My club has been in the crapper for the past 10 years. Worst team in baseball. The owner blames everyone but himself.
Local disk jockeys have organized stadium events where disgruntled fans fill a section of the stadium then walk out at the 8th inning.
A rookie pitcher shut us out.
We were swept at home by the Washington Nationals
We've given 30 runs in one game
We have had 2 9 game losing streaks
They constantlyu fake the attendance records
And the 2 stars have all but asked for a 1 way ticket out of Baltimore.
Is there any way to force the owners to make the owner sellt he team?
5 answers
asked by
➔ Baseball
Puck there are plenty of people in line to buy the team. Cal Ripken would LOVE to own the O's
16:21:31 ·
update #1