I'm from the u.s, so this crazy lottery system you speak of is foprign to me, but I did do a quick search to find out what it is:
"Currently, the odds of winning a prize for each bond number held is 21,000 to 1. Around 23 million people own Premium Bonds, over one third of the UK's population."
"According to the Sunday Times[1], Premium Bond Probability Calculator[2] on MoneySavingExpert.com shows the odds of winning premium bonds to be as follows
Save £100 over a year and the chance of winning anything is only one-in-20.
Save £1,000 over a year and 57% of people still win nothing.
Save £10,000 over a year and you've only an 18% chance of winning £500 or more"
Your odds don't look great, but you would think after 40 years...so consider this: Every time a randomized event happens, it is random. You could, in theory, flip a coin 200 times and come out tails each time because each flip is still a 50% chance that it will come up tails. Unlikley yes, but possible.
Now, keep in mind you aren't dealing with 50% odds, you are dealing with 21000 to 1 odds in a game with 23 million people. Don't forget that each one of those people has a plenty of bonds (the site I was looking at made it seem you had to purchase in minimums of 100 pounds, more than the 6 you got) So it doesn't seem to strange, here in the u.s we have people who play the lottery every drawing for years, and still lose.
I guess I leave you with, Good luck. Hope you win something.
2007-09-18 22:04:12
answer #1
answered by Pete 3
Yes i have had mine 45 years and never won a penny. If you had put the £6 in the bank you would have about another £18 interest. In the 40 years you have had them there has been 480 monthly draws, however there are over 60 billion tickets held at £1 each....
2007-09-18 21:52:06
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
OK you aint won anything for 40 years,
but come on its only 6 whole pounds you have in bonds.
If you had put money in bank you may have got say £40 but the real value of that would be less than 6 pounds.( taking into account infaltion etc....)
There are people i know who have £5000 and they aint won anything.
ALso there are people who have only one pound of bonds and they have won big prizes.
Remember its a number game so anyone can win.
2007-09-18 21:59:39
answer #3
answered by **tomtom 5
Strange, isn't it? I read reports from some people who are always coming up with the odd £50 here and there!! With my luck, I'd be in the same position as you. Perhaps there's a big win coming along for you - let's hope so, you've waited long enough. You six quid wouldn't be worth so much now, so if a £50 win comes along you'll be quids in! Fingers crossed.
2007-09-18 22:33:43
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
40 years ago your money was worth over 13 times more than it is today, and had you invested it at 5% you would now have £550.
But never mind, it was for a good cause. You have contributed towards making many winners much better off.
2007-09-19 00:23:03
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
If it had been invested in a savings account, it would now be worth around £30. But then you'd have spent it years ago.
2016-05-18 03:30:28
answer #6
answered by ? 3
Had you put that in the bank instead, you'd probably have 30 or 40 quid now. In stocks, probably a grand depending upon the stocks.
2007-09-18 21:52:27
answer #7
answered by Bostonian In MO 7
i dont know but i have 2 pounds in post office book since 1983 it would be interesting to find out more
2007-09-18 21:52:57
answer #8
answered by sony 3
my dad bought some when they first came out
the number starts 1AN...........and has never won a penny, I think it must have been about 1958
2007-09-18 21:51:59
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
have you notified them when you changed address because alot of people dont then they wonder why they never win anything, worth checking.
2007-09-18 22:02:48
answer #10
answered by Anonymous