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It's one thing to have strong beliefs and to stand up for what you believe in. It's another thing to expect everyone else to believe the way you do and treat those who don't like they're stupid, ignorant, close minded, bigoted etc. That goes for both sides of the issue.

Many people try to polarize the issue to make it look like everyone either supports homosexuality or they hate the people who do it. That's simply not the case. Most people who oppose homosexuality do not hate or fear those who do it. They simply dissagree with the behavior for religious or moral reasons.

For some people, Having homosexual thoughts, feeling and desires may not be a choice, but engaging in homosexual relationships or homosexual intercourse is.

If people want to believe that those behaviors are right and want to stand up for them they should have that right. Likewise, if people want to believer those behaviors are wrong they should have an equal right to stand up.

2007-09-18 09:34:21 · 26 answers · asked by atomzer0 6 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

26 answers

Its not taboo. Don't believe the propaganda! The homosexual activists spend millions of dollars on propaganda trying to " normalize " homosexuality and make it appear that they are not oppsed by the majority but the majority still oppose it.

2007-09-18 16:57:50 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

As has been pointed out you have indeed answered your own question.

What you have failed to realize and do not seem to comprehend is for a person who is homosexual there is no choice as to how they feel about members of the same sex. To deny a persons happiness due to their inborn psycho/sexual makeup is cruel and a violation of their rights in a free society.

But we do not have a Free society. The society we live in is biased by a religious based moral and legal code of conduct that persecutes homosexuals simply because of their sexual orientation. This action by the supposed free society, based upon a religious moral code and laws developed from that religious moral code, create hate and intolerance of those who are homosexual. Your statement "For some people, Having homosexual thoughts, feeling and desires may not be a choice, but engaging in homosexual relationships or homosexual intercourse is." shows you accept the religious moral code and the laws created from it and agree with the premise that the conduct is immoral. As a result of your acceptance of that premise you willfully impose upon homosexuals the status of immoral and lawless citizens.

The real disagreement within our society is the seperation of church and state. The imposed religious moral code of conduct and laws created to inforce that religious moral code are imposed upon all. As a result that impossion of that religious based moral code enforced by law, it violates a persons religious rights and those of association as guaranteed in the first amendment. By thus violating a basic tennon of the constitution the laws become mute. Any law that then violates the persons first amendment rights is subject to repeal.

At the same time the idea that a constitutional amendment to define marriage as the legal union between only a man and a woman futher violates the first amendment of religious freedom and equal protection under the law.

Long winded yep. But I haven't even scrached the surface of the depth of the conflict concerning homosexuality and the enforcement of equal protection under the law.

As an intelligent and concerned individual I have as you said the right to express my opinion, and have done so. In doing so I hope I have given you a little glimps of the complexity of what you have presented as a simple right or wrong / moral or immoral subject which concerns literally millions of citizens of our country.

2007-09-18 10:17:43 · answer #2 · answered by .*. 6 · 0 0

The first response here was right on target. The point you made about having homo thoughts, feelings, and desires may not be a choice, but acting on them IS, is also an astute observation.

I agree with what you are saying 100%. I do not hate or fear homosexuals, but at the same time, I oppose it. My views are based more on moral principles than religious ones. Although I have a number of gay (male) friends - and one, in particular - it doesn't mean that I agree with how they conduct their sex lives. I can find their sexual practices utterly repulsive, yet still like them as individuals. The ones that can understand that distinction are still my friends; the ones who get all bent out of shape over it aren't!

Gays always go on and on about not wanting to "live a lie". Well, WHY should we straight people be forced to tell them what they WANT to hear - that we "accept" it, and think it's perfectly "normal" - when we don't believe it ourselves? Are we obligated to appease them, just because today's gay-happy media is attempting to brainwash us all into believing it's true?! That is NOT equality!

2007-09-18 11:51:49 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

"....Having homosexual thoughts, feeling and desires may not be a choice, but engaging in homosexual relationships or homosexual intercourse is."

Premarital sexual intercourse is also considered a sin, no?
How many christians abide by that christian doctrine? Im going to go out on a limb here and bet you a paycheck that more christians have premarital sex than the number of gays and lesbians on the planet combined.

AND Ill make you a deal... when the christian world can get catholic priests to stop having sex with children, I will CONSIDER not having homosexual intercourse... I bet another paycheck that day never comes, though.


2007-09-18 09:49:44 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

"For some people, Having homosexual thoughts, feeling and desires may not be a choice, but engaging in homosexual relationships or homosexual intercourse is."

What in the world do we do, remain celibate? I don't think so, I'm not a nun (or am I????)

But seriously, I don't mind, but if you're holding up a picket saying "Die Gays!" That's not respectful. Political correctness isn't thought police, it demands respect. You can have your opinions, but if you don't have anything nice to say...

It depends to the extent I guess. Do you disagree with it enough to try and put up laws against it? It depends on a lot for me, but if you can be -civilized- and not be a jerk, then I can at least respect that, even if I don't respect one's opinion on something.

2007-09-18 09:46:51 · answer #5 · answered by The Smile Man 6 · 3 0

There are lots of things I like and don't like in life, but I don't try to legislate them. Bigots are people who act on their beliefs and try to persecute others, not just people who may be uncomfortable with certain ideas. Long ago, our country decided that equality was a noble goal we should aspire to - where everyone was treated the same, no matter how they were born. If we, as a country, value that goal - then being homophobic (which truly means acting on your prejudices) ought to be something no one condones.

2007-09-18 16:04:30 · answer #6 · answered by ryeguy123a 3 · 0 0

If a person bases there choice to speak out based on either Religious or morality issues. The that person should take the time to re-evaluate their thought process. Wouldnt it be more prudent to conentrate on The Real" problems in our society? focus on Health care, Labor relations, The state of poverty that exsisits in our country... Stop focusing on "choices" that others make.

And I say this as well, If you are baseing any of your anti-homosexual arguments base on your "religious" belifes, The you need to really consider the teachings of Jesus Christ,
Jesus tryed to teach Love and understanding as well as forgiveness. So instead of spending time spreading your "Opinion" about the LGBT community, Why dont you try learning to understand those of us who fall into these categorys.

2007-09-18 10:18:35 · answer #7 · answered by Jennifer 3 · 0 0

You answered your own question. People can feel anyway they like to about homosexuality. They can come here and try to push their hate down our throats, and do, quite often. We have every right to right to tell them that they are wrong and their beliefs are bigoted.

Edited to add: We have straight people who come here and ask honest questions about homosexuality and who deliver eloquent opinions while still being respectful. More than that though, we have hate filled bigots who want nothing more than to tell us that we are sick and will burn in hell. People may think however they like and for whatever reason but when your intent is to spread hate speech, you forfeit your right to be treated with the respect we afford decent people.

edited again (because I'm particularly verbose this afternoon): More than anything, we respond as we do to people who publicly oppose homosexuality because we consider it to be none of their business. I personally do not want to think about what it is two straight people do together. What straight people do does not read as 'natural' to me because I am a lesbian. This doesn't mean that it is wrong, not by any stretch. It is right and natural for them and so they should do whatever makes them happy. If you oppose homosexuality, then do not practice the act itself. You and I as human beings have no authority to pronounce matters of the heart between conscenting adults as "wrong". We can only decide what it right for ourselves and follow that path.

2007-09-18 09:37:41 · answer #8 · answered by Legs 6 · 5 1

People are people, man. What they do in the privacy of their own bedrooms and homes is none of your business. Would you want people publically opposing you having sex with your wife? Or having heterosexual sex before marriage? I don't think so. A person's sexual orientation does not define them. Why are you so concerned about other people having sex? Or who they have it with? Keep politics where it belongs.
Outside the house, in the public domain.

Maybe it disturbs you because you harbor secret longings for men. Why else would you make that the subject of your question?!? You're obviously thinking about it.

2007-09-18 09:43:28 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I will say what I always do when someone asks this question. Go back and read what you just posted. Now, everywhere you used the word "homosexual" or "homosexuality", erase it and replace it with the word "interracial."

If you still think your argument holds up and no one can change your mind about it, then you have your answer.

2007-09-18 09:42:22 · answer #10 · answered by dreamchaser8860 6 · 2 0

many people feel that if you oppose gays then you are some kind of religious nut job and the only way is their way. They also seem to feel that having opposed views to theirs makes you some closed-minded bigot, when in fact many of them are very closed-minded because they refuse to see the other side of the issue and/or accept when their opinions are proven wrong.

2007-09-18 10:13:39 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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