs didn't bet the people that said there was no chance.

2007-09-19 04:14:08 · answer #6 · answered by brettj666 7 · 1 0

Because they have an potential all-star at each position (jeter, arod, posada, matsui, etc), a lot of depth in their starting rotation (wang, pettitte, clemens, hughes, kennedy), arguably the best bullpen (JOBA, viz, ramirez), arguably the best closer (mo), and one of the best managers in Joe Torre as he always looks at the "big picture",

Joe never panicked when the Yankees were 14 and a half back and EVERYONE was counting on the Yanks not finishing.

Let's face it they have ALOT going for them and its not just cuz of their money.. just look at the Boston Red Sox, ex. Dice K, JD Drew, Lugo, GAGNE?!?!... money doesn't win championships, the Yanks have proved that these past years.. at least they have learned from their mistakes and are getting a diverse pool of players (mix of young and vets)

2007-09-19 03:28:21 · answer #7 · answered by Hidi W 2 · 2 0

The Yankees win because they have an owner that spends his money, unlike most of them that just sit on it. The yakees give millions to revenue sharing every year, and the teams that recieve it just pocket it. Steinbrenner wants to win and it shows.
The Yankees will be better next yr, with 2 young starters coming on board, they will not have to pay them. They can spend elsewhere

2007-09-19 03:20:47 · answer #8 · answered by Pete D 2 · 2 0

Wow! I'm glad you're not on my team. The Yankees haven't won anything yet. Until the math doesn't work for the Tigers you should be rooting for them. Some fan you are!!

As for next year, who knows what any team will be like in the future. Stop wallowing in self pity!!

2007-09-19 04:38:37 · answer #9 · answered by The Mick 7 7 · 3 0

You better learn something about BB Dude,,Next yr we'll be better! Chaimberlian will be a starter pitcher,We'll have Kennedy,Hughes,We're gonna have a very YOUNG STRONG TEAM! As for your dream of us not being in the playoffs,,You and all the other @ssholes in here really didn't think the yankess were just gonna lay down and die,After all our players got healthy?I feel sorry for all you yankee haters,,you PPL never learn!!

2007-09-19 03:32:17 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Next year, they could have the following pitching staff

Wang (his usual 18-19 wins)
Pettitte (17-18 wins)
Mussina (14-15 wins)
Ian Kennedy (another 14-15 W)
Phil Hughes or Joba Chamberlain.

They'll still have Jeter, Posada, Abreu, Matsui, Cano, Cabrera. I am pretty sure they will still have Arod.

They will not start the season with 5 starting pitchers on the disabled list.

They are going to win 105 games next season, at least.

2007-09-19 04:03:26 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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