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Ok, my question is why do Europeans claim Spain, Portugal,Greece and Spain as there people? Well it's simple they are all European. The same thing goes for Africans,we claim Egypt because they are our people. The confusing thing is all those Europeans I have mentioned above have Arab/African blood in them, but they are considered European. White anthropologists insist they are white! My question is why are Egyptians not part of Africa to these so called anthropologits? If you ask me it's racism and saying Africans had outside help to achieve what they did. The pyramids are so old there was no known European civilization at the time. I'm Ghanaian we had our own empire I still claim Egypt, I'm from the west is that something wrong? Why aren't Greeks considered African since they have Egyptian, Lybian and Moroccan blood in them?

2007-09-18 15:25:39 · 15 answers · asked by SmoOv 2 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

The same goes for African Americans if they claim Egypt as well. There heritage is from West Africa, but they are Africans as well. I here people saying African Americans shouldn't claim Egypt, what?! I'm Ghanaian from West Africa I claim Egypt all day, nothing wrong with that !

2007-09-18 15:28:58 · update #1

king James, dixie and Jim jam miss my point others too. Nobody answered my question, why are Europeans claiming Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece if they are mixed with African and Arab blood? Also Jim Jam don't ever answre any more questions; Egyptians were never killed off, they are still there.

2007-09-18 16:35:37 · update #2

Still nobody answered my question. Why are Italians, Spanish, Greeks and Portuguese people European? Can someone answer this question? Like I said they have Arab/African blood in them.

2007-09-18 16:38:11 · update #3

To Ceasarmock why would I claim Greece? Africans civilized them, "Read Black Athena", "Black Spark White Fire". They weren't even civilized when we had our empires, nice try on your part. You should purchase some history books on that note. We gave Greeks there art, medicine and lots more . Heck even Pythagoras studied in Egypt, oh what you didn't know ?! People like you make me laugh
Get off my case!

2007-09-18 16:45:12 · update #4

Hey Ceasarmocks, the 2 books I just mentioned one is written by a white author. His name is Richard Poe. Your not even answering my question, why do you claim all those meditarainian countries as European? That's all I wanted to know, lol your getting mad. LMAO ! Look: Africans came to Europe around "150,000 and 115,000 yrs ago. The second fissioning was around 70,000 yrs ago...The first Europeans came around 35,000 yrs later." This is from "Black Spark White Fire". We were here WAY before you ! My question is who decides who is African and who is European? Anthropologists call Arabics white, what? How is that so? Just like the Mediterraneans...? Egyptians are African not black, that's what Europeans call us, you would be surprised how I look. Also, get over it Pythagoras studied in Africa.

2007-09-19 04:36:40 · update #5

Hey Ceasarmocks I could go on if you want me too. Why would I claim European countries? We influenced the Arabic counties too, it's proven by the same white auther. 25% of Greek language is Egyptian not Greek. What about Hercules and Athena they weren't even Greek they were Egyptian, African. If you don't believe our influence check this: From cemetary of Anavyos the Kroisos or Kouros. The Egyptians were the first to make statues with one leg stepping forward giving the onlooker a feeling that the statue was walking. Check this by the Egyptians : Menkaura and Queen a Queen. The Greek statue that I just talked about has cornrows, braided at the ends by the ears. Wonder wear that comes from? There is so
much I could say, but why waist my breath on you. Africa had: Mali, Ghana, Egypt and Ethiopia as empires.Europe had Rome and Greece, that's it !

2007-09-19 04:59:35 · update #6

For Jim Jam Dixie and King James Africans come in all forms. Blacks are the only race to have a baby that is not of there race albino( white Africans). They say Ramses had red hair, hey we can produce an offspring like that. Every race can't have a black child, that's impossible that's why. To Ceasarmocks, to you all this is hogwash garbage, but you are afraid of the truth that's why you haven't answered my question.

2007-09-19 05:09:12 · update #7

Your assuming I read two books. You think I'm going to sit here and mention this to you? Educated people know what I'm talking about. You know it,your not going to say it because your too proud. Hey, that's ok. When numerous of my white school instructors tell me this I'm not surprised why are you. Your not listening, I never wanted to claim Greece or Rome. If you look at there "art" and religion it has a beginning. If you can't understand this, than to bad.
To JASON I, your just as ignorant. Moores were in Europe for centuries, your going to say that Sisilians are white? They look Arabic some of them. Where is this from? Like I said, we are all African we all look different. Once again, another ignorant guy on here. Europeans look different so do we. It's not rocket science. Sicilians have very tanned skin, this is a European trait? Ok?

2007-09-19 11:30:33 · update #8

All I gotta say to Jason I and Ceasar is the info is still there. If the information wasn't, why am I saying all this? All the text and historical info is still here ! To 2D, numerous African Americans look different. So did the Egyptians, I don't look like a typical "West African. We all look different, some are light some are dark and so on. We are not black people never were. We are Africans, just like you are European. Because all those Mediterranean countries don't have white skin. Even though they don't they are still European. JASON I, my ancestots never built the pyramids? Ok Europeans never built the Epidauros Theater. Your so smart, aren't you? Thanks for answering my question sort of.

2007-09-19 11:49:30 · update #9

I could admit that we (Africans/African American) look different. While some of you can't admit that some Europeans also look different. If you don't think so that's ok. Those Europeans(Mediterranean) look the way they do because of certain events in there history. East Africans/Arabs and West Africans look the way they do because of certain historical events. Yet we are all still African and European. If you can't understand this, then that's your problem.

2007-09-19 12:01:59 · update #10

15 answers

Sweetie, this is racism in its purest form. They don't want us to be able to claim Egypt because that means that we are responsible for the original civilizations of the world. While we know this to be true, it takes all of the so called accomplishments such as science, math and astronomy (all stolen from Egypt or her sister Ethiopia) that Europeans swear by and flushes them down the toilet. Think about it if the admit that all of Africa's suffering is because of the infiltration of Europeans and the trusting nature of Blacks that would mean that they have to admit a whole nation of people were F***** for the benefit of Whites. If all Blacks accepted that we were great it would be much easier for us to be great again.

2007-09-19 05:12:12 · answer #1 · answered by T W 2 · 0 3

I don't have the time to present an inductive proof that Spain, Portugal, Ancient Greece, and Italy are White. But I researched it before and I will say that they are. Given, the Greeks probably did mix after the time of Alexander, just before their decline. There is a book called Not Out of Africa: How Afrocentrism Became an Excuse to Teach Myth as History by Mary Lefkowitz (she is an professor of Classical studies at Wellesly College), you should read it. You have been reading some revisionist facts, it sounds like, and you need to take those with a grain or two of salt. The ancient Greeks were undoubtedly white, any anthropologist worth his salt will tell you this, but you probably wouldn't listen because it's not what you want to hear. Just get over yourself. You didnt build the pyramids, your parents didn't either. You weren't even born in that country, so I don't know how you can claim it, its not a 'hood or a set. Spain had the Moors, but they didn't mix much. Look at some pictures of Spanish people, most of them are white. They are more swarthy than northern Europeans, but white nonetheless, and therefore of European descent. You sound like a 5 Percenter or dogs and erfs. I'll answer the second part of your question later. But for now, I'll just say that Egypt had white and black elements. It wasn't racially pure, as most empires were not. Some of the pharaohs were white. Pythagoras was an initiate into the Mysteries, and studied everywhere he could including Persia and India. I'm not saying there were no ******* Egyptians, the Nubians were considered Egyptians, though for a long time they were mostly south of the 1st cataract.

2007-09-19 09:35:21 · answer #2 · answered by jason l 1 · 2 0

Well the event was once filled with cracking targets, I'd provide the excellent target to Aboutreika or Muntari, nevertheless it was once seen Egypt could win given that Cameroon haven't any technical avid gamers, possibly Geremi however best on a hey, Egypt are a technical aspect, they prefer to cross it round and rating neat targets, it wasn't unexpected

2016-09-05 19:23:09 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Its so funny when people get all upset about the fact about Egypt and the Orin of its people. Its true is in Africa and people don't realize that not all people from Africa have similar features just any group of race in the U.S! Egyptians had first dark skin and then mix of different race that's when it became different shade of people or shall I say mix heritage. Simple example! You have the color red and then you add white to it becomes pink! The same rules apply just with people it just has mix heritage!

2007-09-19 06:22:16 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I've always considered Egyptian as Africans because Egypt is on the continent of Africa. But I've never considered Egyptians as black. That's another reason why I don't refer to blacks as African. Likewise, I don't consider myself European. I consider myself white. It's just me. Good luck. 2D

2007-09-19 08:56:37 · answer #5 · answered by 2D 7 · 3 1

The original Egyptians were pure black, unmixed. Around the 5th century BCE they began to mix a little in lower Egypt, but they still were predominantly black until the 6th century A.D. when the Arabs invaded Egypt during the Muslim wars, and most of the original inhabitants fled to Sudan, others stayed and mixed with the Arabs. But if you go to the Nile Valley there are still a large number of blacks. They look no different than African Americans.

The people of Sudan are descendants of the original Ancient Egyptians.

2007-09-18 15:42:34 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

Some Egyptians are Arab some are Nubian(Light Skinned or Black Africans.) But when they come to American they are still suppose to be known as African-American since EGPYT is in Africa.

James you need to look it up a bit more.

2007-09-18 15:45:00 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Technically, you are right, Egypt is in the African continent but the majority of Egyptians have blood running through their veils from other countries such as Saudi Arabia and Morocco. Also, Egypt is its own country, people are allowed to say they are Egyptian because it is their country. Myself, was born in America but I have Lebanese, Italian,and Ecuadorian blood in me. I could say that I am Arab, European, and Hispanic but I like to be specific. Lebanon, Italy, and Ecuador are my countries of heritage, not the continent as a whole.

2007-09-18 15:38:32 · answer #8 · answered by arabicgoddess03 1 · 3 2

I don't think I've ever heard anyone claim Egypt is not African. They state, quite factually, that the Egyptians were not black.

2007-09-18 15:33:57 · answer #9 · answered by Dixie Echo 4 · 4 1

Well tell me if I am wrong, but there are black people in Egypt. The Nubian people are a minority in that part. The dominant race of Egypt is purely arab/middle eastern decent. But I did read somewhere that Nubians were actually the Natives of Egypt. Sounds odd to me.

By the way, Vicky werent you talking smack about black people in other questions?

2007-09-18 15:38:23 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

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