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On Thursday, 09-20-07, Mychal Bell, aka Jena 6 will be in juvenille court, to find out his fate in the beating of a white teenager.

Americans, I repeat, Americans are asked to wear black, on this day & date, to support Mr. Bell & his family, as the judge tells him how many unfortunate years, he will spend behind bars.

Will you or someone you know wear black on Thursday, September 20, 2007, in solidarity?

Please answer this question with integrity. Let's be civil to each other.

If you're going to spew hatred & bigotry, this question is not for you.

Thank You Kindly.

2007-09-18 21:26:20 · 14 answers · asked by Sustagurl2 7 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

14 answers

Yep a very big difference between a rope in a tree and a boy beaten till he was unconscious and beyond for what a word if that.

The boy had blindness and a swollen head and still has headaches which of course a doctor can't determine the cause and yet grown people can't understand why they want these poor innocent jena 6 locked up.

If it were me or my kid I'd lock them up and everyone here knows they would too.

Nope I'm not a racist just confused as to why they a white boy getting beaten means nothing while a rope in a tree which hurt no one physically is more imprtant.

2007-09-21 15:33:21 · answer #1 · answered by NoGood 3 · 0 0

Didn't 6 dudes beat 1 dude up? To me that's what it's about.

If the nooses were hung, take it to the cops. Don't gang up on 1 guy who may have been involved.

Racism doesn't mean you can take the law into your own hands.

The 6 who allegedly attacked this kid only make white racists more racist.

Whatever color I choose to wear on this day has nothing to do with the Jena 6.

Violence is not the answer.

2007-09-23 00:49:45 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I don't support criminals.

OK, having said that, much of the mainstream reporting on this story has been misleading, irresponsible and inflammatory.

No one mentions that Mychal Bell's clueless public defender was black. No one mentions that there were no black jurors because of the 50 people who responded to the more than 100 summons, none were black. No one mentions that Bell was already on probation for battery relating to a Christmas day incident in 2005. No one mentions that Bell was adjudicated (convicted) of two other violent crimes in 2006 and one charge of criminal damage to property. No one mentions that Bell's father acknowledged he moved back to Louisiana in February (after seven years in Dallas) to supervise his son because of the "Jena Six" mess. No one mentions that Bell starred on the Jena High football team while constantly jeopardizing/violating his seemingly flimsy probation.

This was all talked about in open court during a bond hearing for Bell, and a newspaper in Alexandria, La., wrote about it. Just about everybody else has pretty much ignored the "other side" of the story. Including the fact that not one witness — black or white, and there were 40 statements taken — connected the jumping/beatdown of the white student (Dec. 4) to the noose incident (Sept. 1).

No one mentions that a black U.S. Attorney, Donald Washington, investigated the "Jena Six" case and held a town-hall meeting explaining that there was no evidence connecting the jumping/beatdown to the noose incident.


2007-09-19 15:07:14 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

I wore my black proudly today to represent for Mr. Bell. This situation is pure BS!!!! How are you going to try this boy as an adult? Sure, he knew putting his hands on someone else was wrong, but if someone racially offended me then I'd probably beat on them too. What that white boy did was wrong too, plain and simple and the stupid principal is calling it a youthful act. Youthful act my ***, it was a RACIST act plain and simple. It is so sad to see that racism is as alive as it is today. As diverse as this world is, how in the hell can anyone be racist? We all need to learn to adapt to our environments because sooner or later you are going to have to deal with a person of another race for one reason or another. I'll end this with a little scenario for all the racist pricks out there: imagine your child or loved one is in the hospital bleeding profusely and the only way to savetheir life is a blood transfusion. The only blood that matches their type is that of a person who is of a race that you hate. What do you do? Do you let your child or loved one die because of your hatred towards someone because of their skin color or do you swallow your pride and allow the transfusion? Tough decision? I think not.

2007-09-20 21:30:39 · answer #4 · answered by tiffany w 1 · 0 1

"Not only is there almost no media coverage of the Black violent hate crimes against Whites, but in high profile cases when Blacks are prosecuted for heinous crimes against innocent Whites, the White victims are ignored and the Black criminals are turned into “real victims” by the media.

Nothing more clearly illustrates this point than what has occurred over the past year in Jena, Louisiana and the orgy of hatred that Jena has suffered. today, September 20, the town has been invaded by thousands of thugs like Al Sharpton who seek to make violent Black hate criminals such as Michael Bell and the rest of the so-called “Jena Six” into heroes. Even worse the entire White population of the town is facing a media lynching by being labeled racists who are unjustly persecuting Black young men.

Michael Bell, who has been convicted of four previous violent crimes, (a fact scarcely revealed by the media), led a group of six Black students to attack and unmercifully beat a White Student at Jena High School in what can only be described as a vicious hate crime. Motivated by racial hatred, the six Blacks attacked one lone White student, Justin Barker. They stomped and kicked him to unconsciousness and continued to kick him and stomp him as he lay helpless. The attack could have easily have taken his life if others had not intervened. Only by the grace of God did he survive.

To show the insane bias of this whole case, just imagine if the facts were reversed.

If a gang of six Whites motivated by racial hatred and led by a White with four previous violent-crime convictions had attacked a lone Black student, kicking and stomping him into unconsciousness, would there any concern that the leader and the other White gang members could be charged with aggravated assault? Would not there be national demands to charge the White attackers with the most serious of federal civil rights violations and hate crimes? White leaders from all over the country, even the leaders of the local town of Jena, would not be defending the White attackers, they would be condemning the attacks and calling for the harshest of punishments allowed by the law.

As far as the Media are concerned, oh yes the supposedly unbiased media, they would be interviewing the Black victim on every TV talk show across the land, discussing his fear, his pain, his suffering. They would be interviewing his crying relatives and friends. They would not be voicing any fear that the White attackers would be treated too harshly. No, they would be demanding the harshest of penalties.

Federal officials from the President on down would be calling for additional serious charges of federal civil rights violations. But you see, in the America of 2007 Whites are no longer deemed to have any “civil rights.”

When a lone White kid is beaten savagely by a gang of six hate criminals, the media is only concerned about how the Black attackers are being treated too harshly. And if you are waiting for civil rights charges to be filed against the Black attackers who violated the civil rights of the boy they almost beat to death, don’t hold your breath.

The entire Jena scenario and the coverage of it by the media show once again that it is not the people of Jena who are racists. By voting for me and by demanding justice in this case, they have shown rightly that they believe in fairness to all and that White people are now the real victims of racism in America. Once again it is shown that we must have advocates for our rights and heritage just as any other group is permitted to do so.

May the District Attorney and the people of Jena stay strong and never give in to those who seek take away their rights of life and liberty as guaranteed by the United States Constitution."

2007-09-20 17:04:37 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I actually wore black and white ... but I'm behind the cause all the way ... I had a luncheon to go to, and it was very warm here in Ohio to wear all black ... my nine west shoes and bag was black, and my top was black and white and my crops were black. (so I think I wore enough black)
My husband and I are totally behind the cause/support though ...

2007-09-23 01:03:27 · answer #6 · answered by DrkChocolatePrincess 4 · 0 2

I am wearing BLACK!!!!!!!!!
If he was beaten so badly.....how the hell did he get up the strength to go party that same night???

If he was beaten so badly... why was only in the hospital for two hours?

Yes, I am wearing black, and I am wearing it proudly.

Anybody who thinks this is the right punishment for a high school fight is a racist bigot.

The boy got an old fashioned high school *** whooping, at least he did not shoot the damn boy.


2007-09-19 16:55:56 · answer #7 · answered by *HOT*GHETTO*MESS* 3 · 2 4

Yes I'm wearing black today in support of my people...

2007-09-20 11:30:42 · answer #8 · answered by Keeshala 1 · 1 1

No I will not. I refuse to support violence regardless of the motivation. Six guys beating one guy is not acceptable and they should be punished. Good luck. 2D

2007-09-19 15:41:36 · answer #9 · answered by 2D 7 · 4 1

I will wear white to symbolize the hypocrisy that exists within our government and media outlets regarding matters of race. I will proudly wear white as a sign of solidarity to the thousands of white victims of black perpetrators who are ignored and further victimized by never tasting justice and having it rubbed in their face by events such as those that continue to surround the Jena 6....criminals with criminal histories that cowardly continued to beat a kid after he was unconscious.

Miss Princess - they have been, and although it was worse than the victimization of most FABRICATED black victims you hear about today...you never heard my family's story, did you? Of course you didn't, they were WHITE. You are arrogant and self-absorbed to suggest they hadn't or should experience such cruelty. My family and I have experienced more racism than the majority of black people my age, so don't tell me about racial injustice. I KNOW better. Yes, KNOW....not imagine, not invent like so many do today....I KNOW. I also KNOW that if the black kid with a violent criminal history hadn't been charged as an adult, you never would have heard about what he and several friends did. For you to justify someone continuing to beat a kid after they are unconscious by mentioning them going somewhere after.....well, you raise your kids to be cowards all you want, and justify their cowardice in whatever way makes you feel better. I would beat the hell out of mine for even thinking about jumping someone. Do I think "if they really wanted to hurt him they could have?" Hahaha, whatever, I'm sure they were trying to hurt him, without thinking of what they were doing (if you can prove otherwise, guess what? They are, under criminal law, guilty of much worse charges than they have been charged with)....and I'm not going to comment on why they couldn't hurt him worse. Everyone in America knows that if the roles in Jena were reversed....NO ONE WOULD KNOW ANYTHING....just as no one seems to know anything about the many white victims of hateful black perpetrators.

I would never hope that your family experiences what my family has. But if they do, I'm sure you will have much more support, attention, and justice than mine ever did.

How bout you read Ebola's answer below. Funny how none of this comes out of the mouth of Al Sharpton and the rest of the victim mentality conspiracy theorists. Truth would just be too much for his people - hype and drama are much more profitable for him.

Really Laced Out? Do share this source you have that tells you ANYTHING about this kid and his family, specifically that his parents taught him to hate....

2007-09-19 06:53:25 · answer #10 · answered by Dixie Echo 4 · 4 5

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