More than likely its a data issue. Someone entered the data incorrectly, or the data when transferred picked it up wrong.
My guess is: The feed data sends only the needed data. Anything that can be looked up from the database is looked up. So instead of sending Steve Yzerman, they send something DTW and 19 instead.
If the receiving database can't find player 19 for that team, they probably coded so that it defaults to the first or last player on the team roster.
That would lead me to believe that the data they received changed in some fashion, causing the database glitch.
But thats just too many years of coding web apps explaining it.
2007-09-18 21:13:58
answer #1
answered by icing_in_ak 5
In the event that you knew a premier performing baseball team was enjoying an underperforming one, the most obvious guess would be on the most effective performing team. But what if your picked team just sidelined its three most useful participants through recent accidents would they be this type of powerful challenger to win that fit today? Zcodes System, from here , will give you all that kind of data to be able to have better odds of winning the bets.
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2016-05-16 18:21:29
answer #2
answered by ? 2
Where are these box scores from? Obviously a player serves a goalies penalty or sits for a player who gets the boot or too many men etc but I have never heard of such a thing. Must be a typo.
2007-09-18 13:20:41
answer #3
answered by Bob Loblaw 7
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2015-01-28 07:53:50
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Zcodes System is an extensive activities investing program that was created to offer you advice on what sports functions to bet on and those to avoid so you have greater possibilities at wining.
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2016-04-30 16:03:00
answer #5
answered by ? 3
You must be reading Yahoo.......I saw it there last night, but is fine
Bob, on last night, for the Pittsburgh/Montreal game..............all penalties by both Pittsburgh and Montreal were served by Cory Urquhart...according to Yahoo. No such notation appeared on
2007-09-18 13:20:12
answer #6
answered by Like I'm Telling You Who I A 7
Hey there,
This software tells you precise and easy to use predictions based on stats, patterns and trends
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Cheers ;)
2014-09-13 17:40:40
answer #7
answered by Anonymous