It isn't.
Why don't you use your computer to do some proper research before you ask silly questions?
2007-09-18 22:43:28
answer #1
answered by SW 2
The biggest reason I can think of is the lack of sexual education most people get, especially when directed at gay people. I mean, in the past (before AIDS was big) people thought wearing a condom was just to stop pregnancy.. Therefore gay couples would not be using them since there was no risk of pregnancy. Anal sex is also the "riskiest" form of sexual intercourse because the walls of the anus are weaker than those of the vagina and tend to tear much easier; which means easier access for an STD.
Since HIV and AIDS are relatively new viruses, there are still many people living with them who contracted them due to the above reasons. That's the reason why the amount of gay men with AIDS is still larger than other groups. As people are getting more educated about safe sex, the number of people living with/contracting STDs is dropping, and the numbers between different groups are balancing more. Also gay men are not exactly a "risk" group, just a group that was hit rather hard with it in the recent past.
The risk groups are:
All people practicing unsafe sex.
Drug users.
People born or living in epidemic areas (currently many areas of Africa).
2007-09-18 20:50:01
answer #2
answered by Mystery Lady H 5
There's a lack of education on queer issues in schooling.
There's more reasons too, majority have been said.
HIV is actually more prevalent between heterosexuals,
HIV/AIDS is a global issue, stop living in the 80's.
2007-09-18 21:34:58
answer #3
answered by chasing.arcadia 1
That's so 80s.
2007-09-19 09:27:44
answer #4
answered by flash 4
gay sexual habits are more risky than other sexual habits when it comes to contracting HIV . Regardless of Propaganda to the contrary by the gay activists HIV is still the number one killer of gay males in North America.
2007-09-19 10:20:08
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
the question remind me of a blog from in the blog, many of people gave it all kinds of answers. as for it, i think that Gay's sex is more harmful to tissue of body so that hiv can be ease to enter its cell.
2007-09-20 21:31:09
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
because, anal sex is more likely to cause tearing of tissues, and therefore there is more chance for the virus to enter the body.
2007-09-19 00:40:45
answer #7
answered by romanticide91 2
it isn't unlike what the trolls have tried to claim already
2007-09-21 10:39:43
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Is it?..... Like I'm not gay [and the whole thing grosses me] but I never believe what's in the papers or on the news.
2007-09-18 20:33:20
answer #9
answered by Put_ya_mitts_up 4
Because there is waaaaaay more chance to contract the HIV virus through anal sex.. the anus is not designed to perform in such a ways and it tends to bleed.. well there you go... more blood easier transmition
2007-09-18 20:33:36
answer #10
answered by Bunbury 2