I followed O.J. and Nicole for years in the Jet and Ebony Magazines where almost every few months he was beating her. I always wondered "Hmmm, how long before he kills her because he just won't stop beating her and she won't 'get away' [from him]"?
Well, obviously I DO believe he slaughtered her and Ron. What I see is most whites want and believe he's guilty, and many Black people want to believe he is not.
The bottom line is he is guilty and I hope the Goldmans continue to seek any Rolex or memorobilia he owns whenever they can get a chance to; whenever they see or know he's got material wealth. I hope they make his life miserable until he has a heart attack and keels over.
How would ANYONE feel if this slob came along and slaughtered (and so sloppily too) your loved ones? I bet it would be a different story if he did it to you, huh? I'm not so sure how these new charges will stick because it is a messy case but IT WAS A SET UP. The so-called victim had been planning for O.J. to come pick up his belongings for 3 weeks until it happened and he audio taped the whole incident.
As far as I'm concerned, pigs who lie with other pigs both lie in slop! I never heard of taking your own property back is against the law, but.....Regardless, O.J. seemed to enginner and direct the whole charade. We'll have to tune in to see just what happens next. Tomorrow morning he's got an arraignment hearing. Wow, will he make bail? Sheeshs..
2007-09-18 18:17:28
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
O.J. Simpson discovered accountable in Armed theft Trial A jury has discovered O.J. Simpson accountable in a Las Vegas armed theft and kidnapping case. Mr. Simpson confronted 12 costs stemming from a September 2007 war of words in a on line casino lodge room wherein he and 5 cohorts departed with thousands of things of activities memorabilia.
2016-10-09 10:55:24
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I don't think OJ is a person who one would consider to be a moral citizen.
You also can't make sweeping statements that most black Americans believe he is innocent. Otherwise you most have done a very big poll all around the country, in lightening time!
Let the courts decide.
2007-09-18 20:03:30
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Anyone that cannot understand DNA evidence is not a jury of anyone's peers. The people on the jury decided he should not be guilty to make up for all the black people convicted wrongly. So it only follows-by the logic displayed in the past-that he would not be considered guilty this time either.
I think it's a publicity stunt and I don't think he deserves any publicity. He doesn't set a good example for anyone just like a lot of other that are constantly on page one of the rags. Who really cares?
2007-09-18 18:08:07
answer #4
answered by towanda 7
Well I dont know who you are referring too, so please dont speak for me! But Oj is guilty, has always been guilty, he is guilty of this, that man is a thug and deserves whatever he gets! At least he will be put in jail for something! The things that he was "suppose" to be getting back was awarded to Ron Goldman's family in the civil trial, so in actuality, he was stealing that stuff, it legally belonged to Mr. Goldman!
2007-09-19 03:07:19
answer #5
answered by Princess*J* 3
even if O.J. is guilty of the murder,it is what thirteen years past and he WAS found NOT GUILTY by a jury of his peers.
anyone with a independent reasoning capability can see this case is an obvious set up,the audio tape,the ex con salesman and his using his relationship with O.J. to lure him in,the conversations between the saleman and his pal before they set up the "sting"
what is crazy is the 11 charges brough on him ,now they add kidnapping with a deadly weapon,a life imprisonment charge..
Nobody in this country could get charges like that,just because its O.J.
Man was'nt even holding the gun himself....they want to make sure they get him maximum this time even if they break all the rules
I am betting he will walk free,this case is a basket filled with water
2007-09-18 18:29:47
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Well, I'm not African American and i know that it was a set up because of the evidence. There is always evidence of things. But to more answer your question. I think it's more a case of social justice because there are people out there who are guilty of much worse crimes or of the same, and they are walking around freely. Yay for us. We get to live with criminals. hurray, what a joy. What is amazing to me is that you people seem to be just fandy dandy with that.
2007-09-18 18:08:49
answer #7
answered by elizabet 3
I don't know where you got your information from, but "most" would be judgmental to me.
I am a caucasian female and I didn't believe he was guilty either. I still wonder.
Also, I do not think he should be charged with taking back his own property. I have pondered the fact that it may all have been staged just to get him in the spotlight.
There. I said what I felt.
2007-09-18 18:08:26
answer #8
answered by makeitright 6
Why are you deciding anyone is guilty before they have had a trial?
The law says INNOCENT until proved guilty!!!
And he was proved guilty of killing Nicole and Ron! That was proved in the civil trial!!!
2007-09-18 18:09:13
answer #9
answered by ANGEL Baby 3
Or why such a general black/white division regarding his guilt/innocence after his double murder supported in the civil trial??
2007-09-18 18:09:02
answer #10
answered by DrB 7