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14 answers

Your son doesn't NEED to be held all the time. He NEEDS to begin to learn to self comfort. Make sure he is not hungry, not dirty and let him work it out on his own. Give him a toy bar with lights and stuff on it to look at and play with and go comfort him (BUT DON'T PICK HIM UP) every now and again. Eventually he will learn to comfort himself and be a happier boy for it.

2007-09-19 01:58:13 · answer #1 · answered by Muley Bob 4 · 2 1

Well, there's proof that doctors and nurses don't know everything there is to know about babies. Yes, some people believe in forcing a child to comfort himself or be miserable. That sort of thinking is on its way out. The new (but really old) ideas deal with giving babies what they need. If you continue to meet your baby's needs, he will outgrow them. Sure, for a while he'll seem clingier than the cry it out babies, but you'll see a huge difference later. My own two children can hardly be bothered to kiss me goodbye anymore--when I drop them off, they get right to playing! No clinging or whining. You're doing a great thing by holding him all the time. Keep it up, mama.

The solution to your problem is a sling or wrap. I have a Maya Wrap, which is actually a sling. I love it, and they now make them with padded shoulders! Nice.


Baby Bjorn is OK, but after awhile, most babies get fussy. I would get fussy too if I was dangling from my crotch! Maya Wraps will support baby's whole body.

If you're really adventurous, you can try a wrap or mei tai. These will allow you to do a newborn back carry (with lots of practice).


ETA: The AAP has a warning about the Ezzo. Schedules are nice, but babies need what they need when they need it. They can't read a clock.

2007-09-19 09:12:13 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Oh how I can relate to a baby wanting to be held all the time. Have you talked with his doctor about this? Not saying anything is wrong! But the Doc my have some very helpful info.

What I did is use a baby "sling" when my babies where too little to be placed in a baby back pack on my back. I also made sure their needs were met, and held them for a while, and I set them to down in a play-yard, blanket on the floor, etc, for short periods of time with toys around them to stimulate them. I did my best to keep them in the same room with me or at the very least in my line of sight, so we could see each other and I could talk with my babies.

Sometimes I simply had to let my babies "fuss" so I could get a shower! (one of liefs luxuries LOL)

Adjusting to life with a new babie, even if you have other children is not always easy.. after all they didn't come with an instruction manual ;)

Hope I've helped in some small way. Best wishes and Congratulations!

2007-09-19 09:09:58 · answer #3 · answered by L W 1 · 0 0

Wear a front pack with him in it, or put him down and let him cry. He needs to learn to entertain himself and he won't do that if you're constantly holding him. That said, I'm not talking for an hour, but at least ten or fifteen minutes so you can get something done. Make sure he's in a safe place and put some toys out in front of him. Or, put him in the exersaucer. He will find a way to entertain himself. I've found the exersaucer to work wonders!

2007-09-19 08:57:14 · answer #4 · answered by Sit'nTeach'nNanny 7 · 1 0

well i have three kids and i find the five month stage quite hard because they are teething and having injections. These will make the child more clingy t times but all i can say is try not to pick him up straight away there is nothing wrong with letting him cry while you do your jobs around the house as long as he is safe and well and you know it is only crying to get what he wants. If you are picking him up straight away and he stops then u know he is having you on a treat unfortunately you are giving in to his tantrums and it must stop he will soon get used to the fact that when he cries he gets nowhere and it will subside. You will have to start with small intervals of crying and gradually let the time get longer inbetween ,painstaking i know but they learn from a very early age how to tug on your heart strings . hope this helps

2007-09-19 09:01:14 · answer #5 · answered by CIARA Y 1 · 1 1

He needs to be on a schedule. At 5mths, he should still be napping twice a day and 'almost' sleeping through the night. When he naps, you get things done! Even if he won't sleep, you must put him in his crib for 'alone' time. If you don't start a 'routine', you'll be holding this baby until he's 3ish!!! There's a great book that I read while I was pregnant. It's called Babywise by Gary Ezzo. You may learn something from it :)

2007-09-19 09:07:41 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

You have to gradually wean him off being held, try to get him to spend some time on the floor, jolly jumper etc and see if he will start trying to grab things to play with and explore. If he does leave him be for a few mins. If not you can still leave him and just sit back and talk to him. You will know when he has had enough.
He has just gotten used to being "up" and doesn't like to be left behind, like most of us, lol.
My son was exactly the same, except he would screech at me all day long, it was like being in a bird aviary, lol.
Once he started crawling he couldn't care less about me unless he needs to be fed. See how things go they will settle down and he will realise that parents aren't baby carriers, lol

2007-09-19 09:05:15 · answer #7 · answered by meppa30b 2 · 2 1

Get a sling and wear him. You have to understand that for nearly 10 months, he's been a part of you. He's not ready to sever that bond. Babywearing is an ideal choice because you're still able to do your normal routine and he still gets the closeness of mom. Remember, he's not going to be clingy his entire life and there will come a time when you'll wish he was. Enjoy the bond you have with your son. It's normal and won't last forever.

2007-09-19 13:37:07 · answer #8 · answered by Quiet Tempest 5 · 1 1

why does he have to held all the time, is it because he will cry if you don't?
I had a nephew like that. You just have to let him cry it out. Put him in a swing of in a spinny (it is like a walker but has a bottom for them to stand on). He should also be doing tummy time, were you lay him on the ground on his tummy so he starts to do push-up and getting upper body strength to start to crawl. tummy time should only be like 30 mins at first.
But I suggest you just let him cry or he isn't going to crawl and walk on time. My nephew didn't walk til he was about 18 months which is really late, normally it is a year. I know it is hard to listen to the crying but put on a show - Baby Einsteins are great at this age - and put him in a swing. just keep talking to him and be were he can see you. It might be he is afraid to be alone.

Well good luck and I hope this helped

2007-09-19 09:02:47 · answer #9 · answered by c_greiff 3 · 1 1

Why oh why don't people realize that if you continue to meet your child's every demand and jump at every little cry and whine, that they will never learn to be independent in any way! There are multiple thumbs down... there is nothing wrong with letting a child learn to self soothe... in fact, it is important! Some kids go through phases, but most learn that if their parents are going to cater to their every demand, they will get their way and continue to walk all over them. No, I am not saying your 5 month old is going to try to take advantage of you... but as long as you are in sight and comfort him and talk to him... he will be ok for a few minutes.

2007-09-19 09:58:03 · answer #10 · answered by Holy Macaroni! 6 · 0 1

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