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Personally I don't understand how anyone has a right to tell other people how they should live unless they are something like a drug addict and trying to help the person overcome their addiction. I am a straight married woman with 2 kids. So because I chose a differnt lifestyle than a gay/lesbian marraige, does that make it right for me or anyone to dictate to gay/lesbian people how they should run their lives? To define what marraige constitutes? NO! They have a right to marry just as anyone would and to those people that say "Well if we allow this, we might as well allow people to marry their pets" I got one thing to say to that! Open your freaking brain a little and use some common sense! What do you all think?

2007-09-19 01:23:33 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

21 answers

As far as the religious aspect...I've heard many people of faith say that only god can judge someone. That is why it makes no sense to me that the religious folks get bent out of shape over gay marriage - it's not their place to judge (or anyone's for that matter).

Everyone comes to their own conclusions on the subject of a higher power...or, at least, continually questions. It's not as though a couple will just decide to "defy god"...no. I know a gay couple that attends church...admittedly, they're "holiday churchies" (the big services, not every Sunday), but they carry their faith and incorporate it into their lives. I asked a friend that attends the same church what his feelings were on the matter, and he says something of this nature:

"God made them that way, and they are his children - God loves them, for any wrongs or rights. I love my wife, God showed us the way to each other somehow, and I don't question that...same goes for "Mike" and "Dale". God showed them the way to each other, and He is not cruel...I can't really see anything wrong with it. They don't hurt anyone by living their lives, they love each other, they love their friends, and they love God...better than most people are doing, dontcha think?"

Now, my opinions on the theory of god(s) is a different discussion entirely...but what that man said to me made the most sense out of anything I've heard regarding Christianity.

As far as marriage is concerned...the best response I've heard is "Well, ****. If they want to make the same mistake that straight people do, why not let them? Everyone deserves to be miserable." Granted, this is the pessimistic take and (though quite funny) doesn't encompass the entire structure.
Economically...if all of the gay couples that wanted to marry were suddenly straight and married members of the opposite gender...wouldn't that cause the same exact problem?

People are weirded out by homosexuality partially because of upbringing, partially because of ignorance, and partially because yes, they ARE the minority. You do not see a gay couple kiss nearly as often as a straight couple...and that's just the way it is. Doesn't make anyone more or less right, just means that there are lower numbers.

A personal decision is just that, a decision that personally effects you. I am a straight woman, and I love the man that I am with. He loves me. We both agree that if two men or women are happily and love and choose to marry, there is absolutely no difference between a man and a woman...OH! And to the argument that a marriage is based to set up a family unit for children....First, MANY married straight couples never have children. Secondly, MANY married straight couples provide horrible foundations for the children that they DO have. The risk of that is still there with gay couples that choose to adopt, but nothing thusfar has proven to me that they are any less capable of raising a child....ANYway, that is a personal decision to be made between two people. It does not affect the rest of the world in any way - it is THEIR happiness, THEIR finances, THEIR lives. Not yours. So leave it be.

On a side note, I can honestly have some respect for someone that is genuinely against homosexuals (hear me out!). While I do not share their opinion, I was raised with the concept that, so long as you are not hurting anyone, you are free to believe as you will. Someone that is against homosexuals (for whatever reason) HAS THE RIGHT TO FEEL THAT WAY. That doesn't mean that I have to agree or like it, but as long as they are not harming anyone because of that belief, I am glad that they have the freedom to feel that way. The problem with that is that there are MANY people who say that "gays are disgusting" and yet LOVE to watch a porno in which two women make out. So...two women can do that for your entertainment...but not for the sake of their own love?

Absolutely ridiculous. If you believe in something, believe in it - don't just flex it around your agenda.

ANYway, to summarize - I have no problem with gay marriage whatsoever. And you know what? Even if I did, it's none of my business. None. So people need to get a better grip on the concept of FREEDOM.

2007-09-19 02:15:55 · answer #1 · answered by unithoRn 4 · 1 0

None of the predictions that people have made about gay marriage have come true in the countries that have made it legal.

Belgium, Canada, the Netherlands and Massachusetts in the U.S. allow gay marriage. Many other countries/states allow civil unions.

It has had no effect on the rate at which straight people marry or divorce (yes, straight people have marriages that fail, but that happened long before gay people could marry). None of these countries allow people to marry animals, either.

And don't get me started on "Biblical" marriage traditions. Women had to marry the man their father picked out for them, and the men got to marry multiple wives (and buy concubines).

2007-09-19 01:33:53 · answer #2 · answered by Robin W 7 · 5 0

I feel it's long overdue!

Who I love and who I marry has NO Affect on anyone but myself and the person I marry.

Religion should have NO SAY when it comes to LEGAL contracts.
Personally I find religions pushing their views on same-sex marriage to be an invasion of privacy at the highest level!

And one answerer above mentioned something about how allowing same-sex marriage would "unravel civilization" but he's for civil unions???? What exactly is the difference, other the obvious language issue?
If he's ok with Civil Unions, why not marriage?
We're not talking about RELIGIOUS "Holy Matrimony" here, we're still talking about "LEGAL MARRIAGE."

I hate how the "religious-right" has confused to two terms and made people assume they're the same thing when they're not.

Keep your "holy matrimony" I don't want it!


2007-09-19 02:24:38 · answer #3 · answered by DEATH 7 · 3 0

nicely, seeing how almost a million/2 of hetero marriages fail, i think of the common public may be doing itself a desire by utilising diverting helpful debate & communicate time in the direction of fixing 'marriage' itself. it particularly is for sure broken. What it a million/2 the foodstuff to procure from the food market grew to become out to be spoiled while to procure it domicile? human beings may be in an uproar, stressful that the government do some thing to restoration the foodstuff grant. yet a simular failure value for the so-talked approximately as 'sacred company of marrage' infrequently peaks national interest. I for one frankly do no longer techniques same-intercourse marriages. in actuality, i'm specific if we allowed it legally, we would locate interior some years that gay marriages go through an the two undesirable failure value (because of the persons being raised interior a similar subculture because of the fact the heterosexual couples). Then, consistent with probability, consistent with probability, we are going to have a countrywide communicate on fixing marriage. till then, if greater human beings desire to hop onto the sucide practice, I say enable them to.

2016-10-05 00:03:29 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I could care less. I just don't want to see it in public. I have thought about my postion. I may not be right, but I don't want it open. It is from the deep set "hatred" that was instilled from my "christian" parents. Of course now I am not christian, but hatred taught that strongly is hard to 100% get rid of.

I don't want to feel this way, but I just don't want to see it. The fact that I feel this way yet don't want to helps me understand what it might be like to be gay. You don't always choose to be the way you are. Even if your not born this way you are sometimes led to it through life choices, and that does not make it wrong. I am not for gays I am just not against people have freedom of choice.

2007-09-19 01:40:43 · answer #5 · answered by The true face of religion 4 · 1 0

I fail to see how allowing people to make a commitment to each other could in any way harm heterosexual marriages or families.
A stronger bond between a couple (of any sexuality) can only enhance families. And with the current divorce rate somewhere near 50%, GLBT's can hardly do more damage to marriage and the family than heterosexuals.

2007-09-19 01:39:58 · answer #6 · answered by hypno_toad1 7 · 4 0

In Canada, same-sex marriages are growing at five times the rate of opposite-sex marriages (article is attached). So far, I don't see the country breaking up and falling into the oceans. People get along very nicely, without the fuss that others fear.

2007-09-19 02:06:25 · answer #7 · answered by SB 7 · 2 0

I agree with you 100% The people who are opposed do not have a rational argument against the subject. Two loving people would like to get married, nobody should be able to tell them no

2007-09-19 02:57:43 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I think you're absolutely right on target!

If you're against same-sex marriage because your church is against it and you think its somehow "immoral", then by all means, don't marry someone of the same sex. Period. But don't you dare tell me that I have to live by YOUR religion's standards of behavior.

And if you think that legalizing same-sex marriage will somehow "demean" or "degrade" the sacredness of marriage, wake up and look around. Heterosexual marriage is fully supported by all of the major institutions of modern society -- by every religion, every governmental body, by family and friends -- and yet heteros still can't manage to keep their marriages strong -- the divorce rate among heteros is over 50%, adultery is rampant, spousal abuse and domestic violence is a major problem. More and more hetero couples are choosing to live together and have children without bothering with legal marriage. Seems to me that hetero couples are the ones "degrading" the institution of marriage all by themselves. If the institution of marriage is no longer held in the same respect and esteem it used to be, it certainly isn't the fault of same-sex couples.

2007-09-19 01:49:06 · answer #9 · answered by ? 7 · 3 0

I think that there is nothing wrong with gay marriage. I dont see why people even care, its not like someone is hurting others by marrying someone of the same sex as them. I mean, why is it anyones business who someone marries?

2007-09-19 01:34:03 · answer #10 · answered by I think I'm Dumb ~Amy~ 7 · 3 0

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