It is a slap in the face to others. To the ones who have paid their dues. Neither Cena or Batista have truly done anything to deserve to get where they are at, and I do mean nothing.
One drop kick to the knees by Taker or Kane and "slow racer" would be done. The guy moves as fast as a bucket of crap in an ice house.
Sexyblue, I do know how it feels, I just got out of the hospital from a chair shot. Don't preach to everyone here like you know what we do for a living.
2007-09-18 13:31:43
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
They have pushed Cena and Batisteroids waaaayyyy to far. That crap known as Khali is just a stepping stone for people trying to beat him yet they never succeeded. Only Cena beat him because he suck Vince's microscopic wang. Batista beats Khali because of steroids. Taker has gone though hell and managed to beat Khali in a true match we all loved to see. Now that was true wrestling at it's work.
2007-09-18 21:05:52
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Yes!That is very ironic.In the part of wrestling skills Batista & Cena don't stand a chance against Taker , Kane , HBK , e.t.c
They are only on top because they are selling merchandise and that's pathetic.Batista...3-time Heavyweight Champion??and Taker is only 5-time??Cena 3-time WWE Champion??..and Arn Anderson has never won a Heavyweight title as well as Ricky Steamboat and many more great and legendary wrestlers..
This is out of imagination from a true wrestling fan...
*EDIT*..and of course it is a slap in the face but not only for the wrestling is a big slap for some talented wresters either like Shelton Benjamin who never won a title and he is so athletic and see his career burning below the spotlight of Boretistas...There are so many wrestlers that never get a push from WWE such as Benjamin,Christian(he was a WWE Tag Champ,Intercontinental but i think he was good enough for the heavyweight league) e.t.c...........
2007-09-18 20:32:10
answer #3
answered by Koumidiator WRW VLR OS 7
As much as i hate to admit it it's almost impossible for Cena to beat the great khali if the undertaker couldn't pin him no one can taker is an awesome and powerfull wrestler, and i hate to admit it but he could beat John Cena, so it is kind of ironic that he could beat Khali when the Undertaker couldn't.
2007-09-18 21:05:45
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
You actually make quite a good point. First off, they want to keep their golden boys Batista and Cena on top and beat everybody but second off, I would guess that they just wanna still build Khali up by making the others job to him, but to never, ever have Cena or Batista lose to him.,
Hell, they'd make sure Triple H beats him as well.
2007-09-18 20:29:54
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
remember that Cena & Batista were the last two men in the 2005 Royal Rumble? that's why.
and Taker is the one who deserves to pin Khali! not two men who together/combined have a total of 10 moves!
P.S. Me 4 best answer please
2007-09-18 20:43:28
answer #6
answered by Bryan H 4
Vinces Favorites.
2007-09-18 20:36:02
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
If Cena and Batista could, then Taker can do it too. Batista and Cena aren't the worst wrestlers you know.....
2007-09-18 20:41:51
answer #8
answered by ♥Bmm♥ 5
Yes. I do. The two people who have the least talent pin the punjabi nightmare. easily a disgrace.
2007-09-18 20:28:56
answer #9
answered by RKO4president 5
Because wwe is trying to push those two..WHO buy the way are already pushed to much and im sick of both of them and im pretty sure other people are!
2007-09-22 17:52:08
answer #10
answered by Daniel D 2